so then what are the red and white ones posted a few pages back as well?

i thought there was no confirmation to which was the one actually releasing.
It hasn't been confirmed as of yet which pair will release. I actually think the Red Snakes resemble the Red Boa more so than the black uppers and the red/white pair.
In from NDC yesterday. I dont buy blue shoes but this is my 1st pair. The comfort, the crimson and ice bottoms made me pull the trigger.


NEVER thought i would ever own ANY Kobe Bryant merchandise(not a fan), but i'm 5 pairs in, lol :rolleyes

I noticed these bluish stains/discolorations on the sole of my xmas pair similar on the BBs someone posted a while ago.. how do i remove them? SMH! I swear they weren't there  before.. Im trying to recall what couldve caused them, maybe my stepping on my car's break a lot? lol the paper inside the box bleeding? 
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I just checked on the xmas pair right now cause i havent worn them in a while... That ish greeted me 
I just checked all my non-GC xmas pairs. All pretty consistent with a dark spot near the big toe joint, where the rubber outsole ends and the carbon fiber starts. Nothing as noticeable as Five05 though. I wonder what it is.

Since the red/white on feet pic surface, just reaffirms that the black/red are indeed a PS. Whoever posted it and didn't provide a link to where he found it on NDC was sketchy. :smh:

NDC pic of red snake used for the PS...

So yeah this on July 27...
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Did you keep the paper inside the box? I always take that out and store the receipt with any paper insert inside a plastic bag used for comics, its easier to keep track of everything that way and I guess it helps prevent shoes with clear soles from yellowing but I do with it with every shoe I own.Plus that Kobe paper is almost wax like, I can't imagine that would be good for the shoe long term
The discoloration on the translucent sole is probably chemical reaction to the no-sew piece of the toe box or the reaction to the acid in the tissue paper. I'm no chemist or whatever so I'm just guessing lol.
I think most of my kobes are sitting on my floor or in the bin where my fiancé tosses all of my shoes that have been sitting around. only pair I can think that's not on the floor would be the volts.
Did you keep the paper inside the box? I always take that out and store the receipt with any paper insert inside a plastic bag used for comics, its easier to keep track of everything that way and I guess it helps prevent shoes with clear soles from yellowing but I do with it with every shoe I own. Plus that Kobe paper is almost wax like, I can't imagine that would be good for the shoe long term
Could be the tissue paper Cause The stain goes on like a streak where it touches the paper Smh. Got any idea how i can remove the stain? tried akcohol and laundry detergent to no avail.. Dont wanna sxrub the soles too much tho
Since the red/white on feet pic surface, just reaffirms that the black/red are indeed a PS. Whoever posted it and didn't provide a link to where he found it on NDC was sketchy. :smh:

NDC pic of red snake used for the PS...

So yeah this on July 27...

Thanks for the info TPG..

Just what I need, another red CW..

The white and that pattern is what sets it off tho.
Did you keep the paper inside the box? I always take that out and store the receipt with any paper insert inside a plastic bag used for comics, its easier to keep track of everything that way and I guess it helps prevent shoes with clear soles from yellowing but I do with it with every shoe I own. Plus that Kobe paper is almost wax like, I can't imagine that would be good for the shoe long term
Could be the tissue paper Cause The stain goes on like a streak where it touches the paper Smh. Got any idea how i can remove the stain? tried akcohol and laundry detergent to no avail.. Dont wanna sxrub the soles too much tho

I think its dye which is pretty much in there.
I wouldn't worry too much considering there are tons of colors on the shoe already and only a hater would stare at your shoes long enough to see the discoloration.

did a quick google for remove dye from rubber and got this:
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