Originally Posted by true 3 blue

@ what my team has become. I remember when this franchise was one of the elite in the east, now we're the laughingstock of the damn league and city.
the Patrick Ewing curse?
to all the NYK fans....STOP GOING TO THE GARDEN.....paying over a G for a courtside seat for an AWFUL product and he can't hold up a sign? did this guy geta refund? in fact all fans should get refunds for paying to watch this crap every night. the New York Knicks are being run by a tyrrant and the fans keeppaying him. stop paying him and maybe he'll pay attention.
I will be at the game on Sunday wearing a brown paper bag over my head, and a Kobe jersey.
it's a shame that Pat was our heart/soul for a decade + and got shipped away like that.

it's a shame that fans have to put up with this. i no longer even watch games rooting them on to win. it's just examples of good basketball vs. badbasketball to me. they play the type of ball that you videotape and tell your players not to do.
do the Knicks have some type of grudge against former players? Even Pat said he was waiting for a call from the Knicks to fill their assistant coachingvacancy.... at least bring in Oak or someone.....
^^^That has been posted like 10000X and it is terrible what they do to former legends. i we would have snagged Pat back in the day as an assistant, he would beready to take over the head coaching job for us right now, getting knowledge from hall of fame coaches Brown and Wilkens (NOT ISIAH). And there is nothing iwould love to see more than our best player ever lead this team to the playoffs (and beyond) and become one of our great coaches. Especially after the way weruthlessly, coldly, and pathetically dumped him for trash in his final contract year. But instead he is now haunting us. If Ewing dont get a job with theKnicks this curse will go on forever. We will find away to screw up a top 5 pick in a great draft, or give Curry an extension, etc. But trading Ewing waspathetic, and not offering him a job is pathetic as well.

Anyway is this walkout that i keep hearing about tonight? I like the passion but a +%%+*!@ walk will never work. I remember we tried one in the summer (eitherthe year we got Brown or the year after) and now 2 years later hes still here. Dolan still gets his $$$. We need to boycott games if we want to send a realmessage, and show we aint +%%+*!@ around and we want change.
ya Charles Dolan has to step in or something because I don't see how a team owner can be fired...... As for Isiah, great player, would make great scout,not so great GM or coach.... Personally I think Isiah's problem as coach is his somewhat "sweet" attitude, which is probably somewhat misleadingthe players..... If he could manage a team half as good as he could play back in the day, Knicks would be a playoff team right now........
Hily @+@$, Isiah is THE dumbest mother!@+$#*$ in the league

Curry goes out early and Lee goes in, he finishes with stats that takes 3 days for Curry to get in the 1st half alone and the Knicks are up by 13...Coincidence i think not

With Lee instead of Curry...

+ ball movement and total offense in geeneral

David Lee is our best big man. One can make the case off Rndolph who is terrific offensively, but make no mistake Lee is no joke on offense anymore. He hasgreat athletism which allows him to take bigger guys as demonstrated with Igalskis in the 1st half and his power allows him to take smaller guys like he didwith Newble and Vareajo. So while Randolph is better at offense Lee makes up for it by being a WAY better athlete and a WAY better defeender. So overall Lee isour best big man and hardest worker.

Yet bum!@$% Isiah keeps him on the bench behind guys (especially curry) who he is better than and who he works harder than. And Isiah will continue to giveCurry Lee's minutes in this half as well. Isiah is a HORRIBLE coach, he fails to realize no matter how good we are with Lee or how bad we are withoutCurry what helps the team and keeps doing the same @+@$. And worse yet he is starting to make David Lee want out of NY, which is a move that kills us for ourfuture cause Lee is the most important guy on this team that can make an impact post Isiah. GIVE LEE MINUTES!!!!
^^^Thats the truth cause unlike Randolph or Curry he is a team player and a leader

Curry as yall know i feel should be given no minutes whatsoever.

Randolph on the other hand until/if we find that defensive center should start along side Lee. He is a SICK offenive player and despite being a bad defender noone can question his lack of effort unlike Curry. Z Bo always plays hard and is always competing which is why despite being a terrible athlete and undersizedhe still gets mad boards. What holds him back is his lack of athletisism, his lack of D, and his lack of teamwork. Butt he is definitley to skilled to notstart.

But Rose should get more minutes as well. He shouldnt start but he should be the first big man off the bench and not +%+@$@! Curry!!!!

And SMH at the Cavs catching up right now and Lee still being left on the bench
Originally Posted by tupac003

How much does curry make? Yall should really buy that bum out.

PLEASE this guy deserves ZERO minutes. I am not saying he should come off the bench or get limited minutes. This fat *@$* should actually get ZERO minutes.i do not want him disgracing the orange and blue unis. The team is SOOO much better without him get him off this team ASAP

Anyway great game tonight

As yall read in my preious post. David Lee is our best big man and no doubt he should be starting. we need to keep this guy and give him some players towork with. I would LOVE if this offseason we can get that high pick (which we will) and pick my homie Derek Rose and keep Crawford at the 2 and than sign maboi Artest and play him at the 3 with a tiny but aggresive front court in Lee/Randolph unless we can sign a defensive center.

i really do love this guy. I love his game and his touch and his crossover andover all handling and his passing vision is VERY nice. Not to mention this guy is also becoming our leader out there. He is working hard on D, and is one guyon this team that I KNOW want to win and badly

Nate is THAT DUDE. I love this guy. I dont give a *@$* what people say about him he is still my favorite Knick. This guy is instant energy. He works his+$$@off and never loses steam, and although he is not great fundamentally on D his athletisism and aggressiveness and his stamina makes him a pest on D. And allteams need a pest. also this guy is an atheltic BEAST. He had one play today where he had a steal than went down for a foul, i swear he got down the wholecourt in 2 seconds, this motha is quick. And also on that sick steal and dunk. Nate was at half court and Newble (i think) did a lazy+$$@ pass and before youknew it Nate was already down the court picking off that pass. And than he rose for a HUGE jam.
Nates offensive game has been nice all year his jumpshot has been looking nice, he is also a smarter player, and he takes it in strong. I am notsaying in any way that he is a starting PG. I think if he continues to work hard he can potentially become one if he works like he did this summer at actuallyrunning the point. But he in no way shape or form should be in the dog house. Nate should get in AT LEAST 15 mins a night. He brings energy all the time andthat is what we need from him. Also right now although i like freddie Jones' game i think that Nate should start at the point if Steph is out. I likeJones' game but he is a back up SG. He cant start at the 2 cause hes only 6'2 and isnt really good enoguh, and he cant start at the point cause hes nota point guard, i would rather have the Seattle connection as the starting backcort if there is no Marbury.

But Nate tonight was

Also Rose plays hard and is a good veteran and most of all a team player. He should be our 1st big man off the bench. But i think with the absence of Stephand what should (but wont) be the absence of Curry. This team needs to cut Jerome James once and for all and look to pursue any defensive center to come offthe bench on this undersized front court and probably a point guard who can run the point well.

As yall know i still like Jeffries. I think he can still be good like he was with Washington. At 6'11 his versatility and athletisism is too valuable tolet go to waste, and despite his air ball FT he played nicely today. But on the contrary, props to Q for getting his J back (at least for a little) Maybe wecan see some glimpses of last years Q

Anyway, once again this game is worthless. Yalls know as well as i do that oncce again Isiah wont learn *@$*. He will continue to play Curry more minutesthan Lee, and probably even move nate and Rose back to the doghouse. FIRE ISIAH

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