Mullin Wants No Part Of Garden

December 11, 2007 - 5:39 am
New York Post -
Despite the lure of running his beloved, hometown Knicks, Warrior GM Chris Mullin recently told confidants he's leery of working for the moribund franchise, feeling it could be too big a task to turn around.

The Post reported exclusively during Thanksgiving week a Knicks intermediary casually gauged his interest in the Knick GM job if it became available this offseason while he attended Nov. 20's Warrior-Knick game.

With the sexual-harassment suit officially settled yesterday, Thomas could be as vulnerable as ever come spring if the Knicks are out of the playoff hunt and franchise center Eddy Curry continues his regression.

The Post reported that, in a postgame meeting Saturday night, owner James Dolan told Thomas his job is not in jeopardy.

During his five-day visit to New York that week, Mullin told multiple confidants about the informal conversation with a Knick intermediary.

According to two sources who spoke to Mullin, he likes his image in New York the way it is and would be afraid an unsuccessful run as GM would "destroy" it.

.....just blow this team up......Phil Jackson wouldn't even win with this team
The Roomate from Hell AKA Eddy Curry

For those of us who have actually moved away from home and have been forced into living arrangements with college roommates, this analogy should ring true.

Eddy Curry is the dirty, sloppy, class-skipping, sleep all day, useless waste of space that every college dormitory possesses. If you were fortunate enough not to have been exposed to living in the same space as this person, consider yourself very lucky.

I wasn't. I had a roommate, let's call him "Wayne." Wayne never went to class, and would wear chicken wing bones as fashion accessories. He would never wash his sheets and the only time he went outside, was for vacation, or to pick up food from the delivery man downstairs.

This, Knick fans, is Eddy Curry.

Curry uses the block as his domicile and the only thing he's missing is a remote control, a naked lady-stamped, zippered beer holder with a Molson Golden bottle resting snuggly in hand, and a fleece blanket that smelt like it hadn't been washed since last Tuesday, if, of course, last Tuesday was actually in 1994.

He infuriates teammates (roommates) by his lack of motivation, and constantly seems to get in the way without bringing much to the table. Okay so there was that stretch of a few weeks of great play, like the time when Wayne managed to hook up and had his beast bring a few semi-good looking friends over. Boy, did they look better with the lights off. But once you realized that once Wayne's hookup came to her senses, the first being regaining smell, he lacked the all around skills to have any productive value whatsoever.

He wasn't smart, so forget about asking him to go to class and take notes for you- actually going to his own classes was hard enough. He couldn't cook, unless you consider Rahman noodles mixed with Beef-a-roni, a gourmet meal. He didn't look like me, so using his fake ID would have brought about the questions from bouncers like, "How did you manage to drop those measly 150 lbs?"

And as previously stated he couldn't bring chicks back to the dorm.

Curry can't rebound, can't shoot foul shots, and tries to block shots that are clearly on the way down.

But the worse part about Curry is that his production is so bad he actually manages to acquire more turnovers than assists, blocks and steals COMBINED officially making him the league's most useless player…by far.

Enter Zach Randolph, who you could relate to as the good-looking, but troubled transfer student. Let's call him uh, "Zach," thrust into a situation that he sees as his last chance at education before having to go home and work for his dad's company, which manufactures floor tiles.

He's a chick magnet with a drinking problem, so he spends every night out chasing and getting tail, but in return has to spend the days on the couch recovering from the 25 beers and five tequila shots it took to land the hot 35-year-old divorced mother of two on a Tuesday night. He even manages to light a fire under Wayne's*@++ and drags him out to the bar, because he's tired of taking cabs alone. They develop a bond.

So there in the tiny dorm living room, the two spend afternoons together, very similar in their traits, but very different on so many levels. At first they build a kinship by getting to know one another, convincing themselves that they can coexist and that one's talent for getting females can rub off on the other, leading to a dorm full of parties and chicks. Soon, however, not even a good old-fashioned battle of NHL 94 can bring the two together, as the space is just becoming too small and tempers are starting to rise.

It comes to a head when Zach manages to coax a coed back to the apartment upon learning that Wayne had gone home for the weekend, only to find Wayne in his familiar spot posted up on the couch, remote and Molson with the naked-lady, zippered beer cover in hand. Turns out he's going nowhere.

Can they work things out? Well, let's just say someone should get Resident Assistance on the phone stat.

funny but completely true article about Curry from

Dude made some good points.

