Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Tomorrow I will be at the Garden working and I am doing a video reporters notebook with Marc Berman talking about the Donnie Walsh/Isiah situation. Once the vid is up I will provide a link.

I think we need to separate our hearts from our heads...

Pat aint a good basketball mind, sorry..he just isn't.

Mark Jackson has zero coaching experience.

Greg Anthony hasn't been anything but a commentator since his playing days

Yall just wana give these positions to unqualified people?

We could all coach a 7'6 man with that athletic ability to the success he's reached.

I love Pat, but he just isn't a guy that will live and breath basketball now after his career his over.
Allen I agree with you. Pat is a good assistant coach maybe someday he will be a good head coach but not right now. And your assessment of Jackson and Anthonyare right on IMO. Dudes are not really qualified. I am all for giving opportunities but lets give it to some young assistant ie Tom Thibadeau who has payed hisdues.
Wait, people want Mark Jackson for coach? Heck nah, I think he'd be a better GM. But I hope we can pry away Kiki, not looking good though, from all thetalks, looks like Rod Thorn will be retiring and Kiki will be taking over next season.
i remember having this mark jackson argument in this thread feeling about's obvious he would love to do it so why not? avery johnson,doc rivers, scot skiles....none of them had any experience either and they all brought their teams back to the playoffs and we've had hallof fame coaches in the past few years like wilkens and larry brown...their experience didnt translate into wins so why not go out on a limb?
My thinking with that is...

If we take that in experienced route...

Why not at least grab an assistant from a successful team that can bring a winning attitude/philosophy..
my logic is that first time coach means new philosophies and a new and different outlook...assistants are going to coach like their mentors...kinda like howjvg coached the same hardnosed defense first kinda team...clearly what's been going on the past 7 years is not some new and fresh ideas couldhelp turn things around

im not trying to argue with you...cuz im sure we can both agree that anyone not named isiah thomas is who we want coaching
I have no problem against Marc Jackson, I want no part of Scott Skiles (new faces never hurt).

Now....the Knicks BETTER lose tonight vs Miami, it will be inexcusable if they win.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

i remember having this mark jackson argument in this thread feeling about's obvious he would love to do it so why not? avery johnson, doc rivers, scot skiles....none of them had any experience either and they all brought their teams back to the playoffs and we've had hall of fame coaches in the past few years like wilkens and larry brown...their experience didnt translate into wins so why not go out on a limb?

Exactly what i believe. Mar would be a great coach. He is smart and he is young and would bring energy to the players.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by allen3xis

If any team had Bron and Rose


May lord have mercy on the rest of the league

If I was a defender and I saw them two coming down on a fastbreak....

I would just start walking the other way.....

Cause either of them will not hesistate to punch on you....

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