
Originally Posted by Proshares

Now this is the Ovie we all know. Where's my dude who said Theodore was still good or w/e?
if you think those goals were theodores fault youre on something ... maybe he could have stopped the one in the middle but damn you give a guy an open lane right at the goalie
... even fehr beat halak like that ...

mike green should not be a cap next year ... trade him for a young up and coming goalie and tell him to kick rocks ... him and schultz are completely useless on the ice and this playoff atmosphere is exposing them ... varlamov is absolutely despicable
Originally Posted by Proshares

Hopefully Vanek is ok for next season.


Caps/MTL was wild. I NEVER EVER thought i'd be rooting for MTL..but go get it in game 3.
Worse than rooting for the Yankees to me.
Tough loss in OT for the Canucks. Bad luck with the too many on the ice penalty in overtime as the puck came by the bench right at a shift change.

Keep the Kings off the PP and the Canucks will be straight.
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by Proshares

Now this is the Ovie we all know. Where's my dude who said Theodore was still good or w/e?
if you think those goals were theodores fault youre on something ... maybe he could have stopped the one in the middle but damn you give a guy an open lane right at the goalie
... even fehr beat halak like that ...

mike green should not be a cap next year ... trade him for a young up and coming goalie and tell him to kick rocks ... him and schultz are completely useless on the ice and this playoff atmosphere is exposing them ... varlamov is absolutely despicable
The last 3 shots Theodore has seen, he's let in.....I 100% agree with Boudreau's decision to pull him after the 2nd goal.  Boudreau said he made the move to re-energize the crowd and to wake-up his team.  If the Caps lost, this move would have been scrutinized beyond belief....they won, so now we have a goalie controversy
.  But, I'll take the "W" and the goalie controversy any day of the week over losing and knowing who is starting for game 3. 

And Green shouldn't be a Cap next year??? 
  I guess we can put Semin in that same boat since he hasn't shown up as well, right?  Mike Green played phenomenal hockey all year.  Yeah, he needs to step it up....but so do a lot of other guys on the team.  He'll get it together.  He's pressing right now, but he just needs to play "his" game.  The Mike Green we saw post-Olympics was arguably the best player on the roster and may have solidified his claim for the Norris.  There's a lot of hockey yet to be played, so it's a bit unfair IMO to jump on the dudes neck after 2 games....if he plays the whole series like this, then can gripe all you want.  Right now, it's too early. 
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by Proshares

Now this is the Ovie we all know. Where's my dude who said Theodore was still good or w/e?
if you think those goals were theodores fault youre on something ... maybe he could have stopped the one in the middle but damn you give a guy an open lane right at the goalie
... even fehr beat halak like that ...

mike green should not be a cap next year ... trade him for a young up and coming goalie and tell him to kick rocks ... him and schultz are completely useless on the ice and this playoff atmosphere is exposing them ... varlamov is absolutely despicable
Those were soft $$% goals man, you have to pull him when he let's those. Also it would be so foolish and near sighted to trade Mike Green, if there is one thing obvious in this game, is that in todays NHL having that puck moving, athletic defensive men is imperative to winning a cup. Also Semyon Varlamov is an up and coming goalie, he is still the top rated prospect in hockey according to  
It's still pisses me off to this day Theodore has Iginla's MVP trophy. 
did yall forget there is a salary cap in hockey? it is impossible to keep semin, ovi, green and backstrom ... unless green takes a pay cut or ovi convinces semin to not seek star money, theres no way you can keep all 4 ... we dont need a "scoring" d-man who doesnt play defense ... period

as for the goalie situation, if you honestly believe varlamov is better than theodore you are blind ...
I think Detroit comes out and takes a starngle hold on the series today. They need to. No need to let them hang around and build confidence. Hank and Dats are playing now Franzen needs to show up. Tuzzi has been so good lately too. Hate Adelkader becuz he is a Sparty but he brings a great deal on energy to this team and is playing like Helm two years ago.
Big game today in Ottawa. The Pens need to steal back home ice and the rest of the team needs to show up, Crosby can't be expected to do it all again. I am really getting tired of MAF and his horrendous play. This guy needs to step up, lets go Pens!!
man that caps game was insane...classic playoffs. halak lost focus down the stretch there.
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

did yall forget there is a salary cap in hockey? it is impossible to keep semin, ovi, green and backstrom ... unless green takes a pay cut or ovi convinces semin to not seek star money, theres no way you can keep all 4 ... we dont need a "scoring" d-man who doesnt play defense ... period

as for the goalie situation, if you honestly believe varlamov is better than theodore you are blind ...

Semin is probably the odd man out.  He signed a 1 year deal that runs though 2011.  Backstrom is going to get PAID.  Caps have enough flexibility w. the salary cap to where it's not a problem to have Ovechkin signed to a mega-deal, Green getting his 5 mil a year, and Backstrom probably getting something in the 6-7 mil range.  The Semin situation is going to be interesting to watch because he could have the same fate as Ilya Kovalchuk where he's traded to bring in prospects.  He's making 6 mil this year, and I highly doubt he takes a paycut for the betterment of the team. 

Where were your complaints about Mike Green prior to these two games?  The criticism will be warranted if he keeps his sub-par play throughout the series...but it's only been 2 games.  Let me were one of the ones writing of Ovechkin after his stinker in game 1, right?  Mike Green is ESSENTIAL to this team's success.  His overall defense has gotten a lot better and he's far and away the best offensive defenseman in the NHL.  But you want to get rid of him? 

And to touch on the goalies....Theo had a nice run after the New Year, but him letting in soft goals is nothing new.  Varlamov is the better goalie and let's not forget how well he was playing BEFORE he got hurt.  He has a ridiculous upside, but his health has been up/down in his tenure in DC.  If you're going to say Theo is the better goalie, come thru with a reason as to why...don't just leave a blanket statement with zero explanation...I'm curious. 
I am loving this back and forth bickering between Caps fans. Double J's as always is making sense. Let's reserve throwing Green under the bus until he is absent for more than 2 games
I would take half of the backup goalies in the league to start my playoff series than have to rely on Theodore's fragile self. You can count on him for 1 or 2 soft goals per game. There's nothing you can tell me that can convince me otherwise. Living off basically two great years in his career. Hell outta here. You wanna get rid of Green? Why not tell the other 5 defensemen to let their balls drop and initiate some contact and stop creeping in and getting beat on the rush back.
Originally Posted by Never Seen B4

I am loving this back and forth bickering between Caps fans. Double J's as always is making sense. Let's reserve throwing Green under the bus until he is absent for more than 2 games

Schultz and Green have to play do a lot of other guys on the team.  To place the blame solely on Green for MANY defensive lapses and errors is unfair.  We'll see how the pairing rebounds in game 3. 

*Oh...and I'm real happy to be wrong on John Carlson and how he'd fare in the post season.  He's been the best player on the defense, and this kid is going to be a stud.  I wonder if he makes Karl Alzner expendable?  Carlson >>>>>>>>> Alzner

I would take half of the backup goalies in the league to start my playoff series than have to rely on Theodore's fragile self. You can count on him for 1 or 2 soft goals per game. There's nothing you can tell me that can convince me otherwise. Living off basically two great years in his career. Hell outta here.

co-sign on everything.... you follow Brendan Shanahan on Twitter?  If you have questions he always writes back in a DM or on your timeline...he's witty as hell too. 
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