One thing it mentions which i cant stand either but goes mostly unnoticed is that this dude Curry ALWAYS blocks shots that are clearly going down and mostof them are misses as well. And than Clyde says some %$%+ like "well thats the effort we want to see from him" Bull *%**%%# %$%+. That %$%+ dontimpress me, that ba;l was clearly going down and he didnt even have to jump. I've expected at least 2 of those a game recently and Isiah is impressed byit. You wanna impress me how about you get to the dude driving to the whole before the ball is in the air and play some help D instead of blocking it while itsgoing down cause your too *%**%%# lazy to get their in time and you dont want to jump for a real block.

Also it was completely true when the guy said he is the most useless player in the league... by far. He is a waste of space, and he averages more turnoversthan steals, assists, and blocks COMBINED

The Z Bo comparison was also good. Attractive dude with a drinking problem. Kinda like how he is gifted offensively but he dont pass the ball. Or else itcould be a reference to his off court %$%+. But he said when Curry was finally out and Z bo got time to play without him, Isiah doesnt learn and and keeps himin the *%**%%# post same %$%+ right when hes back.

Basically same %$%+ i was saying before the year, just thought it was well written.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

this season is reminding me of the movie "Eddie" more and more lol...i bet you that team would beat the team we have now...dwayne schintzus, mark jackson, rick fox, malik sealy (rip), john salley lol...even the streetballers from that movie playing at the cage (GP, starks, anthony mason) would add something to our squad right now


Originally Posted by diceloveme

the GR8 you bring up a good point, I def feel you on the protest thing, But Dolan can't really be that simple minded can he? He has to hear the Boo's and the chants of fire isiah, or atleast watch one media outlet and see how they HUMILIATE us every chance they can, or How a hall of fame coach caused a scandal to once again black eye the franchsie. I mean really since Isiah has been hired hes done more harm than good. We have a roster full of players who cant play together and a coach who is so monotone that his own players can see right through his BS gimmick. I wish there was more we could do as fan to make a change come, but basically we live in a big market, where even if we protest it wouldn't make a difference, too many corporate sponsors, tourist, and BIG Money behind the Knicks to make our little rant have an impact. I guess all we can do now is pray to the bball gods that a change comes, VERY SOON! BTW I will be in the building(MSG) on the 19th to see the Knicks play a woeful Cavs teams Hopefully they can get a W(Yeah Right!)

I see because I made a rant about protesting it was just assumed itwas theGR8.
Mez its good to see you are going to the game with a paper bag. If I even decide to give my hard earned money to MSG (which would be ironic becausetechnically I work for Jim Dolan) I would definitely bring a paper bag.
The Chicken or the Egg?

Madison Square Garden has become a stable nesting ground for boo-birds lately, as the Knicks have dragged their way to an embarrassing 6-14 record through the first quarter of the season. Recent reports suggest that Isiah Thomas is unhappy with the fans, labeling their relentless booing as the culprit for the team's dismal play.

Nowadays many of the Garden faithful have been heard booing Thomas and his players during player introductions. However, the heavy showering of jeers normally only begins to surface once the team digs itself into a routine early double-digit deficit.

The age-old question can be applied to this current Knicks' situation - Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Which came first, the poor play or the booing?

While Thomas has blamed the fans for the team's lackluster starts, the onus can only be placed on himself when you look at the lineups he has put on the floor so far this season.

The Knicks have a very talented roster, but the majority of their personnel are blatantly one-dimensional ballplayers. For every offensive-minded player who lacks defensive intensity and the notion to distribute the ball to his teammates (think Eddy Curry), they have a ruthless defensive-oriented player who looks immediately to pass because he's incapable of putting the ball in the hoop (think Jared Jeffries).

The sole purpose of constructing a team with the intention of developing team chemistry is to integrate these differing styles of play so that they complement one another properly. This is where Isiah Thomas is guilty of being the chicken.

His normal starting five consists of Stephon Marbury, Jamal Crawford, Quentin Richardson, Zach Randolph, and Eddy Curry. His second team often consists of Fred Jones, David Lee, Renaldo Balkman, and Jared Jeffries. This demonstrates that Thomas likes to deploy two units: one comprised solely of selfish ball-hogs who lack any tenacity on defense or on the boards, while the second group loves nothing more than shutting down their man defensively and getting to the ball at all costs.

Perhaps if Thomas decided to intertwine his first and second units, he would be able to avoid the routine mid-first quarter timeout with the Knicks already down twelve and the looming Garden fans already calling for their heads. Not a single player in his starting lineup is renowned for having defensive competence and blocked shots occur as often as New York City subway stations get cleaned.

