OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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I forgot Amare was monster dunking that crotch too. Damn he was in his prime during that time. Boy he was finishing with authority at that hole too, and 1 fool.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I saw this when it was originally posted and damn near spit my water out, almost happened again re-reading it, so many quotables "monster dunking that crotch" "finishing with authority at that hole" & "and 1 fool" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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But you are pumped for the Cubs this year?

Hell yeah! Cubbies all the way! Just hope that craptastic franchise in Houston falters once again.


We aineen division rivals no more
Baseball would've been dope if it adopted the NFL's lax drug testing policy. Instead they decided to go on a witch hunt and smear anyone linked to PEDs. Now we have a boring product consisting of extremely talented pitchers and dudes that can barely hit.
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Peyton got these Woman's groups calling for him to lose endorsements. Not good. It's 2 things that standout to me in this situation. Even the teammate that Peyton said he was mooning says that's BS. If your teammate don't have your back then it's gotta be a lie. And how Peyton had continued to go at this lady years later. To me it sounds like it was a dumb/disgusting thing to do but I still don't know how serious it was. At the time he shoulda got more heat for it but news and media was no where as big as it is now. I can't kill Peyton right now for something he did at 19 but he shoulda owned up to it way back and apologized and maybe it wouldn't be a story right now.
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One of the worst parts of that story to me is how Archie was trying to insinuate the doctor was a garden tool and sleeping around with black athletes to sully her name :smh:
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One of the worst parts of that story to me is how Archie was trying to insinuate the doctor was a garden tool and sleeping around with black athletes to sully her name :smh:

Oh wow. Where is that part at?

According to the document, during a conversation between Archie Manning and the ghostwriter, the elder Manning referred to Naughright as "kinda trashy," "had a vulgar mouth," and spent a lot of time "out with a lot of black guys and up in the dorm." The document states that Archie Manning later admitted during a deposition that his comments were derogatory.
Feel sorry for WSH fans having to give Kurt that contract. Dude clearly was saving himself and I cant be mad at do the same :pimp: :lol:
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I forgot Amare was monster dunking that crotch too. Damn he was in his prime during that time. Boy he was finishing with authority at that hole too, and 1 fool.
I saw this when it was originally posted and damn near spit my water out, almost happened again re-reading it, so many quotables "monster dunking that crotch" "finishing with authority at that hole" & "and 1 fool"
I yelled at "and 1 fool."
Peyton got these Woman's groups calling for him to lose endorsements. Not good. It's 2 things that standout to me in this situation. Even the teammate that Peyton said he was mooning says that's BS. If your teammate don't have your back then it's gotta be a lie. And how Peyton had continued to go at this lady years later. To me it sounds like it was a dumb/disgusting thing to do but I still don't know how serious it was. At the time he shoulda got more heat for it but news and media was no where as big as it is now. I can't kill Peyton right now for something he did at 19 but he shoulda owned up to it way back and apologized and maybe it wouldn't be a story right now.

Agree with the latter part. Archie looks worse than anyone almost
I definitely don't **** with Archie at all anymore.

It sucks because the predictable *** news cycle is claiming another victim. And I REALLY prefer not to turn heel on #18 when this should be the time we celebrate him for a special career. Having said that, I'm not gonna bury my head in the sand and ignore the noise like so many folks are doing with this story. 

I kept saying the HGH investigation was fascinating to me because of Al Jazeera being involved + 'Murica's reaction and perception to it. Don't 'eem care if any of those dudes were taking it or not. But now after catching up with all these details on how the Tennessee incident got handled, I'm finally realizing how Peyton Manning is theeeeee most protected athlete in America.

20 years of cultivating a GREAT relationship with the media, remembering each one of those dorks names that asked him questions at press conferences, being Middle America's favorite spokesman, the "aw shucks" stuff when it's awkward, and having the good ol' boy network take care of you when it's necessary. Also being great at what he does while keeping a spotless reputation. 20 years of all that **** has really paid dividends. Sounds like I'm throwing plenty of shade at dude, but I actually find it lowkey impressive.

It also hit me how manipulation runs deep in the Manning family DNA, but we either never saw it or chose to look the other way. Didn't have any issue with it at the time and still don't, but just look at how Archie finessed the draft to have Eli go to the Giants. That got played as a football father looking out for his son from being in a toxic situation. Relatively speaking, they all came out unscathed in that too.

EDIT: [redacted] 

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