I really dont know which of the prospects coming out this year would fit our team the best though. We need a MOBILE BIG MAN more than anything, I know that much
I'd like

Rose, Beasley, Lopez...

so make that the top 3
...cuz after that it's Gordon, Bayless andthen after that you might as well have the 13th pick and the value would be as good as the 8th pick or so, at least imo.

I know people like Gordon, but he's a scorer and not much else...not really what we need or I want in the future.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I really dont know which of the prospects coming out this year would fit our team the best though. We need a MOBILE BIG MAN more than anything, I know that much
I'd like

Rose, Beasley, Lopez...

so make that the top 3
...cuz after that it's Gordon, Bayless and then after that you might as well have the 13th pick and the value would be as good as the 8th pick or so, at least imo.

I know people like Gordon, but he's a scorer and not much else...not really what we need or I want in the future.

We need Rose or Beasley in the worst way. Something to get the fans excited. And wish more of the fans would stop wanting a quick fix and go for whatmyself and allen3xis are talking about and rebuilding totally!!
I at least thought there was talk of NY and MIA just dealing together....i don't know what other contracts would need to be involved
The chances of us getting Beasley OR Rose is so slim its not even funny. I'll be praying on lottery night as well.
And wish more of the fans would stop wanting a quick fix and go for what myself and allen3xis are talking about and rebuilding totally!!
I'm not in NYC...Are there fans out there that actually don't want to rebuild correctly at this point?

On the draft...

I'd take Thabeet if we got stuck in the middle of the lottery, and be very happy about it
We have the 5th worst record right now...I'd say we'll either finish with the 4th, 5th or 6th worst...

so the chances aren't gona be great, but to land a top 2 pick...there still is hope
Thabeet is good money, only thing I'd be concerned with is if he can take the NYC media. We all know what happened with Channing 'CEO of Charmin'Frye.
Why do you guys have a problem with VC. True he's not what he once was, but he can still win games for us. I'll take him over curry any day.

Because he plays like he doesn't care. he did it in Toronto, and he's doing it now in Jersey.

Not to mention his ridiculous contract.

If any team trades for him they are stupid.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

And wish more of the fans would stop wanting a quick fix and go for what myself and allen3xis are talking about and rebuilding totally!!
I'm not in NYC...Are there fans out there that actually don't want to rebuild correctly at this point?

On the draft...

I'd take Thabeet if we got stuck in the middle of the lottery, and be very happy about it

Yeah man I mean even among us team Knicks members there are fans who actually want to make the playoffs! Why? I dont know. If you are truly a longsuffering Knick fan your mindset should be to see this team in the best position to win a championship. And making the playoffs this season does not improvethat position.
I didn't even know they played tonight, I was watching St. Johns make a fool of themselves as they have been for a while.

Which pathetic team shall I watch tonight ?
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I didn't even know they played tonight, I was watching St. Johns make a fool of themselves as they have been for a while.

Which pathetic team shall I watch tonight ?
low blow
*flips to the Knicks game.....see's Eddy Curry turn the ball over, Zach shooting jumpers over 2 people, and Q0Rich trying to do an NBA 2k8 reverse layupknowing damn well he lost his explosiveness ages ago

*flips to the St. Johns game, seeing the same shh where they barely can score 40 points in an entire game, the only thing they have going for them is that theycan play in Madison quare Garden.

I'm about to commit that.

Thank god for.....




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