It might not be tanking

but if things are done correctly..

whatever young guys are around (draft pick, Chandler, Lee, maybe Morris)

will be getting extended minutes.

And that will be a lot of L's again
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by allen3xis

get Artest, and START OVER
Getting Artest at this point would be a step back.

Yes, yes it would.

1. Fire Isiah
2. Draft Rose
3. Tank next year
4. Get another top 3 pick
5. Have an average season, just missing the playoffs
6. Sign LeBron James


Although a lot us Knick fans would totally disagree to this, but i think we would have to lose another year and get another high draft pick to put playersaround this years picks if they turns out to be good.

It wouldn't be so bad anyway, we've been losing for almost an entire decade, whats another year? Even if it means giving us a solid shot at clearinga lot of cap space, and signing an elite free agent.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

1. Fire Isiah
2. Draft Rose
3. Tank next year
4. Get another top 3 pick
5. Have an average season, just missing the playoffs
6. Sign LeBron James


that would work if we had our pick next year

We just got to trade Zach and curry and let the contracts expire of Marbury, James, etc. by 2010 and in this draft get Beasley or Rose. For next year hopethat our Lee, chandler, Nate, etc. core without Zach and eddy in the middle and the addition of our new franchise building block can sneak us back in theplayoffs in the weak east so we can finally get NY a little excited about bball again with a new franchise player and playoffs again. We ned to do this whulegetting a new management. i was thinkin Mark Jackson as HC and Pat as an assistant and West as our GM whule getting a young guy like Greg anthony or Houston tobe the assistant so they are ready to go when West calls it quits. Than by 2010 lose those contracts and hopfully sign Lebron.
hey nycknicks i've already dedicated a post to that

anyways I am bugging out of my mind

I had the strangest dream and I have a lot of other stuff going on in my life...but damn this was weird

I was dreaming I was watching two tv' with the ncaa tournament on an old school tv and the other with a knick game on my HDTV (i'm mostlywatching the knick game and i'm like what the hell "am i doing watching the ncaa?"

So in this knicks game, they're playing the magic in orlando and its supposed to be "throwback" night . This is where my mind is going crazy

The orlando magic are wearing royal blue robes that the old school greeks wore with white sandals (and they got those little leaves on their head) But theKnicks are just wearing regular nba jerseys. and Oh yea, the knicks are getting blown out by 73 points!!!!!

and there were Fans in orlando that were chanting for "Hire Lay-den, Hire Lay-den"

I don't really dream about the knicks but this was very strange LOL

anyway i know i want to tanks and @#!% and fall behind Mmphis and minnesota, but im sorry tonight i ot to root for my team. I mean i always actually root forhem during the game i am just happy when they lose, but tonight im gonna go hard. Man i want to sweep NJ. we have been getting killed by the Swamprats thiswhole #%#!%%* decade, i want a little revenge and at least on good point of this season. i kmow it may hurt us in lottery positioning and @#!%, ut i want towin, and i bet you the players will tonight also. I want to sweep those mother @%+!#!$ from the swamp, and it will also hurt thm and that atrocious race thatthey call the 8th spot in the east.

Although a lot us Knick fans would totally disagree to this, but i think we would have to lose another year and get another high draft pick to put players around this years picks if they turns out to be good.

It wouldn't be so bad anyway, we've been losing for almost an entire decade, whats another year? Even if it means giving us a solid shot at clearing a lot of cap space, and signing an elite free agent.

I agree 100%. In order to have a good future the next 2-3 years have to be rough with young players. I am not even thinking about the playoffs next year. All I care about is building an elite team. This is a very crucial draft for the Knicks and someone mentioned the team trying to get multiple first roundpicks and moving up to get Augustin. I am all for that. The Knicks need as much good young talent as they can get in this draft. If the die hard Knicksreally want a change and to build a championship team....then this can't be a quick fix.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

1. Fire Isiah
2. Draft Rose
3. Tank next year
4. Get another top 3 pick
5. Have an average season, just missing the playoffs
6. Sign LeBron James


that would work if we had our pick next year

You guys don't have a pick next year?
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Although a lot us Knick fans would totally disagree to this, but i think we would have to lose another year and get another high draft pick to put players around this years picks if they turns out to be good.

It wouldn't be so bad anyway, we've been losing for almost an entire decade, whats another year? Even if it means giving us a solid shot at clearing a lot of cap space, and signing an elite free agent.

I agree 100%. In order to have a good future the next 2-3 years have to be rough with young players. I am not even thinking about the playoffs next year. All I care about is building an elite team. This is a very crucial draft for the Knicks and someone mentioned the team trying to get multiple first round picks and moving up to get Augustin. I am all for that. The Knicks need as much good young talent as they can get in this draft. If the die hard Knicks really want a change and to build a championship team....then this can't be a quick fix.

Iight for the last time imma say it...
Actually nevermind, just checked it out on, here is the deal and imma state it once so everyone knows. It was top 23 protected this year so weobviously get to keep it. Next year we actually do have it i thought we didnt it is top 22 protected so we will have it again next year which is very good.Than in 2010 it is unprotected.

and thats all good cause by 2010 we will only be worried in our prized offseason acquisition cause we racked up enough talent on our previous 2 top 5 picks ina row and that man will be none other than Lebron

anyway this is a big draft either way. I say we get rose cause if we want to make room for Lebron it will be tough already having Beasley as our franchiseplayer at the same position and pretty much the same size, unless we put Lebron at SG cause Lee will play the 4 cause we need a hard working role playingrebounder in there just like Oakley for us, Rodman for the Bulls, even DeBusscher back in the day, etc. that is a must for a winning team.
We also like i said need to trade Z Bo and curry to clear up cap space by 2010 so we get expiring contrats or picks in return. And the last thing to rebuildthis summer... KEEP STEPHON MARBURY!!!!!!

we cant be ******ed in the past like when we got rid of Jalen Rose in his contract year or Mo Taylor and even when we +**+#* ourselves by trading Pat for longterm big contracts who sucked during his contract year. We need to keep Starbury around for another year so his contract comes off the book by 2010. If wetrade him we might as well cross out Lebron James in our plans.
anyway this is a big draft either way. I say we get rose cause if we want to make room for Lebron it will be tough already having Beasley as our franchise player at the same position and pretty much the same size, unless we put Lebron at SG cause Lee will play the 4 cause we need a hard working role playing rebounder in there just like Oakley for us, Rodman for the Bulls, even DeBusscher back in the day, etc. that is a must for a winning team.
We also like i said need to trade Z Bo and curry to clear up cap space by 2010 so we get expiring contrats or picks in return. And the last thing to rebuild this summer... KEEP STEPHON MARBURY!!!!!!
Yeah, i agree with you. I think we need a PG before anything else. If we had a chance to get a dominate C then i would get him too. When buildinga franchise, you always start with either a Center (big man) or a PG.
This is the first time I've actually watched a game playing close attention in over 2 months.

And god, we suck worse than before.

At least we learned how to tank.
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