Damn.. friends cousin could not find the volts, but got the red cameos.. i thought it would have been the other way around..
Damn.. friends cousin could not find the volts, but got the red cameos

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]but got the red cameos[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]  red cameos[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]cameos[/color]

but for real i think my HOH has alot of volts.... i would try to stock locate at ftl, i have the sku if you need it
Cant really tell from pics but are the Easter's soles white?


it's fiberglass
just went to my footlocker. they still have red camos pythons and blue lights. suppose to get limited amount of easters. may fire on red camos
just went to my footlocker. they still have red camos pythons and blue lights. suppose to get limited amount of easters. may fire on red camos

Sry must be the 30 yr old in me talkin

Cant see myself literally dressing like a clown like that up there is all

But u right, to each they's own

Nah the 25 yr old in me says wtf why would anyone wear those socks. And never have matched my socks to my shoes wont buy kobe socks to complete the shozoku either thats just DTM (doing to much)
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