Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

2nd Round baby

JR with 4 points in the game, clutch
JR is the MAN

(1)Montreal vs (6)Philadelphia
(2)Pittsburgh vs (5)New York Rangers

(1)Detroit vs (6)Colorado
(2)San Jose vs (5)Dallas

My Picks:

San Jose

Stanley Cup Finals: Pittsburgh Vs San Jose
What a series between the Caps and Flyers....

[sheed] Both teams played hard [/sheed]

that being said, the Flyers 2nd goal should not have counted. Thoresen bull-rushed Morrisonn straight into Huet, and it should have been a goalie interferencecalled on Thoresen. Reason being, the EXACT same thing was called on Kozlov back in game 4, right before the OT started. Why wasn't this goal waved off bythe ref?

I have no problem w. the Poti tripping penalty in OT. Caps dodged a bullet because Erskine blatantly tripped Kappanen right infront of the Flyers bench in OT,and nothing was called on that. We got lucky, but what can you do if you do it again? Refs HAD to blow the whistle on that.

Anyways, I'm real proud of this Caps team. I wish that things could have turned out differently, but when you look at the big picture, it's easy to seethat the future is bright for this franchise. They are real young, and like the Penguins last year, they will learn from this and come back even better nextseason.

I've been hard on Eminger all season, but I think he has made himself into a top 5-6 d-man on this team. I would love to see him out of the doghouse forgood, and given a legit shot and getting regular PT next season. Dude had an AWESOME series.

Well, now the real hockey fan comes out in me....I'm not really attached to any of these teams (I have a friend who plays on the Sharks), so it's goingto be fun to sit back and enjoy the rest of the playoffs. Actually, I hope Pittsburgh is eliminated.
They are a juggernaut, so that may be a tall task...

Here's to the Caps and their GREAT season

*edit* I'm jumping on the Mike Richards bandwagon....i'm going to really follow this kid from here on out. I knew he was good before the series, butthis was my first time REALLY having a close look at how he plays. He's the real deal, and will be a Selke winner many times over. I love his approach tothe game....
Y'all crazy to pick Colorado over Detroit. I understand Jose is having some sort of resurgence, but that is of little importance... Unless he's playinglike Jiggy was back when they swept the wings, this one comes down to the better team winning, cuz neither team is over physical or over finesse... Detroitwins this one in 5 or 6, then its on to face San Jose...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What a series between the Caps and Flyers....

[sheed] Both teams played hard [/sheed]

that being said, the Flyers 2nd goal should not have counted. Thoresen bull-rushed Morrisonn straight into Huet, and it should have been a goalie interference called on Thoresen. Reason being, the EXACT same thing was called on Kozlov back in game 4, right before the OT started. Why wasn't this goal waved off by the ref?

I have no problem w. the Poti tripping penalty in OT. Caps dodged a bullet because Erskine blatantly tripped Kappanen right infront of the Flyers bench in OT, and nothing was called on that. We got lucky, but what can you do if you do it again? Refs HAD to blow the whistle on that.

Anyways, I'm real proud of this Caps team. I wish that things could have turned out differently, but when you look at the big picture, it's easy to see that the future is bright for this franchise. They are real young, and like the Penguins last year, they will learn from this and come back even better next season.

I've been hard on Eminger all season, but I think he has made himself into a top 5-6 d-man on this team. I would love to see him out of the doghouse for good, and given a legit shot and getting regular PT next season. Dude had an AWESOME series.

Well, now the real hockey fan comes out in me....I'm not really attached to any of these teams (I have a friend who plays on the Sharks), so it's going to be fun to sit back and enjoy the rest of the playoffs. Actually, I hope Pittsburgh is eliminated.
They are a juggernaut, so that may be a tall task...

Here's to the Caps and their GREAT season

*edit* I'm jumping on the Mike Richards bandwagon....i'm going to really follow this kid from here on out. I knew he was good before the series, but this was my first time REALLY having a close look at how he plays. He's the real deal, and will be a Selke winner many times over. I love his approach to the game....

Thoresen didnt bull rush Morrison, they were both going hard and Morrison tried to stop it's pretty clear
the Caps future looks bright but if thiswas just a flash in the pan then watch how quickly Washington fans go back to not supporting their team

and Richards is a beast, Carter is a Roenick in the making also

Flyers are going to be around for a long time, god if we only had Gagne right now
can not stop watching it

but i got to give it up for ovy, even if he did dive, he is a hell of a player
Thoresen didnt bull rush Morrison, they were both going hard and Morrison tried to stop it's pretty clear

Thoresen ran straight into the replay

should have been a penalty....same thing happened to Kozlov and he got 2 minutes for goalie interference....

god if we only had Gagne right now

I wonder if this guy will ever be 100%? But ur right...this team with a healthy Gagne is going to be around for a long time
Two great games last night! What a goal to end that game in Washington. I'm a little sad that Ovy won't be going against Crosby, but I think a serieswith Philly will be more exciting.