Isiah Thomas has been reluctant in the past to shake up his starting lineup because he feels that he likes to insert his 'energy guys' including Balkman, Lee, and Nate Robinson when the team needs a boost. But wouldn't the team best be served by having these sparkplugs in the game from the onset? Why wait until the team is facing a ten-point deficit to bring in guys who are willing to push the envelope and change the tempo of the game?

So what starting lineup should Isiah Thomas consider using? Let's take a closer look.

With the recent absence of point guard Stephon Marbury, it is clear he is the most capable distributor (7.3 assists per 48 min) on the roster and the only 'starter' who can really bring a nasty defensive edge when needed. His ability to penetrate the lane and kick the ball to open teammates gives the Knicks better ball movement. He can also take command of the game in spurts and is shooting 42% from downtown. He must remain the starting point guard.

The strongest part of Jamal Crawford's game is his uncanny ability to catch fire and score at will when bobbing and weaving at the top of the key. His numbers also suggest that he is the second-most capable ball distributor on the roster (5.4 assists per 48 min), and thus should lead the second unit.

Stepping into the shooting guard position should be Marbury's current replacement in the starting five, Fred Jones. He has been a solid defender and is putting up 14.2 points, 4.8 rebounds, 3.8 assists, and 2.2 steals per 48 min while shooting a healthy 34% from three-point.

Quentin Richardson needs to take a seat. While his rebounding has been effective, his defense and conditioning are severely suspect and his shot has been just unbearably awful (32% from field, 28% from three). His extreme competitiveness and fiery demeanor in the huddle are often the cause for his overrated status as a 'stout defender.'

He has to be replaced by second-year standout Renaldo Balkman. While Balkman doesn't offer much offensively, he has grabbed 10.5 points, 10.5 rebounds, and leads the team with 1.47 blocks per 48 min. His defensive prowess is unmatched on the roster and his 54% shooting from the field can be attributed to his superior awareness around the hoop for easy put-backs off of offensive rebounds.

The pairing of Eddy Curry and Zach Randolph must take a detour if Isiah wishes to right this sinking ship. Both guys are much better without the other on the floor, and both guys are capable of having the offense run through them. While both are sluggish and uninspired on defense, Randolph is a prolific rebounder, which gives him the nod over Curry in the starting five. Z-Bo has delivered 25.0 points, 14.7 rebounds, 2.2 assists, and 1.21 steals per 48 minutes, compared to Eddy's 24.1, 8.8, 0.9, and 0.42, respectively.

The last starting roster spot belongs to the ball-hawking Mr. Intangibles David Lee. Lee has been efficient on defense and just as dominant as Randolph on the boards. His 17.8 points and 14.5 rebounds per 48 min give the Knicks ample second chance opportunities to control the game while he pairs with Balkman to put-back any shot left short by the guards.

This new starting five of Marbury, Jones, Balkman, Randolph, and Lee will give the Knicks a penetrating distributor, two three-point threats, a low post monster, a lock-down defender, three complimentary solid defenders, three guys to clean the boards, and two to thrive on put-back baskets under the hoop.

The second unit will enlist the dynamic offensive pairing of Jamal Crawford and Eddy Curry, who have developed a strong bond on and off the court since their playing days in Chicago. Richardson and Robinson will not only offer Crawford and Curry options to kick to for open three-point shots, but will also team with defensive specialist Jared Jeffries to supply the team with solid rebounding (Richardson 10.0, Robinson 6.9, and Jeffries 8.9 rebounds per 48 min).

This rotation shake-up is just what the Knicks need to get back on track. Despite their woeful record, they are still easily within striking range of reaching the playoffs. They are only three games out of the eighth seed with over sixty games left to play.

The most difficult part of this situation is that Isiah's current lineup is currently stocked with some of the biggest egos and playing-time whiners in the league. It would take a miracle for Zeke to have the guts to remove the aforementioned three starters from the opening lineup to better set the team up to succeed.

Going back to the original question - what exactly is causing this disgraceful play by this talented and deep Knicks team? Is it the booing that is causing them to lose confidence and thus affecting their ability to compete at a high level? Or is it Isiah's one-dimensional rotations that put them in a position to fail, which ultimately leads to booing?

