well all you really have to do now is go to that same store and ask to speak with kenny, just to see who it is. strike up a convo and discreetly get into the pps. capture the respond and go home. 
Its funny that the few of you are laughing because you got a pair of shoes that were held for somebody else. If i knew you and told you i would hold you some kicks, i would sell them on purpose just so you could LOL at that!

People come to my store asking me to hold shoes and i tell them no for reasons like the 1 being discussed above.

No more integrity in the sneaker game, just greed.


Most of these places get one FSR of Kobes.

You're right. No more integrity, just greed.
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Well its up to YOU of what particular feeling you may have BUT as an employee, we will always get 1st dibs.

Without us, there would be no FA, FTL, FNL, etc. and if thats the case, consumers would have nowhere to go to get their beloved kobes.

Just saying.
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Couldn't the name on the box be there so the cashier knows who to give credit for the sale to?

I know the footlocker I go to keeps a list of the worker names next to the register with their employee number next to it.
Couldn't the name on the box be there so the cashier knows who to give credit for the sale to?

I know the footlocker I go to keeps a list of the worker names next to the register with their employee number next to it.

Possibly or that employee would put their number on the box OR like us, we either do that or ring up our own sales
Well its up to YOU of what particular feeling you may have BUT as an employee, we will always get 1st dibs.

Without us, there would be no FA, FTL, FNL, etc. and if thats the case, consumers would have nowhere to go to get their beloved kobes.

Just saying.
Im not sure where you work but isn't kind of a two way street where if there isn't consumers to buy products than employees don't have jobs? I agree that employees should get dibs as a perk to a degree though.
I don't really think I've had any big regrets with the 8s so far, at least out of the pairs that have released. Have the Xmas, Red Camos, Purple Fades, and Black EXTs now, and I'm pretty happy with just that, though I've owned and then passed on a couple other colorways. Only other pair I've considered getting were the Black/Gold Elites, but I'm not dying for them.
Well its up to YOU of what particular feeling you may have BUT as an employee, we will always get 1st dibs.

Without us, there would be no FA, FTL, FNL, etc. and if thats the case, consumers would have nowhere to go to get their beloved kobes.

Just saying.

Not really worth arguing over. If I want one release, a general one nonetheless, out of the ~12 that happen a month, it shouldn't be a problem for me to go to the store and pick up the shoe. I should be worried about customer a b or c before I'm worried about the employee writing his name on a box the week before the scheduled release date. Otherwise I've wasted my breath/time/energy even thinking I have a remote shot of buying a damn pair of shoes. And it's not like this happens once a month or a few times. This kind of shady stuff is happening to every single release. But I'm not even mad. I got my shoes. It's all good from my end. Just thought I'd share a funny pic/story :smokin
Well its up to YOU of what particular feeling you may have BUT as an employee, we will always get 1st dibs.

Without us, there would be no FA, FTL, FNL, etc. and if thats the case, consumers would have nowhere to go to get their beloved kobes.

Just saying.
It's great to be proud of ones job, but the way you describe it makes it seem as though without someone to hit a few register buttons to ring up shoes that sell themselves, the entire shoe industry would crash.  A lack of people to "sell" shoes is not and will not ever be an issue.  Nike/Jordan and other companies GIFT your companies with a license to print money when they ship you ANY shoes.  The only thing that keeps you in a job and your company afloat is charity.  The shoes would sell just as well if Nike simply decided to be the only distributor of shoes.

At the end of the day, all of the other companies such as Finish Line, Footlocker, Footaction, Eastbay, etc are not necessary.  Being a sales associate at one of the retail stores is a cushy, stand around, talk shoes, and attempt to sell customers some extras they don't need type job.  They ALWAYS have more people who want to work there and could replace the entire staff at a moments notice if necessary.  So your statement couldn't be more false about without you, we'd have no where to get our kobes.  Sure we should, directly from Nike without ever leaving the house.  Appreciate your job, but don't actually fool yourself into thinking you're irreplaceable, or even needed.
It's great to be proud of ones job, but the way you describe it makes it seem as though without someone to hit a few register buttons to ring up shoes that sell themselves, the entire shoe industry would crash.  A lack of people to "sell" shoes is not and will not ever be an issue.  Nike/Jordan and other companies GIFT your companies with a license to print money when they ship you ANY shoes.  The only thing that keeps you in a job and you any afloat is charity.  The shoes would sell just as well if Nike simply decided to be the only distributor of shoes.

At the end of the day, all of the other companies such as Finish Line, Footlocker, Footaction, Eastbay, etc are not necessary.  Being a sales associate at one of the retail stores is a cushy, stand around, talk shoes, and attempt to sell customers some extras they don't need type job.  They ALWAYS have more people who want to work there and could replace the entire staff at a moments notice if necessary.  So your statement couldn't be more false about without you, we'd have no where to get our kobes.  Sure we should, directly from Nike without ever leaving the house.  Appreciate your job, but don't actually fool yourself into thinking you're irreplaceable, or even needed.

Very well put saved me from having to take him off his high horse and bring him back to reality. He doesnt realize footlocker and others would profit twice as much by selling only online. No having to pay for propertyy, employees, resources, and misc. So no sir you are not the bread and butter of footlocker theyll in fact do better without you. i was a finish line manager and never hired anyone who was clueless about shoes which seems to be a lot of employees at ftl, champs and etc. I asked dude about pp kobes mind you they were on the shelves and tells me those havent been released in the US yet -_-
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Well its up to YOU of what particular feeling you may have BUT as an employee, we will always get 1st dibs.

Without us, there would be no FA, FTL, FNL, etc. and if thats the case, consumers would have nowhere to go to get their beloved kobes.

Just saying.
You're snapping homie.. I work in retail as well, and there's nothing more important than the consumer. A lot of people shop online, without stores, it would make "buying online" that much easier. Think about the convenience and the not having to wait in line factor. Yes, you guys may get first dibs, but that does not mean without local stores, people would not be able to buy product. In all reality, the stores where employees get the first dibs may lose customer base in the long run. With that type of quote, one can only assume you're a sales associate and not a manager... Food for thought.
Never ATTEMPTED to argue nor start paragraph long debates. I stated MY OPINION on it an thats all i have to say.

Glad you got your kobes sir!

Couldn't the name on the box be there so the cashier knows who to give credit for the sale to?

I know the footlocker I go to keeps a list of the worker names next to the register with their employee number next to it.
That's what I think the employee was doing with mine.

Nothing has sold out online this weekend but the green glows of course, either people are broke or saving their money for the fear pack. Good because I'm the 1st :lol: really need the blue pps to sit.
Well its up to YOU of what particular feeling you may have BUT as an employee, we will always get 1st dibs.

Without us, there would be no FA, FTL, FNL, etc. and if thats the case, consumers would have nowhere to go to get their beloved kobes.

Just saying.

Woke up to this foolish statement :lol:
An employee telling consumers that he is more important than the people spending money :rofl:

Someone dropping knowledge in here :lol:
Woke up to this foolish statement :lol:
An employee telling consumers that he is more important than the people spending money :rofl:

Someone dropping knowledge in here :lol:

Yea ok mod... Never said that i was. Please dont take my statement out of context. Im sure you get perks for being a NT employee correct?

Just like the rest of these dudes, im sure ALL of you all get some type of perks at your job.

Like i stated previously...

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