OFFICIAL NBA 2k16 Thread | Available Now

I really don't see the benefit of practice outside of the two drills they give you. After that I don't see the point bc you don't earn any badges or vc.

It's how you earn more attribute upgrades and you do get vc bonuses for completing different tasks during practices plus you normally have 2 or 3 side drills you can do after the main team ones that give you boosts and vc

plus you can work on your moves and get your shot timing down
the word "cheese" is so over used now.

to me, "cheese" is defined as a part of a game that users utilized that cant be stopped by definition in the game. a loophole.

playing online with OKC, CLE etc etc and utilizing your stars isnt "cheese"

preferring not to play on ball defense isnt "cheese"
I swear I wanted to rage last night. Playing ranked online matches are just so freaking irritating!!!

1st game I played last night was with the Celtics. Game was super close til the 4th quarter when I started to pull away. What stopped me from getting the win I deserved was the fact that the stupid game froze while I was shooting a freaking freethrow!! We only had 1:30-40 left in the game. The only good thing I can say about that situation is that I didn't get a L from having to restart the game.

2nd game I played last night was with the Clippers. Once again, the game was super close. This one managed to go to OT. In OT I felt like I was getting cheated by the system. CP3 getting balls stolen from him left & right. Me missing wide open 3s with 3 point shoots even though I gave them time to set up & my shot meter was really close to that stupid white line. Not to mention it's hard as heck to get passes inside the paint. Almost every single pass is an interception. Almost every single dunk/layup is a miss or they get blocked! There's still times when your players will get really stooped on defense and not pay attention to their surroundings. Had the opponents turbo right through 2 defenders for an easy layup because those defenders didn't react at all. It was like he was too short for them to see him. What the heck is going on?!?!

Think I will stick to MyPark.
the word "cheese" is so over used now.

to me, "cheese" is defined as a part of a game that users utilized that cant be stopped by definition in the game. a loophole.

playing online with OKC, CLE etc etc and utilizing your stars isnt "cheese"

preferring not to play on ball defense isnt "cheese"
I agree with everything you said outside of the last sentence.

Might as well not play at all if you're going to allow the cpu to guard the other user for you.. 
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I agree with everything you said outside of the last sentence.

Might as well not play at all if you're going to allow the cpu to guard the other user for you.. 

i get what you are saying. i was just saying that a player choosing not to play on ball defense in lieu of rim protection isnt cheese. corny...maybe. but not "cheese."

IMO its like telling a user player in madden that they have to play with a certain defender. some choose to rush the qb, some choose to play with a middle linebacker, some play with a safety. to me, its the same thing.
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Those off-ball D guys are always funny. Trying to stay as far away from the action as possible :lol:

Call a pick & roll/pop with whoever he's "guarding" & watch him implode.
lets be honest doesn't matter how nice you are in defending on ball...the dude is going to get by you regardless...i've never had anyone hold me down to the point where i cant do a shimmy or a dribble move and get around him with ease...

so whats the point? if the game is broke in that sense why should I always be scrambling every defensive play and ruining my fun...i ain't tryna switch to different players ever 5 secs because the dude with the ball is dribbling around...

the good thing about off ball defending is that everyone stays square...all the positions stay where there suppose to and the game flows more SIM like...when you try defending the dude with the ball in most cases you get out of place...then by time you switch to next guy...the other player who you were previously using is out of place and its just turns into a **** storm...

the way they had on ball defending in 2k8 was long as you were in the radius it locked you on...

in before you suck at defending...
lets be honest doesn't matter how nice you are in defending on ball...the dude is going to get by you regardless...i've never had anyone hold me down to the point where i cant do a shimmy or a dribble move and get around him with ease...

so whats the point? if the game is broke in that sense why should I always be scrambling every defensive play and ruining my fun...i ain't tryna switch to different players ever 5 secs because the dude with the ball is dribbling around...

the good thing about off ball defending is that everyone stays square...all the positions stay where there suppose to and the game flows more SIM like...when you try defending the dude with the ball in most cases you get out of place...then by time you switch to next guy...the other player who you were previously using is out of place and its just turns into a **** storm...

the way they had on ball defending in 2k8 was long as you were in the radius it locked you on...

in before you suck at defending...
I agree with this.
You can try to justify it anyway you want.. but offball D is for the bums

You can try to justify it anyway you want.. but offball D is for the bums

The way I see it is something 2K really needs to fix. They need to add the difficulty of the defense of players to rookie if you are using computer defense. It is a cheese because unlike football in basketball you need to be good offensively and defensively. You are playing 50% of the game when you let your computer do your defense, so how can anyone that uses this think they are good? You are doing half the work. Imagine playing a fighting game where the computer blocks for you and you only play for offense? There is a reason why real 2K tournaments for money you get automatically disqualified if you use computer d. Is for bums that aren't good on defense. Just practice you will be better than the computer and won't rely on it. You have no idea how satisfying it is to know that block or 24 sec violation came from yourself. I give no props to players that think they are nice because the computer stopped me or stole the ball. Like why are you pausing the game to look cocky when it wasn't you who did that? It is very frustrating but until 2K punishes these players by putting their defense rookie level when they aren't guarding then the best option to do is spread the floor and pass it to the one they are guarding. Is always the Center and you will score because they rely on the computer so much and suck on defense. And to that user that said they don't want to switch players every 5 secs? Pressing X doesn't disturb any flow and it just shows how lazy you sound. Now pressing a button is a chore? Come on man.
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I swear I wanted to rage last night. Playing ranked online matches are just so freaking irritating!!!

