This Knicks team is not even remotely good. This team sucks.

I'm over the initial shock. I'm willing to give him a shot. Hell, I don't have any other choice. Who knows how this draft class turns out.Gallinari could turn out to be the perfect fit for D'Antoni's offense. Sure, he doesn't play any defense, but at this juncture what else can we doother than sit back and hope he develops?

We'll be getting another top pick next season, so hopefully we can get our PG there. I just hope we can somehow move Eddy and Zach.
we have 8 forwards.

What The @%#@

and if anyone thinks the isnt're sadly mistaken

i dont see what warrants this pick....
Yo K, you can trust that at least 4 of the forwards that we have now won't be here in the coming years.

Screw the depth chart. The more losses next season the better.
so whats makes Dalinari better than Alexander? a slightly better handle? im really annoyed at what happened last night.
Couple things:

- Hey, if The Rooster says he's comfortable with the boos and that it's his job to win you guys over, then you have to respect that. (Listen, it'sclear you guys are stocked with lemons right about now; I'm just trying to see if there's some lemonade possibilities here.
The kid said it'shis job to make you not boo him; gotta love that kind of attitude, wherever the person is from. Hell, if half the damn team had that kind of 'I must win myteam's fan's over', y'all wouldn't have been in the lottery to begin with.)

- No, the 3 game winning streak would not have given you guys the 4th pick. It would have given you more ping-pong balls in the lottery selection.
MaxElite: He can shoot, he has a high basketball IQ, he can pass and understands the concept of team basketball, he is much younger with a lot more basketballexperience (has played pro-ball against grown men for 4+ years already), he has overall polished basketball skills (handle, footwork, inside-outside game,etc...).

I can go on and on, but all Joe Alexander is, is an athlete. Dude is just a melanin deficient, broke version of Tyrus Thomas. Zero BBall IQ, can't pass,can't dribble, has no moves in the get the point. Even if he is a bust, Danilo will have been a better pick than Alexander.
they are saying he is currently 6'10 and still growing with max height of 6'11 or even 7 feet. I thought they listed him at 6'8? I think dantoni isgoing to use him at pf because zbo is most def gone by the start of the season. This will create a lot of spacing and maybe curry can go back to work like hedid the year before zbo came. I dont know maybe with more strength and growth he can become a good player, he better not turn out to be a Tim Thomas
MaxElite: He can shoot, he has a high basketball IQ, he can pass and understands the concept of team basketball, he is much younger with a lot more basketball experience (has played pro-ball against grown men for 4+ years already), he has overall polished basketball skills (handle, footwork, inside-outside game, etc...).
they say that about EVERY Euro player

i really cant believe it. speechless

Chandlers gonna body this kid in practice.

i hope these Hedo comparisons are warranted
The only thing I'm worried about when it comes to this kid is his strength in the post. Yeah, D'Antoni doesn't play D, but he's going to haveto. I hope this kid learns from D. Lee and has a great work ethic to get stronger. I believe that he can score because that's what they say is his upside.If he gets stronger and is able to take the bumps and bruises in the paint, the sky's the limit with this kid.
The stereotype is that International are "soft", but Argentina straight mollywhopped us. Some int'l players are tough, they just have to befound. I don't want to think negatively on this kid because confidence is necessary to play in this league, so if we have him, I'm going to show himlove because I really don't have a choice. You're on my squad kid, I got your back. *prays that I won't be saying all this in vain*
duke is lame.

and if he pans out, i'll gladly say i was wrong.

i dont see him making a difference. the love affair with soft Euro players annoys me. i havent seen one Euro player do anything remotely remarkable on thedefensive end save Kirilenko.

i'm so angry with this pick i cant even articulate....

there's gotta be more to this than we know. some trades brewing, something, anything.....

ya'll just accepting anything the organization throws at you. we been going through this same #$%* for damn near (if not) a decade years now. being thepremier losing big market team, making stupid draft day picks and trades. i'm really close to resigningm y Knicks fan memebership. I'm just in totaldisgust with the organization. Mike talkin about getting this squad to play D. and i thought i smoked a LOTTA weed. these knuckleheads gonna tune him out sofast. Steph's expiring contract is the only good thing at this point...say what you got mfing Jerryd Bayless and you pass up on him for somebum +!+ Euro.

