OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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Oh my god amlbsfkhsdklfgl;sjglejlgegg

Osweiler to Hopkins next year
stawph it peep game.
good game @franc and bronco fans
good game dsa. im sure they will play again. hope gronk is well.
@franc before the game and now after.
 i yelled 
Tough, great game.

Team put up a hell of a fight though. Great last drive there to tie the game at the end of the 4th. Stupid amount of injuries, I didn't see anyone mention Hightower being out as well. Once he went out, that really opened up the Broncos run game. Only so much you can do against a good squad without your top guys there.

Don't really care to get into a discussion about officiating, we all know it's **** and it doesn't really matter from here on out anyway. All these guys missing time...Jamie Collins, Amendola, Lewis, Hightower, Edelman...that's one thing. But If Gronk is done, the season is over.

GG Broncos fans. Great W for y'all. Brock needs to hold that spot, sorry Peyton.
good game dsk
I should've got into sports medicine. Automatically felt it was just a bruise/stinger. I'm usually in the same ballpark as the injury too.
SMH...looking at that DT 'holding' call and the Gronk PI call again...

:smh: @ everybody dabbing now.
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