1st game I played last night was with the Celtics. Game was super close til the 4th quarter when I started to pull away. What stopped me from getting the win I deserved was the fact that the stupid game froze while I was shooting a freaking freethrow!! We only had 1:30-40 left in the game. The only good thing I can say about that situation is that I didn't get a L from having to restart the game.

2nd game I played last night was with the Clippers. Once again, the game was super close. This one managed to go to OT. In OT I felt like I was getting cheated by the system. CP3 getting balls stolen from him left & right. Me missing wide open 3s with 3 point shoots even though I gave them time to set up & my shot meter was really close to that stupid white line. Not to mention it's hard as heck to get passes inside the paint. Almost every single pass is an interception. Almost every single dunk/layup is a miss or they get blocked! There's still times when your players will get really stooped on defense and not pay attention to their surroundings. Had the opponents turbo right through 2 defenders for an easy layup because those defenders didn't react at all. It was like he was too short for them to see him. What the heck is going on?!?!

Think I will stick to MyPark.
You realize that you released yourself of ALL fault for both of those games?

What could you have done differently to win? No game comes down to the last possessions. There are 3.5 quarters that have to be played and when you convince yourself you were cheated , based on what you typed, it stunts your ability to improve.

I am not trolling, just trying to help.
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You can try to justify it anyway you want.. but offball D is for the bums
The way I see it is something 2K really needs to fix. They need to add the difficulty of the defense of players to rookie if you are using computer defense. It is a cheese because unlike football in basketball you need to be good offensively and defensively. You are playing 50% of the game when you let your computer do your defense, so how can anyone that uses this think they are good? You are doing half the work. Imagine playing a fighting game where the computer blocks for you and you only play for offense? There is a reason why real 2K tournaments for money you get automatically disqualified if you use computer d. Is for bums that aren't good on defense. Just practice you will be better than the computer and won't rely on it. You have no idea how satisfying it is to know that block or 24 sec violation came from yourself. I give no props to players that think they are nice because the computer stopped me or stole the ball. Like why are you pausing the game to look cocky when it wasn't you who did that? It is very frustrating but until 2K punishes these players by putting their defense rookie level when they aren't guarding then the best option to do is spread the floor and pass it to the one they are guarding. Is always the Center and you will score because they rely on the computer so much and suck on defense. And to that user that said they don't want to switch players every 5 secs? Pressing X doesn't disturb any flow and it just shows how lazy you sound. Now pressing a button is a chore? Come on man.
a lot of you dudes are butt hurt...

instead of blaming the GAME are blaming the user? you cant beat the computer D? how lame are you though?

the defense is broken in this game...I challenge anyone to stop me while i dribble around your sorry *** in 2 secs...then what do you do? quickly switch over... and bring the next closest player to my dude with the ball?

lol...why not actually create a system where the defense responds as fast as the offense..

i play 50/50 on ball and off ball...
a lot of you dudes are butt hurt...

instead of blaming the GAME are blaming the user? you cant beat the computer D? how lame are you though?

the defense is broken in this game...I challenge anyone to stop me while i dribble around your sorry *** in 2 secs...then what do you do? quickly switch over... and bring the next closest player to my dude with the ball?

lol...why not actually create a system where the defense responds as fast as the offense..

i play 50/50 on ball and off ball...
You are missing the point. It isn't about "beating the CPU D." It is about me hopping online to play vs a HUMAN player. Being able to play the human game of chess. Ball Handler vs. On Ball Defender. You can't get that experience vs. the CPU.

It is fun walking the ball up, giving someone a hesitation, and then pulling up in his face. It is fun doing that to a HUMAN controlled player. 

So it isn't about BEATING the CPU or our "inability" to do so, it is about getting that man vs. man competition.
a lot of you dudes are butt hurt...

instead of blaming the GAME are blaming the user? you cant beat the computer D? how lame are you though?

the defense is broken in this game...I challenge anyone to stop me while i dribble around your sorry *** in 2 secs...then what do you do? quickly switch over... and bring the next closest player to my dude with the ball?

lol...why not actually create a system where the defense responds as fast as the offense..

i play 50/50 on ball and off ball...
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