**** my face with that %#%. @!@* hi mand them garbage +!+ shoes.

passing on Bayless....they better be working magi for a PG next season or something....dude coulda excelled in mike's system...and you STILL got two fatbums down low who play no sort of D.

this is like going out with a girl who makes it a point to tease you left and right...only you've been with her forever. you come close twice but it'stoo inconsistent to even be bothered with

i seriously am considering not being a active fan anymore. i just cant take it.

and that's after trusting Walsh's discretion.

i'm also developing a strong dislike for Mike after gassing up the situation like he wasnt pulling the strings behind the #$%*. too much god damnpolitics...just play the damn game!!!

how d oyo let Baylessdrop to 11 and go to Portland!!!! you gotta be kidding me
Would you be happier with guys like Kwame Brown, Eddy Curry, Sheldon Williams? You want me to really run down a list of soft and lame American players? If itreally comes down to that it's easy to point out just as many if not more soft, no heart, no defense American born and raised players.

edit: The point is someone who is from or played in Europe is not automatically soft, just like players from America are not automatically tough and defenseminded. C'mon man, it's just common sense.

if you as a player dont have confidence in yourself, why should blue collar, everyman fans have confidence in you? in NY, where the %$# is a media circus dayin/out?

i see NOTHING about this squad that says killer sneering players (except Nate), no one with heart (except maybe Balk), Jamal's our 4thquarter guy...and even he can shoot us in/out of wins.

you get that with Bayless...the competitive drive...the killer instinct...he's not a PG...but i woulda took that gamble...

they musta been on that wet or someone's family is kidnaped or something...i'm VERY disappointed in Walsh

and if the kid pans out, i have no problems admitted i was ranting in disbelief and bein a prick about it.

After passing up Artest for that Carter nut magnet, i'm totally not convinced, after the Ewing fiasco i'm not convinced, after the Isiah error i'mnot convinced...

we have the best talent on paper (besides the Blazers
) year in and year out. i'm just fed up
I honestly don't understand why some of you are still so angry. I would not be happy with DJ, Bayless, or Gordon.

DJ - Solid back-up PG. I've been saying this for months. His lack of size will be his downfall.
Bayless - Poor man's Jason Terry (no, I am not saying this because they're both Zona products). No pure PG ability, just scores and does a few thingson the court. Won't really help us.
Gordon - Nothing more than a scorer. A shorter Jamal Crawford with less handles.

Westbrook was the best of the bunch, but even he won't be a premier point-guard, and luckily for us, he went early at 4.

Our biggest offseason move has yet to be done. If Zach Randolph or Eddy Curry is traded in the offseason, I wouldn't give a damn if we drafted FredericWeis Jr. yesterday night.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

we have the best talent on paper (besides the Blazers
) year in and year out.
i'm just fed up


Are you sure you are a NY Knicks fan? What are you even talking about at this point?

Maybe you should just resign your NY Knick fan-pass. You aren't even making sense anyway.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

waiting for THEGR8's reply......

but for real last night was maybe the most heartbreaking, unfufilling, and overhyped night in Knicks recent history. i mean we fianlly have asituation where us

ive looked forward to looking at this thread after being at the $$*!++# draft last night and i just went throgh pretty much all 10 pages that i missed.

But for real last night was probably the most heartbreaking, unfufilling and overhyped night in recent Knicks history.Weve had a lot of *!%% come at us hardbut we finally had a chance to get excited over this team again and we $$*!++# blew it. We drafted a $$*!++# small forward wioth our 1stoick for the thirdstraight year and a $$*!++# soft %+% foreigner who dont play D! I WANT SOME $$*!++# DEFENSE!!!!

i mean yall thought watching last year was hard we will be one o the worst defensive teams in history next year especially cause we couldnt trade evn one ofthe fat mother $#*%**%.

Thats why i wanted Mark Jackson with him we wouldnt be making ******ed %+% picks like this we would be looking for a solid PG to run the team and toughnosed players who play D like we used to have this *!%% was $$*!++# awful... i mean i thought Walsh was smarter than to draft a guy because his headcoach+@$@%% the guys dad back in Italy.

