Also for those of you who may havejumped back on Curry after one day, he is THE most useless excuse for a human being in the world. i can do better as an NBAcenter. Yalls see his statline?

16 points, 2 mother *#%$%!* rebounds, while getting 7 mother *#%$%!* turnovers, and only 1 assists and 0 blocks or steals.

The fact that this guy and Isiah still have NBA positions is terrible. And we are still *#%$%!* gonna keep both of them and act like nothing happened asalways. And i loved the way we were playing in the 1st quater

Not only did Eddy get more TOs that assists, steals, and blocks COMBINED (7x more to be exact)

but after tonights game we can add rebounding to those stats. An NBA center who starts and is expected to be a franchise player actually had more TOs thanrebounds, blocks, assists and steals COMBINED

no words for this but for Curry just a BIG

^LOL.....I actually kinda feel bad for Isiah now because the players are not trying. Sad thing is that he brought these players here and he has to beaccountable for that.
how much more can you take isiah really? nh i dont know how someone can take this much himulation. just step down already real talk
Isaiah really has a set of iron balls to cal out both his players AND fans for his miserable underachievement as a coach. He must be smoking hashish.
^Well I don't think he is wrong for calling out the players....but the fans....that was ridiculous. We have watched a lot of crap with this team evenbefore he was here so we have every right to complain when we pay our hard earned dollars to support this team.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^LOL.....I actually kinda feel bad for Isiah now because the players are not trying. Sad thing is that he brought these players here and he has to be accountable for that.
yup....... like I said earlier if Isiah is at fault at NYC then it is as a GM, not a coach...... great players don't necessarily make greatGM's. McHale, Jordan (the Kwame pick), now Isiah are a few examples........ If Lenny Wilkens & Larry Brown couldn't get it done as head coach.....did people really think Isiah would do any better with basically the same team?
^ Both LB and Brooklyn-born Lenny Wilkens each only got ONE year though! What kind of FO fires THREE former coach of the year winners (two of thembeing HOF coaches, Don Chaney being the other) in 3 consecutive seasons??

That's why me personally, I'm like get this dude (Zeke) the %@*$ outta here.

Ya'll getting brainwashed with all this "oh man, I kinda feel bad for Isiah" talk.
^ that's why I said he is at fault as a GM ....... but just looking at last season and this season so far, it should have been somewhat expected knowingthis franchise's recent history.... but I agree that at this point Isiah needs to go because of his front office decisions
one thing i gotta give him credit for. dude is a slick talker when he wants to be. got _s all sympathetic to his cause.

with that said, i'm not one of them. he's shown he cant run a team. at best this guy shoulda been a scout for draft picks cuz he does have a good eyefor talent.
I doubt this is legit but I heard a trade rumor of E. Curry & Q. Rich for Pau Gasol and that Pau is good friends with Isiah and wants to play in a bigmarket city like New York
^I agree man...I am not giving Isiah a pass as a coach because he is not great as a coach. But where he really has messed up is as GM as you said because hebrought all these players in. As someone said earlier his role with the team should just be a talent scout evaluator because the man can definitely draft.

Bulls Repeat...where did you hear this trade rumor?

EDIT: Gasol and Warrick?! Oh man I would do that in a heartbeat.
^Good stuff....I am not the bigest Gasol fan but at least dude will grab boards and play defense and I like Warricks game...he is athletic and plays hard.
I doubt this is legit but I heard a trade rumor of E. Curry & Q. Rich for Pau Gasol and that Pau is good friends with Isiah and wants to play in a big market city like New York

That's such a lopsided deal it isn't even way in hell does Memphis take on Eddy Curry and Q.Rich...I know that Warrick has falled out offavor, but I would have to think they hold on to Gasol AT LEAST until they get a better offer. They already have an underachieving 4/5 in Darko, so now theywant to bring Curry into the mix? Makes no sense. Also, Gasol is the reason why JCN came to the NBA/Grizzlies in the first place..
^Yeah Double J as much as I would do that deal in a heartbeat....I was thinking the same thing about the contracts. Why would Memphis take on those contractsand give up a player in Warrick who does not make that much at all?
ya it would be a bad trade for Memphis..... IMO they might be trying to build around Gay and Curry....... Eddy just needs a fresh start...... because he willnot be effective with the Knicks but could be effective on another team......... for instance Steve Nash is effective in the D'Antoni's offense, butIMO he isn't the best PG in the league. He's the 2nd best after Kidd.... although that's another discussion
im not sure how much credibility that rumor has but it gives us knicks fans that little hope of ridding curry for a way better player lol
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Curry was getting blasted on Mike and Mike this morning.
As they should. More TOs than boards, assists, blocks, + steals COMBINED USELESS

What kind of FO fires THREE former coach of the year winners (two of them being HOF coaches, Don Chaney being the other) in 3 consecutive seasons??
You're not actually telling me that Cheaney won a COY?? This guy was almost as bad of a coach as Isiah. And if im not mistaking wasnt he justour assistant coach and he took over aafter JVG bailed and than was like our coach for a year and a half??

And as for LB i was all for that move. LB was a great coach but it was a bad signing from the beginning. We did not have ANY Brown players. Brown cant coach ateam with a Marbury at the point or a Curry. He needs a big passing PG (Eric Snow) and a defenive center (anti Curry) either Zeke was gonna have to go orBrown. Especailly with all the clashings between Brown/Marbury/Isiah. But honestly right now i wish Isiah would have left instead of Brown cause AT LEAST iknow we wouldnt have Curry.
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