And what about those Sharks! All I hear on ESPN all day yesterday is Calgary is going to win, the Sharks can't compete with all the Physical play. And whatdo they do? 4 goals in 9 minutes! Wilson must have lit a fire under Roenick b/c he was smokin' last night. Should be a great series with Dallas, especiallyhow that last game of the season went(100 + PIMS). Let's hope that game turned on a switch, and we roll through Dallas.

Let's Go Sharks!
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I've been hard on Eminger all season, but I think he has made himself into a top 5-6 d-man on this team. I would love to see him out of the doghouse for good, and given a legit shot and getting regular PT next season. Dude had an AWESOME series.

*edit* I'm jumping on the Mike Richards bandwagon....i'm going to really follow this kid from here on out. I knew he was good before the series, but this was my first time REALLY having a close look at how he plays. He's the real deal, and will be a Selke winner many times over. I love his approach to the game....
.......Remember our convo earlier in the NHL thread about Green>Eminger?
Istill stand by my original comments of whatever it was I said earlier in that thread I'm just glad you saw that Eminger is not a bust

The way Richards carries himself off the ice is also something to appreciate. Real humble guy that will take his time to stop and sign autographs foreveryone and talk to them as well. Classy guy.......

It SHOULD have been a penalty on Thorensen's goal but there's nothing you can do now I suppose.

Reason I took Colorado over Detroit is strictly based on the play of each team in the 1st round. Minnesota is a hard barn to win in, but Colorado got thejob done. Detroit didn't look anywhere near good in their series vs Nashville. Even though I've been a huge fan of Osgood since I was a young buck, Istill want and think the Av's will take this series. Either way, it's going to be a crazy series
Bollocks. Minnesota ain't the easiest place, but it's not terribly hard, especially when the team thats playing isn't the most experienced when itcomes to playoffs... especially in the net. That's what the difference was, really. The grind out style that the playoffs is wasn't suited forthe Wild,and their goalie, who gave up almost 3 a game in the regular season, stayed on par. Offense slows in the playoffs, and they didn't have enough defense tomake up for it themselves.

Anyway, in the next round, the Wings and Avs are matched up well. Jose is playing well, but so is Ozzie. However the Wings Depth are WAY too much for the Avs,given they've had healthy scratches that are good enough to start elsewhere, AND they've got a full 4 lines that really play well, especially sinceDMac has come back from hell.

Wings in 6, but I really think it should be 5
Glad my Sharks were able to man up and play good in game 7. JR is that dude. I was pissed when i seen him as a healthy scratch for game 6 but he came up biglast night. Gotta keep that intensity up for the next series. It's going to be brutal. I cant wait for the game on Friday. Time to get buck nutty!!!!! GoSharks!!!!!

Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I've been hard on Eminger all season, but I think he has made himself into a top 5-6 d-man on this team. I would love to see him out of the doghouse for good, and given a legit shot and getting regular PT next season. Dude had an AWESOME series.

*edit* I'm jumping on the Mike Richards bandwagon....i'm going to really follow this kid from here on out. I knew he was good before the series, but this was my first time REALLY having a close look at how he plays. He's the real deal, and will be a Selke winner many times over. I love his approach to the game....
.......Remember our convo earlier in the NHL thread about Green>Eminger?
I still stand by my original comments of whatever it was I said earlier in that thread I'm just glad you saw that Eminger is not a bust

The way Richards carries himself off the ice is also something to appreciate. Real humble guy that will take his time to stop and sign autographs for everyone and talk to them as well. Classy guy.......

It SHOULD have been a penalty on Thorensen's goal but there's nothing you can do now I suppose.

Reason I took Colorado over Detroit is strictly based on the play of each team in the 1st round. Minnesota is a hard barn to win in, but Colorado got the job done. Detroit didn't look anywhere near good in their series vs Nashville. Even though I've been a huge fan of Osgood since I was a young buck, I still want and think the Av's will take this series. Either way, it's going to be a crazy series
CQuan...we're 3/3 now....
Gotta love Barry Melrose and his hate for the Red Wings. Picking against them AGAIN. That makes 5 straight series that he said the Wings would lose. Only 1 sofar. He is so bitter that he didn't get their HC job years ago. It is really sickening.

