Another horrible loss...we cant beat Seattle at home. I am getting to the point where I really don't care anymore. The fans care more than the players.
Whatever frees up time for my boy David Lee.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Real Question to all true Knicks fans on here: Is the season over in your opinion???

yes the season is over. even with a big change i don't see anything happening with the knicks winning wise. there would have to be more time investedin to the new additions and what not so that just puts us fans on the back burner once again. these knicks got us thinking getting to the playoffs is likewinning it all for us. honestly i'd rather just start over and put us in a position to get a legit superstar once the big free agency comes aka lebron.
Real Question to all true Knicks fans on here: Is the season over in your opinion???
absolutely. were just a bad team. we are extremely inconsistent. but i do think well get hot at some point and win like 8 straight, (similar totwo years ago) and then lose like 11 straight, directly after.
Yes, the identity has been set for this squad. The season is over. Honestly, if some type of coaching change, or philosophy in Isiah doesn't change, Ican't even imagine a hot streak in NY. Truly and honestly, the enitre team needs to be blown up, saving Crawford and Lee. I just don't like anyone elseon the squad anymore. Its great to weigh the good and the bad between each player, but obviously this TEAM cannot work. I hated the Randolph pickup, and stilldo. Of course duke will score and rebound. How conducive has it been to winning? Not much. Can we blame him alone? Certainly not. Did his acquistition hinderus even more on D? Without a doubt.

At this point, I cannot see any kind of winning team in NY that isn't predicated on defense. Just think how much offensive talent (prime or past) has"graced" a Knick uniform these past few and tumultuos years. Every year up to this has been hopeful. If major changes aren't made this season,and before next, big heads need to roll.

$%!% it, time to start dreaming.
i still don't think the season is over, but it's getting there. i mean, if we can't even beat the sonics, then who can we defeat? maybe the seasonis over.

i like what gus said 'i don't like the fact that isiah has made these guys wealthy, and they won't play hard hard for him. i have a problem withthat.' i agree 100%. mike breen would never say anything half as intelligent.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Real Question to all true Knicks fans on here: Is the season over in your opinion???

No question that its over. I want Isaiah gone (who I was a big advocate of until this past month). Either Marbury needs to get in where he fits in or needsto be outed. Dolan needs to let go of the team, or the League needs to intervene and take the team from him. Eddy Curry needs to get gone. This whole teamneeds to be disassembled with exceptions of the youngsters like Lee, Robinson, Chandler, Balkman, etc., and maybe even keep Zach Randolph.
It's difficult to even root for this team at this point. I've turned down tickets to go to games just because I can't stand to watch theireffortless play.
Im my previous post I forgot to "save" Balkman from the fire. And Nichols is being wasted in Chi.
so....about next year...

OJ Mayo?...

Roy Hibbert?...

if I was Isiah, I would buyout 2 contracts (Jerome James, Jared Jefferies) to get below the cap in 09 (Kobe)...
In the draft

it's Beasley or Rose top 2..we land either one, and theres hope imo

I love Roy...but he just ins't the best fit here. An ok defender and rebounder, but lacks a little in those areas for his size

OJ...I don't know, I don't think he fits as a PG
Only guys worth keeping are..

Crawford(as a 6th man)
Randolph(if he gets paired with a good big thats athletic and plays D, it would be a good mix IMO because Curry and ZBo are the same player for the most part)
^^Only similarity they got is they both fat and cant play D

although Z Bo is a little better than Curry on D they are both worthless defenders. But unlike Curry Z Bo has a versatile, complete, and VERY good all aroundoffensive game.And he works hard doing the games which leads to good rebounding as well.

Also Crawford deserves to start at the 2 for this team. He is a SICK scorer, and he is a leader. He is not a great defender. but he seems to be working on it.Also to compliment his sick shooting touch from any where, and ability to make bad shots good shots, he also got sick handles and a "TimHardaway-ish" crossover, and an amazing court vision. He can be a premier player. Not to mention hes only 26 and is loaded with potential.
I was looking around in that top 10 players to be traded thread and i saw the link for trade machine, so i tried to put together some trades that would helpus. I made 2, and i tried to do a deal with the Bobcats for Okafor and the Wizards for Arenas, but their contracts are too small at this point to make a fairoffer. But they will get new contracts this season because they are both restricted free agents, and that is when we could do a trade for one of them (muchmore likelty Okafor though) Although i would live for Arenas in orange and blue. Hes gotten Knick all over him. NY would go crazy for him. He's got that NYgame, heart, personality, and swag. This guy would be an all time great. But it would be very tough to land him in NY, and if we did we would have to trademost of our other players and get guys that would work well with him. I would love for him to be a Knick but the chances are against us. Okafor on the otherhand will get a new contract this offf season and word is that he is having trouble with Charlotte and he may be on a new team next seaon. The Knicks shoulddefinitely try and hit that in the off season. He is the guy that would compliment Z Bo. He is athletic and runs the floor well, he blocks shots, plays D, andrebounds. And although he CAN score, he is unselfish and doesnt need the ball.

But i created two trades that may be more reasonable now. Also Artest is another restricted free agent and in the past he has always said he would opt out whenhis contract is up to play in NY. Hopefully is we dont get him sooner we can get him than.

It think Theo would be an amazing player too help us now in the short term. He fits perfectly into that player i always talk about as the player to complimentZ Bo. He runs the floor well and blocks shots. One of the best shot blockers in the league. He is also an athletic big man. Also he is not a scorer and willnot get in the way of Z bo's offense in the post. He will mainly do pretty much what Nazr Mohammed did a few years back, just stand by the basket and tryand get offensive rebounds, tip ins, and easy buckets offensively. He would be a big help in that sense, but will also clear up cap cause hes an expiringcontract. I would like him as our center for the rest of the year while we fall back and get a high draft pick. And than we could resign him to a lowercontract in the offseason cause he would still be able to help us but than go after that Emeka Okafor and have Theo come off the bench. I think the collateralis good as well, especially ffor the T Wolves who are rebuilding and looking for young talent. curry could potentially fit in well with Jefferson, becausewhile Jefferson is becoming an elite player, he still has a style that contradicts Curry well.

The other trade is less realistic in what the other team gets in return. But it CAN work, and this trade would be amazing for us. WE NEED ARTEST!!!
If it were that easy to make a trade, they would've done it. There's no trade value on the Knicks. Jeffries needs to be cut or ride the pine in leu ofBalkman. I'd trade Curry for an expiring contract but I think his value is shot too. The problem is we have no identitiy. I could go on for a while aboutwhat needs to be fixed but it needs to be blown up. FIRE ISIAH's too late for Artest now, that ship has sailed

Just scrap it all together

I see NBA Draft (not that they're credible) has us taking D. Greene at 5.

I would seriously consider my attachment to the knicks it that ever happened
Isiah has too many damn players. He turned the organization into a franchise similar to that of you or I play NBA 2k8. Just trading and signing players leftand right. Isiah really dicked us over, It's going to take a few years to bounce back from this. I'm just going to accept the fact that we will bemediocre for the next few seasons.
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