And i mean whatever happened to his plan a, plan b, plan c, etc. I mean with all those $$*!++# options that he supposedly had his "master plan" isto take another SF and one who doesnt play D, and not make one single trade the whole $$*!++# night. We couldnt clear one $$*!++# contract??!!! The Knicks Willnever EVER be good, we should just have Ewing run the whole team to try and end our curse cause there is no doubt in my mind that there is one. And i mean hejust peaced. I mean earlier in the year when the Knicks just got #6 i remember sme people were calling that some people were saying the nicks should tkeDeAndre Jordan and he was a SURE lottery pick. I mean i didnt want him at all that high and his stock fell down, but for a guy that phsically giftd tlo bearound that low??!! I mean when 2nd round came about Donnie shoulda done something to get 1 second round pick. sure he wouldnt be able to contribute rightaway. But he is young, big, and super athletic. He just needs a few years with the right training especially in our run and gun style and he coul have beenready to go as a starter in 2-3 years IMO. I mean with his physical tools he really wouldnt even need that much training. I mean develop him a little and wecould have had a freak athlete who can run, throw down duns, and play D which is all we really need from our starting center and guys like dorsey weredownhere aloso. We should have tried to get another pcik IMO. And our 1st pick was $$*!++# WACK IMO. I mean i woulda took any of those guys Bayless, i wanted DJbadly, Gordon ****i it i would have took $$*!++# Pat Ewing Jr. (who congradulations to my man got drafted by Sac town
) over $$*!++# Danillo.

some stories from the drf=aft with me and Danillo. i got there earlier and there was a mad crowd entering the draft and Danilo was literally standing rightnext to me. I woulda kicked him in the nuts or some *!%% if i knew we would take him. And than whhen he was being escorted out much later in the night andthere was a mad crowd heckling him and *!%%. I saw him from the other side of the room and started shouting *!%% like "Danillo you $$*!++# suck. Go backto Italy!" *!%% like that. And a guy walsk by me and says "oh thanks."and at first i was like who the $@+% was that. And than i saw his fac andi immediately recognized that he was $$*!++# D'Antoni's $@+% buddy. It was his dad. So i shouted back like "$@+% you, your son sucks i dont carehow tight you are with D'Antoni." But it was pretty cool seeing him i didnt recongnize it was him right away.

I hope this softee who doesnt ply D doesnt disgrace Sprees #8 like he wore in Italy. That would just make me even more pissed. I was thinking about thatlast night and it made me realize is that is what the Knicks whole team is like. I mean we got the worst hooter in the history of the NBA rocking AllanHoustons #20, i mean we got our least tough and hustiling player who cant rebound and defend for *!%% digracing Oak's #34 a guy who made a living off ofhard work, D, and rebounding, we got our biggest headcase and the Garden's public enemy #1, wearing John Starks' #3 a guy who was a fan favorite andalways went out and competed and just was happy to be in the NBA nd played every game like it was the most important game he ever played (except in the mostimportant game he ever played
sorry that was a cheap shot butfor real Starks is ma boi and one of my favorite players ever.) Now we gonna have mr. No D Gallinairi rocking Sprees number 8?? Tat pick was just god awful.What a terrible night.

and also a big time
at that dude at the draft that had thecustom made rooster sneakers (a $$*!++# rooster btw
) and said hewill be our Jeter/Tiki Barber.
you serious? this w/o the riff raff

-Stephon-strong PG who can get to the rim at will and draw fouls. scoring threat when in the lane. MYRIAD ways of getting to the basket
-Jamal-streaky SG who can run point. ESP with Eddy made helped make Eddy a near 20 ppg threat
-Q-decent defender, spot up shooter, who can post up when healthy
-Zach-20/10 threat night in/out, one dimensional but he cn score
-Eddy Curry-legit 6'11 player who can score near the rim WHEN he gets the ball

-Balkman-energy guy, decent defender
-Lee- GREAT glue guy, energy player, will hustle for points/boards
-Chandler-up coming player who will start at the 3
-Nate-main spark off the bench, only player who seems to go for the jugular
-Jared...provides length in the frontcourt NH

if you dont think we have the best talent ON PAPER, you're wylin. i hate to sound like those damn commericials with ppl scrambling for words to describetheir favorite players on MSG...but thi team shoulda been in the POs since Thomasstarted coacheing

it's prolly the weed talkin, but that's how i feel. i
m gonna laugh at myself when i reread this later....