This dilemma seems a little easier for Thomas to answer than the age-old question of whether the chicken or the egg came first…

This is one of the most reasonable and true articles that i have read on the Knicks so i thought i would post it. The beginning was great and it stressesall the things that i have been saying for a while. That we need to contradict player styles kind of like we need to go after Okafor and Artest would be niceas well. I dont quite agree with the new lineups thta he mentioned but this guy has the right idea about all of it. I think Crawford definitley needs to starthe is a top scorer and i honestly believe he will be premier in two years or so given we do the right things around him. But his scoring abilities are nuts. Ialso would rather Jeffries startng over Balkman, not because i like him more but because Jeffries has more experience. He already started and excelled on aplayoff team before and was the guy that they threw on the other teams best player and his versatility allowed them to do so whether the other teams bestplayer was like a 2-4. He is also taller than Balkman at 6'11, which will allow him to make up some for our sooft D down low. And i dont think Balkman isready to start... yet . I think right now he is not as complete as Jeffries (who isnt complete eeither) but Balkman is more of just an energy I alsodont think Curry should be the center of ANY offense, but the fact that this guy has him out of the lineup at least means he has the right idea. This is agreat read on the team, but NONE of this will happen unless Isiah goes. Cause like this article mentions which is what i like and what i always say is that wehave the talent it is just the teams Isiah puts out there that is making us suck. That is why i get mad watching this team play like !+#+ and dump it intofatty. Because unlike the past this team is good, they just need to be coached better. No doubt in my mind that they are a playoff team.... talent wise, andlike i say chemistry aint even the problem its Isiahs starategy. the fffensive scheme is HORRIBLE. How do we have all these offensive guys, but still onlyaverage 90 ppg one of the lower amounts in the L) we are a top team offensively. i will admit, even with the right guyss we are still one of the worserdefensive teams in the league, but we should be top 5 or at least top 10 in offense. Its the startegy that holds us pack, or a lack of a strategy, not theplayers. And as for defense... without ANy shot blockers and with Curry/Randolph and even guys like Crawford. We are by no means a good defensive team, but weshould not be THIS bad if it wasnt for Isiah. If we get the right guys in there, like inserting Lee + Jeffries into the lineup, we will no means be a topdefensive team but not this bad, i would have to say around 20th in the leaue, maybe higher. But overall we are not this bad, just patheticly coached.
the article makes sense, but all we have to do is bench curry and start david lee. that way the defensive lineup has someone that can score. makes sense to me.

anyway, very winnable game tonight. durant should have a field day with our lackluster defense.

however, knicks by six.

curry with a good game tonight. hopefully.
If the Knicks are 6 point favorites over your team, you know your team is bad.

But at least Seattle has a franchise player to build around now.
Some notes from the game so far...

EDDY CURRY STILL SUCKS. keep his fat$!!! on the bench and we'll be iight

On the contrary, David lee is our best big man play him all 48 mins. Dude is working hard out there, playing great D, and his offensive game is showing rapidimprovement

Let Crawford make it rain on these dudes they cant guard him

Z Bo will have a big night as well.

Also we NEED Steph, we really do not have one other guy that can run the point and distribute and run the offense and still be an effective offensive threat.

EDIT: also the 1973 throwbacks

also the warmup jackets with the banners on the back
Eddy needs to go.

dude is BUTT. we're much better off with a defensive C to pair off with Zach. see, i told ya'll from the jump that a PF/C must compliment each other.when Zach does do a entry pass from the high post, Eddy should just be turning and laying that!*%* up. He's bringin the ball down like a idiot.

We can't beat the SONICS AT HOME?

Oh well, its a good thing..

Will have to battle Seattle during the lottery and this is one step closer
The Ultimet Classic on SNY just now (where the Mets score 10 runs in the 8th after being down 8-1, capped off by Mike Piazza's 3 run homer for the lead)> this game.
Son, I STILL haven't gotten over the end of the Mets' season.

So with that said, the current Knicks season > Mets' entire season last year.
I can appreciate the effort. i didnt see a reason why they shoulda lost tonight. then again i didnt see the first half.

Jared, you're right next to the rim. Defense is closing in. taking a power dribble is not a better option that just leaning in with a 6'10 frame andlaying the ball up,regardless of you making the FTs

Eddy, you're getting great entry passes. getting the pass,holding the ball high and spinning is more effective than lowering the ball then laying it up,WHILE defense is closing in.

Eddy needs to go if he's gonna make a habit outta this. the 18 and 6 or so last year made it seem cool but when you have a PF with range and a ballhawkingF, both of whom are willing to pass the ball out of double teams, you'd think he'd raise his game
Im tryin to tell yall.

