But a reporter from Italy told D'Antoni in Italian he liked Marbury and the Knicks coach laughed and retorted in Italian, "You like Marbury?"


"His poise and his character is one of the big reasons we drafted him that high (sixth),"
That's what I love about the dude. He seems to have that swagger about him. Always knows what to say and how to say it. Hopefully ittranslates to his game.

And, Wilson Chandler looked great yesterday. I'm still not completely sold on the dude, but he looks like he has all the tools to be a very good startingSF in this league.
I like D'Antoni's demeanor....he's arrogant...and he believes in what he does and tells it like it is
I hope they can keep Marbury as far away from all the young players as they can, especially Gallinari and Chandler. Don't let Marbury's attitude andstupidity rub off on the developing guys, PLEASE! Him being around the team during the summer league, in front of the camera, it is ALL BAD NEWS. Get thisclown outta here.

If that means buying him out and being less "competetive"
this year, then I'm fine with that. I just don't want him influencingthe future of this franchise in ANY way, shape, or form.
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

I hope they can keep Marbury as far away from all the young players as they can, especially Gallinari and Chandler. Don't let Marbury's attitude and stupidity rub off on the developing guys, PLEASE! Him being around the team during the summer league, in front of the camera, it is ALL BAD NEWS. Get this clown outta here.

If that means buying him out and being less "competetive"
this year, then I'm fine with that. I just don't want him influencing the future of this franchise in ANY way, shape, or form.

My thoughts exactly.
^ Are you questioning whether or not Marbury has a poor, selfish attitude? I'm confused at what you're trying to imply...
What would people think about a front court at times of...


Athletic, while small...they won't get out rebounded....and we can run. In the half court set, the floor can be spaced, and we can move the ball sharplyand cut hard. And we'll have guys who can shoot the ball. Granted, not great...but still can space the floor and make defenders honor them.

I still do have hopes for Curry, IF in shape...that is a huge if though.

Could care less about Z Bo.
allen, I think that'd be an interesting lineup to see. There certainly should be time to mix things up and throw out multiple lineups.

Seeing that front court run the floor would be fun on the offensive end. I'd be more concerned about them defensively.
^hurt where??

i know he came out in the fourth cuz he was tired, i aint know he got injured
bonez: he isn't hurt seriously at all. All the young rookies are going through an adjustment period to the work load and physicality of NBA basketball.Other rookies missing games at this stage are Rose, Beasley, EG, and those are just a few of the bigger names.

Would you call all of them frail as well?

Nothing to worry about here with injuries. He is adjusting to 2 a day practices and has been straining because of it, just like any other 19 yr old. Danilo isa tough, hard-working player. Expect him to play in the rest of the Knicks summer league games.
Originally Posted by bonez from brooklyn

Danillo got hurt in his first summer league game, I can see how the frail Italian is going to be already...

so did eric gordon and derick rose...your point?? only 1 player in the league wouldnt have a sore back after banging down low with tractor traylor
...cue ari gold gif
so much for getting more out of the clips for z-bo

camby for a second round pick....i dunno what the clippers are doing here...while camby is a great defender and rebounder....he is far from the offensive postpresence that either brand or z-bo are

looks like we're gonna have to find another taker for z-bo...
unless they plan on using MC as a chip in another trade, i really don't see how this makes sense for the clips

him playing the four only gives him more of an excuse to jack up more shots from 20 feet out

i'll trade mc for zach randolph right now
I hope the clips made this move with intentions to still get Z-BO cause camby would definitely feel a need in the new knick system minus the long rangerjumpers he occasionally falls in love with.
camby would definitely fill a void we have...but i dont think he is on the knick's radar at all...he fits in d'antoni's system even less that z-boor curry does
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