if you think that we int up there, you're wylin
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

you serious? this w/o the riff raff

-Stephon-strong PG who can get to the rim at will and draw fouls. scoring threat when in the lane. MYRIAD ways of getting to the basket
-Jamal-streaky SG who can run point. ESP with Eddy made helped make Eddy a near 20 ppg threat
-Q-decent defender, spot up shooter, who can post up when healthy
-Zach-20/10 threat night in/out, one dimensional but he cn score
-Eddy Curry-legit 6'11 player who can score near the rim WHEN he gets the ball

-Balkman-energy guy, decent defender
-Lee- GREAT glue guy, energy player, will hustle for points/boards
-Chandler-up coming player who will start at the 3
-Nate-main spark off the bench, only player who seems to go for the jugular
-Jared...provides length in the frontcourt NH

if you dont think we have the best talent ON PAPER, you're wylin. i hate to sound like those damn commericials with ppl scrambling for words to describe their favorite players on MSG...but thi team shoulda been in the POs since Thomasstarted coacheing

it's prolly the weed talkin, but that's how i feel. i
m gonna laugh at myself when i reread this later....

if you think that we int up there, you're wylin

Pass that sour diesel homey, because if it's that good that it can convince you that is even top 20 roster talent then I need some of that.

I'm not even gonna argue wit you anymore cuz you lost it dogs.
Whatever helps ease the pain my dude
you guys know the italian is probably playing pf right not sf, which i kno he will get bodied on the block but he will open up the floor with his jumper
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

you serious? this w/o the riff raff

-Stephon-strong PG who can get to the rim at will and draw fouls. scoring threat when in the lane. MYRIAD ways of getting to the basket
-Jamal-streaky SG who can run point. ESP with Eddy made helped make Eddy a near 20 ppg threat
-Q-decent defender, spot up shooter, who can post up when healthy
-Zach-20/10 threat night in/out, one dimensional but he cn score
-Eddy Curry-legit 6'11 player who can score near the rim WHEN he gets the ball

-Balkman-energy guy, decent defender
-Lee- GREAT glue guy, energy player, will hustle for points/boards
-Chandler-up coming player who will start at the 3
-Nate-main spark off the bench, only player who seems to go for the jugular
-Jared...provides length in the frontcourt NH

if you dont think we have the best talent ON PAPER, you're wylin. i hate to sound like those damn commericials with ppl scrambling for words to describe their favorite players on MSG...but thi team shoulda been in the POs since Thomasstarted coacheing

it's prolly the weed talkin, but that's how i feel. i
m gonna laugh at myself when i reread this later....

if you think that we int up there, you're wylin
couldnt have said it better
Originally Posted by petermans

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

you serious? this w/o the riff raff

-Stephon-strong PG who can get to the rim at will and draw fouls. scoring threat when in the lane. MYRIAD ways of getting to the basket
-Jamal-streaky SG who can run point. ESP with Eddy made helped make Eddy a near 20 ppg threat
-Q-decent defender, spot up shooter, who can post up when healthy
-Zach-20/10 threat night in/out, one dimensional but he cn score
-Eddy Curry-legit 6'11 player who can score near the rim WHEN he gets the ball

-Balkman-energy guy, decent defender
-Lee- GREAT glue guy, energy player, will hustle for points/boards
-Chandler-up coming player who will start at the 3
-Nate-main spark off the bench, only player who seems to go for the jugular
-Jared...provides length in the frontcourt NH

if you dont think we have the best talent ON PAPER, you're wylin. i hate to sound like those damn commericials with ppl scrambling for words to describe their favorite players on MSG...but thi team shoulda been in the POs since Thomasstarted coacheing

it's prolly the weed talkin, but that's how i feel. i
m gonna laugh at myself when i reread this later....

if you think that we int up there, you're wylin
couldnt have said it better

you guys do understand that having a bunch of guys who can get the ball in he basket wont get u wins right? As i mentioned before WE HAVE NO DEFENSE!!!These @%+*$!+ dont play D. You cant even say that Z bo and curry are talented on paper because look at their blocks and curry's rebounds. i mean theycouldnt defed me in the post and im not even 6'0. @+%#@ saying the Knicks are good on paper. The Knicks suck, they play no D, and that is why we shouldhave never gotten gold digging %@#!%%@ D'Antoni or drafted Gallinari but instead gotten the hometown basketball minded, energetic Mark Jackson who wouldpush for more defense.
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