Curry think he's finesse when he NEEDS to be dunkin on dudes mothers Shaw style. Its disgusting when he tries to fingeroll like he's George Gervin
.Jeffries played well today but there were a couple of plays where he should have went to the basket strong as well but this isn't anything new. At the endof the day it was too much Durant, and I knew he'd drop 30 on us easy tonight.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Jeff needs more PT

Yo word up man. He is NICE. Hes on my fantasy team and he gets like no time, pissin me off. I was happy he did well tonight. One of my favorite collegeplayers of all time.

Anyway onto the Knicks, curry is a butt+!#@+@!. Once again he showed that he still is the reigning most useless player in the league. I almost threw up wheni saw him let up that WIDE OPEN mid range jumper to Kurt to seal that +++!. ARE YOU $!+$*@! crazy!!! Do you remember this dude back in NY, he never misses that$!+$*@! shot. Curry was making no $!+$*@! attempt to even put a hand in his face. I dont know why Isiah did it once again. Once like jeffries anchored us on Dto take the lead he subs him out for Curry who does dumb +++! like that. Just pathtic. And for Curry to only have one assist was god awful as well. Lear how toplay baskeball!!! If you get doubled look for the open man outside!!! I'm telling you any half decent center woulda had at least 5 assists in that one. Hewas getting doubled by a tiny*!+# Seattle team non stop, and this dude was just throwing up shots and turning it over. He is absolutely worthless. Only 1assist, WOW.No blocks also once again and he also had 1 ******ed goal tend off the glass, he doesnt contend +++! down low and he doesnt fight for rebounds ornothing. This guy probably jumps 3 times per season.

I hate Curry so much, so so s much. And to express my hate i will use expressions.


When i heard them quote Kurt and him saying he would come back to NY any time we asked, i nearly jumped out of my seat. Not the ideal player we want, whichis a tough athletic defensive center. He is a little old and small for that, but hey we DEFINITLY can use his leadership and more importantly toughness andpost defense on this team and he also got that mid range shot. Holla at Seattle ASAP, with Kurt being old and us needing his age, skills, and leadership, andus with an abundance of young dudes on the bench we can EASILY work out a littke deal. I wouldnt even mind Mardy Collins for him and maybe they'd throw ina 2nd rd pick or sumthing.

Another horrendous coaching job by Mr. Thomas. Not only did he sub Curry back in at the end of the game, but he also abandoned Nate on the bench in the 2ndhalf. Nate is definitley a spark plug that we need and he had a great 1st half bringing alot of energy off the bench and leading us in scoring with 12 1st halfpoints. He was also hustling all over the place on D and the boards. He even started the 2nd half, but he was abandoned too quickly and played scarcely afterthat with 0 points in the 2nd half.

David Lee is our best big man. Kevin Durant's favorite quote explains perfectly Lee's value to this team... "Hard work beats talent, if talentfails to work hard." Sure David Lee is not our most talented guy. But he sure works his*!+# off at being so, which is more than you can say about 75% ofthese buums especially Curry. This is a guy who came into the league as just a rebounder and a spark energy guy with no offensive game or that much of aninterior post D, just heart and desire. Right now Lee still has that same $!+$*@! work ethic and rebounding skills, but his hard work is what seperates him. Heshot 57% from the line as a rookie, improved to around 80% last season and is currently probably our 2nd best FT shooter after Crawford at about 83%. Hisoffensive game has gone from nothing to a decent midrange shot, and his ability to take smaller guys with his size and power and bigger guys through hisathletisism and improved mid range shot. He always works hard to score and has shown that he is BY FARR our best post defender, on the ball, and helping out.Not only does he work hard to improve his game, but he also works hard during the games. Curry has always been a gifted player since highschool but is thelaziest and most pathetic +++! in the world, he is TRASH. Lee is our best big man, Randolph is nice also because Randolph has the talent and he works hard, butunlike Lee he slacks on D, and doesnt work as hard as Lee on his game. In no way should Lee be taking spare minutes while a lazy !%#% like Curry gets burn outthere. I hate Kenny Smith but he had a great line tonight, it was that "Lee knows what he's good at." Which is what the Knicks need, he can scorebut doesnt need the ball and he will work his*!+# off and play D, he knows wat the team wants from him and he will do whatever to help us. He is about the"We" guys like Curry and Z Bo are all about the "I" and although Randolph can be effective in other ways like working hard on the glass,Curry is only happy and only slightly effective down low and man coverage. If he gets doubled he dont pass, so hes worthless even than. lee is our best bigman. He knows what hes good at, and he plays like it, which is a rarity in the league, but more importantly he works his*!+# off at improving what he is notgood at which has shown in his free throws, and overall offensive game. It has been fun watching him develop and we always talk about how good he will be, butwe gotta give him his time. Because although he dont show it cause is about the team, he is pissed about being on the bench when he serves to play, and he inevery way should be.