I really cannot see how Detroit loses this series. Hasek is out of the net which will cut down on garbage goals. The dude doesn't have it any more. Ozziehas been solid this entire year and should have gotten the nod. The Wings are getting healthy and Cleary is starting to get his legs back. They are going tooverwhelm Jose. BabCOCK has seen that switching lineups hurts the team and will not take Hank and Dats off their #1 line with Holmer. Hudler has finally gottenone in the back of the net and so has Filpulla. You guys do realize that dan Ellis was INSANE the last month of the season and Detroit wore him down. Expectthe same against Jose.
Spot on, Newbs24.

Barry Melrose always acts as if he thinks Detroit is a good team, but he almost NEVER picks them to win. It's always boggled my mind. I can'tunderstand why he's so pissed, he's a career .500 coach. I guess he thought since he coached Adirondack he should have gotten the nod. Dah well. @@!!him, too.

Anyway, back to the lecture at hand. Dan Ellis stopped what amounted to something like, ohhh.... 700 cases of pucks (I believe there are 100 per case) thrownat him by the Wings. Nashville plays better defense than the Avs, strictly basing things off the PP. Detroit will KILL the Avs on the PP. A team that has onlyan 81% PK is not really even close to the Wings. This series, if it goes over 5 games, will be solely on the passion of Sakic, Forsberg and Foote.

I picked wings in 6, but think this is really the Wings best chance to sweep a series.

Everyone got all excited about Minnesota, who was a top seed only because Calgary couldn't play with any consistency and Colorado spent most of its seasonon the injury list. Off their top line, 2/3 of which was extremely inconsistent all season, the entire team is a cast of no names..

Most expert predictions are pretty laughable, pointing to the Wings Old guys (but for some reason, not Forsberg, Sakic or Foote). Colorado has okay scoring butwill be putting themselves in danger if they try to open it up against us. Their defense is slower and less puck proficient and their goaltending is every bitas likely to implode as Ozzie. In fact, Theodore could only dream of being as consistent as Osgood, and the defense of the Avs is not very good. Personally, Ithink the Nashville D was better at moving the puck and neutralizing odd man rushes.

As for reuniting the old gang, by the end of the Stevie-Shanny era I was begging for some new blood to come in and lead the team. Sakic may still be a gem butthis team is not about to pull off one last hurrah. The supporting cast is nowhere close to the Tanguays the Drurys, the Lemieux, and Uwe Krupps of old...

The "experts" and Melrose don't like us, I think that's going to work in our favor, we almost never do well with supremely high expectations.
i have to throw my support to the sharks and my favorite player, big joe thornton.
^ I concur.

Pretty much hit on everything. Plus, the "old guys" we have are playing great. Lidstrom and Rafalski is the best defensive pair in hockey and aredeadly on the PP. Chelli is still doing the damn thing. Draper is getting up their in age yet is still one of the best defensive forwards and plays at such ahigh level still. Its not like they are laboring out there or showing their age. After that, you have everybody else around the age of 30 or younger playingvery well. I love the reasons why people pick against us. This team is healthy and that is a big difference from teams in the past 3 or so years.

Sucks that Stuart is out for Game 1 with his baby being born. Hopefully we won't miss him too much.
most people probably dont know this about Mike Richards...

he turned down a pretty lucrative car deal from a dealership in Philly b/c he didnt want his teammates seeing him on billboards and ads b/c he didn't thinkit was fair to them b/c it's a team game and everyone is important and he didn't want the team to think he was more important then anyone else

real real real classy guy
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Barry Melrose always acts as if he thinks Detroit is a good team, but he almost NEVER picks them to win. It's always boggled my mind. I can't understand why he's so pissed
He always hates on the Rangers too.....I don't get it either
Ahem... Why has nobody upped this yet?

EDIT: Soooo... After one period, I'm gonna have to go ahead and reiterate that this is prolly Detroit's best chance at a Sweep. I know the Avs areplaying without Forsberg, but should that make you look THAT bad? They got a nice lil score to jump out 1-0, after Detroit had basically dominated play, thenDetroit actually got angry, forced three penalties, AND scored on 3 out of their next 7 shots, including one like 10 seconds into a power play.

The Avs are overmatched defensively. They really don't have the horses to contain the constant onslaught...
Barry Melrose hates everyone until they win then he does nothing but praises them. All year when the Devils won the cup in 03 and 00 he did nothing but putthem down then we won both years and he's like they've been one of the best teams all year, he's a moron and looks like one to.
Some caps rumors/news...

*Huet is gonna be the most sough-after goalie on the market this offseason. There are no reliable #1's out there other than him. He is due a HUGEpayday...whether he gets it from the caps, is up in the air. If they don't resign Huet, Ray Emery's name has popped up as a potential replacement.

*Kolzig is likely done in DC

*Morrisonn played the past couple of weeks with a broken jaw....Boyd Gordon played on a torn hamstring...Mike Green had a hip pointer...and Ovechkin had anundisclosed injury which didn't allow him to practice for the last month.
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