Official Nike Air Yeezy II "Red" Thread NO BOT TALK--NO FAKE/GM TALK-NO BUY/SELL/TRADE TALK-- Ye to

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Ok look, they understand everything you are putting fourth. You have 5 pairs of the ROs though.. If you didn't, and never met people like solesearchrsvp and Sammy, you would probably be complaining just like them. Think about it just for a second, and how unfair it is for people like you and Sammy to have 1-8 pairs when 99.999999999999% of the world that really want these, will never even have the opportunity to see a pair. Just saying..

Why is it unfair? If they have the connects then they deserve it. Not condoning the price but you don't have to have a Yeezy, it's not a necessity.
How the hell are you going to be salty that the next man has connections to shoes that you are trying to obtain? :rofl:
Comical...cats running around hating with a passion. :smh::smh:

1. The shoes belong to him
2. You have no idea what he did or how much he paid to get them.
3. Since they belong to him he can sell them for whatever he wishes.

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Why is it unfair? If they have the connects then they deserve it. Not condoning the price but you don't have to have a Yeezy, it's not a necessity.
It's unfair because a connect isn't something you work so hard for. It's not like a college degree or a diploma.. It's just something you are lucky to have. If they worked hard for their connect and everyone else could work hard and get the same kind of connect it would be fair. Until then, that aspect of the shoe game will be messed up. Also to all of you that are saying "That's life".. That's not my point. I'm explaining why people are complaining. I'm pretty sure I've gotten to the point in life where I realize that not everything is fair..
Chrispi kicks came in to show us he has feelings. I don't think he understands that we'll continue to breath and do other things with our lives if we don't get a pair.

Who tf would spend $15k on a pair of shoes that might release - and if speculation and rumors are correct...) might be released in larger quantities?

Your very wealthy so your spending 15 grand because you LOVE Air Yeezys and red is by far your favorite color (since the other 2 could be had for 12k less)... Now what? You wear them? Ok. Doesn't effect us.

I'm sure for many in here it's retail or bust because resale prices simply won't be an option after they're released.

I'm definitely not taking a day off from work to spend in the city finding and befriending "who you know's" just for this release.
Fairness has nothing do with it, 99.5% of you guys would be unwilling to pay what they paid to get the shoes.

Why stress about what you can't get your hands on, time to move on.
unless he has the pay immediately option on his buy it now's they're shill bidding.

Couldn't agree more!

I'm sure he has his buddies 'buy' them, then completes the transaction by noting it's been paid for via local pick up or something..
Fairness has nothing do with it, 99.5% of you guys would be unwilling to pay what they paid to get the shoes.
Why stress about what you can't get your hands on, time to move on.
Are you suggesting that you know that price?
I don't know the exact price they paid because they purchased in bulk but if I'd have to guess it was probably no less than 2,000-3,000 a pair depending on size.
I was going to keep quiet as well and just continue to read the mockery!

Sammy - THE NY DUDE as you guys are referring to him as, said you guys keep talking on blogs about shoes won't help you attain shoes. 

I think if any of you guys giving the opportunity would have taking it and listed for close if not more. 

You are the same kids who have paid 2800 for MVP lebron X
3500+ for champ packs, 1k+ for DB V and even 400+ for Bel Air Vs on the 1st day of release.

You HYPEBEAST have created a market that we can control. It's MONOPOLY. 
When I speak if this isn't yourself no need to comment, But this applies to 85% of the so called sneaker community. 

I rather be the kid you guys complain about then be the complainer!

All pairs have been sold LOCALLY!
The pairs were put up on ebay as sold. Shill bidding usually ends up with the seller (NEWYORKCOMPANY) relisting these exact shoes. YOU GUYS WONT SEE THAT.
They are gone!!


I learned at a young age it wasn't what I knew, It was who I knew.



That is only part of the problem, when reseller hypebeasts buy shoes at hypebeast prices, then want to make 2-3 times what they paid. Those sellers try to control the market and the market price. It's up to the buyer to buy no one is forcing anyone, this isn't food, gas, or anything we need to survive.

He is free to charge what he wants and the majority of the people can feel like the guy is an *** hole for his deceptive selling practices and price gouging. He is as much as a problem as the kids with unlimited money buying every limited release from Nike so they can break necks and have swag.
I don't know the exact price they paid because they purchased in bulk but if I'd have to guess it was probably no less than 2,000-3,000 a pair depending on size.
Ok so you don't know the price. Even if, I'd pay that price if I had the connect. On a side note @fabes_sole now has a pair as well..
It's the classic don't get mad at the drug dealers, it's the addicts fault. You can't have one without the other.
so they got the shoes ...

and whats the point complainin about the price? if you dont buy em , well someone obviously will

have you guys heard about rich people?..

while some of you were tryin to develop and make conspiracy theories , other people were puttin work to get em instead..

so the only one to blame is you, you cant hate on people for actualy gettin what you desire or havin access to the shoe..

seriously wouldnt take the chance to get multiple pairs and do exactly what theyre doin ?....

thats life... if you cant pay their price , then you move on ... it's a cold world

try to get em if they release and even then , you know the chances are gon to be slim ... so hrs later after missin a pair.. some of you will be back here hatin

some of you really actin like this shoe is your everything ... and this thread has turned into the "hater olympics" ...

and remember ... hating wont get you the shoes ...

they're just shoes
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Haha! This thread, literally, has not changed from the 1st Yeezy II thread. You still have dudes posting with desperation about a shoe they'll more or less never attain, much less have a shot at. Then you have the lurkers that randomly post when news hits. Closing it out, you have dudes trying to bash/downplay the shoe because they most likely never had them to begin with. What better (as well as typical) way then to degrade something that you don't have? I get & understand a post or two with an opinion as this model doesn't cater to everyone, but some of these posts are the same rhetoric from well over a year & a half ago from the exact same users. Some dudes are just meant to stay stagnant...
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Peru, it's not the question as if someone else would do the same thing, I think very few people would charge astronomical prices and then lie about $25,000 current market value.

The guy is a used car salesmen who doesn't care about anything but money, and will say anything to make a sale. Everyone else was selling for 4-5k and he comes in and wants 15k. It doesn't matter unless you were willing to pay 2k plus for the shoes as he didn't buy retail pairs and he spent about that or more for his pairs.
Haha! This thread, literally, has not changed from the 1st Yeezy II thread. You still have dudes posting with desperation about a shoe they'll more or less never attain, much less have a shot at. Then you have the lurkers that randomly post when news hits. Closing it out, you have dudes trying to bash/downplay the shoe because they most likely never had them to begin with. What better (as well as typical) way then to degrade something that you don't have? I get & understand a post or two with an opinion as this model doesn't cater to everyone, but some of these posts are the same rhetoric from well over a year & a half ago from the exact same users. Some dudes are just meant to stay stagnant...


I mean honestly this guy selling them for astronomical prices does not affect you in anyway, Look at it this way...if he was selling each pair for a $1 you'd still be complaining. A. because you would have been to late they would have sold out, and B. You'd still be salty and not have a pair... If you need to angry at anyone its Nike, and that also proves to be a waste of time because the shoes will still not be mass produced.

Yeezy's have really brought out the worst in the shoe buying community...its disgusting as blazerfan said
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