Once again the kobe viii are sitting at the hoh by me. The red suedes (which are beautiful in person pics don't do em justice) and the red camos. And once again I don't have the money to spend, im suppose to ve saving to move but damb fambs this is hard on the soul :frown:

Hope to get the easters next week, these kobes are super comfy.
what kind of the camera do you use

Sry must be the 30 yr old in me talkin

Cant see myself literally dressing like a clown like that up there is all

But u right, to each they's own
Not a fan of the matching socks either, but in some cases it looks decent. Unfortunately this isn't one of those cases, lol.

Sry must be the 30 yr old in me talkin

Cant see myself literally dressing like a clown like that up there is all

But u right, to each they's own
lol. i'm 30 as well and i feel the opposite. I find myself still loving to goof like i'm still in my early 20's. Always having to remind myself "your 30 act your age"... then a little part of me inside dies.. :rofl:
why do people say dont sleep on a shoe? does it make them happy to know everyone has the pair they copped? if you get a pair you like good for you, theres no need to try to hype your own purchase! 
Yeah, everytime I read peoples response saying "Don't Sleep On DEEZ!" I automatically think in my head, this guy is just trying to justify his purchase and create even MORE hype for a shoe just because he bought them.

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some people might say dont sleep because pics dont do a shoe justice... if pics are meh to me, and in person Im impressed, I might say dont sleep or something to that extent.

Bothers me more when people keep claiming fake pairs are real.
not so great quality pic, but flawless lace swap...the crimson Xmas laces look great on the Red Camos.(they dont look orange like in this pic)
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Bringing out the beasts... gotta love this FL weather 90 degrees :x

People say pix don't do damn near every shoe justice though. Prime example is the LeBron X Jade. Cats were saying pix don't do them justice so I went to see them in person. They looked even worse in person to me.
Damn.. friends cousin could not find the volts, but got the red cameos.. i thought it would have been the other way around..
I have two pairs of YOTS red camos . Thinking about returning at least one because i got a hookup with discount on another pair. I'm debating to keep one because this shoe is too nice. Even broke my neck today with someone rockin them. I want to cop those BHM for my 8 collection. Also may have extra pair of sulfurs. I don't know why but those BHM are top 2 for me.
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