Zach Randolph played much better all around tonight. He has great timing and has great timing on the boards, which allows him to rack up 16 boards evenwithout any athleticism and a lack of height. Like i always say he is in a class with only the elite on offense and although he still hogged it a little, hedid a much better dishing when in trouble and racked up 4 assists. Like i always say he can work here but we need a center that contradicts him off the bench.Also a Kut Thomas off the bech would help

On another note about Z Bo how the !%#% does he hit those contested outside shots, but suck $*%#@$+ at the line?

Crawford may be our best player right now. He has clearly became our team leader right now and is sooooooo gifted offensively, and like Lee he has beenworking harder to become a better defender. This guy can score at will, at any given time, on anybody. As Kenny said tonight he's got a "TimHardaway-ish crossover." That +++! is deadly. He also got a fiyahhh touch from anywhere on the court, be it outside or driving in the lane. But also moreimpressive he has the touch in any situation, whether its a spot up J or a pull up outa position. He is just a great offensive player. and there is no doubt inmy mind that if we continue to build around him at the and let him do his thing he can develop into a premier scorer in the league. Remember he is only like 26years old, and i still think there is ton left in him. This guy is loaded with potential, and with his work ethic and leadership to compliment his skills hecan be a great Knick if we continue to develop him properly.
Also there is no doubt that Jeffries should start. If Q needs to stay out he should def be in.Even if Q is in, he is starting to pisss me off. Yes Q works hard, and is a great rebounder cause he works hard, he has to learn. HE CANT SHOOT ANYMORE. Thisguy is wayyyy too shot happy. When he gets a look and Crawford is next to him for a wide open 3, he will never makes the extra pass for an easy Crawford 3 andwill launch a shot as well. He really is not a good sooter any more, and if we need him to start jsut for his energy and rebounding, than start Jeffries.Jeffries is 6'11 and not 6'7 like Q Rich. His height can help out with our soft interior play. But he can also guard nearly every position on the courtand he is a great defender. Also unlike a guy like Balkman who i think at this point is just a spark, Jeffries has experience. wjhat most yalls dont realize isthat Jeffries has been what we need before and hes still got it in him. Jeffries was a starter for a playoff team and was their lockdown defender, and the fansin Washington loved him for it. That is EXACTLY what we need from him. His signing is very questionable, but unlike Jerome James, Jeffris was not signed for noreason. This guy was a proved lock down defender in Washington and a proven valuable starter. He is 6'11 so like i mentioned we can have him help inside,but he can also run around and guard the atheletic 2s and 3s in the league that hur us so bad. He was doing a great job on Durant tonight. This guy shoulddefinitley be back in a starting role. He really didnt play himself out of one, he just got hurt in the preseason and than was kinda forced into the rotationlast year when he didnt even know the team yet.

Overall though, there is no way we should lose to Seattle at home. They can very well be the worst team in the league. If this isnt a reason tto fire Isiah igot no clue what is, cause going on a 4 game losing streak and losing to the worst team in the NBA at hom is pathetic. No way to talk yourself out of that.Curry and Isiah need to go ASAP. I remember in that comeback win vs the Bucks Isiah's job was supposedly in jeapordy, i wonder if Dolan will do it now. Heshould, but probably not.

In Isiah's defense though, although this is no excuse to lose to seattle at home. But we suck without Marbury. We have no distributor out there withoutSteph. Dont kid yourself Freddie Jones is in no way a PG. If he was he would have been one in the league cause hes only 6'2, but he cant run the pointwhich is why he has been a bench player his whole career. Crrawford has a good vision of the game, but he needs to score. Although Nate works hard to become abetter pont guard, he is not there at the NBA level. Maybe during the summer league, but not quite in an NBA game. I'm not saying he will never get therebut for now he' too eratic. And than there is Collins who has that PG skill, but he is not good enough to get PT right now. we need Steph back and in fullform. But needless to say, Isiah has long overdone his stay in NY. This was another game that he blew. He is the worst coach in the NBA.

He's even a worse coach than Don Cheaney was
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