Official NBA 2k13 Thread

I was the raptors. It was a low scoring game, and they are a inside athletic team. The way i play is good. I dont care what anyone says. If i played like i how i really wanted to play, he would have never gotten those 2 W's.
Dude I CRUSHED you the first game. I barely allowed you to do anything. Second game wasn't a crush, but you had no chance. Toronto is not a INSIDE team(what basketball you watching?) Andre Barnagni SHOOTS THE BALL, YOU NEVER TOOK 1 shot with him. I'm fully aware your a cheeser which is why I played you and left. No time for a cheeser.

The other dude I played from here last night at least played fair and it was actually fun.
Played 2k13 last night against my boys and won 5 in a row. I played the best defense I've ever played in any 2k. Beat the Nuggets twice (with the Sixers & Nets), beat the Clippers with a gamewinning 3 from Ray Allen lol (I hate the Heats soft *** interior D and Lebron kept giving too much room to Caron Butler smh), beat the Heat with the Spurs (Dejuan Blair & Manu are just...whoa lol) & then beat the Grizzlies with the Nuggets (Wilson Chandler doesnt miss anything lol, Anthony Randolph is a front court mismatch, Iguodala is the cheesiest player in the game tho)
If anybody wants to play me on PSN
My SN is SumGuyChris, I'm only 1-1 online lol (both games against the Lakers lol)

added you
why y'all complaining about people not playing on ball defense? ha your basically saying you can't beat the computer
why y'all complaining about people not playing on ball defense? ha your basically saying you can't beat the computer

Online, the CPU would have more advantage then a human. You left the CPU control Chris Paul and 8/10 because of his stealing sig skills he will strip you as oppose to you tryna to steal and maybe you'll get like one or two steals.
why y'all complaining about people not playing on ball defense? ha your basically saying you can't beat the computer

Online, the CPU would have more advantage then a human. You left the CPU control Chris Paul and 8/10 because of his stealing sig skills he will strip you as oppose to you tryna to steal and maybe you'll get like one or two steals.

i have never had a problem with the computer stripping me. keep the ball away from the defender. the only advantage you get from the other player playing on ball defense is the lag so you can blow past them every time. thats how im sure you guys notice anyways they ain't playing defense.
why y'all complaining about people not playing on ball defense? ha your basically saying you can't beat the computer

Online, the CPU would have more advantage then a human. You left the CPU control Chris Paul and 8/10 because of his stealing sig skills he will strip you as oppose to you tryna to steal and maybe you'll get like one or two steals.

i have never had a problem with the computer stripping me. keep the ball away from the defender. the only advantage you get from the other player playing on ball defense is the lag so you can blow past them every time. thats how im sure you guys notice anyways they ain't playing defense.

Maybe my answer wasnt the one you was looking for, but you catch my drift right?
The funniest thing to me is playing dudes who go straight to zone before he even figures out how I play offensively. Like ill gladly take open 3s all game with curry and Thompson and kill you on the boards.
Man the 1-3-1 is too effective. It's supposed to be weak in the low post. Somehow its effective through the whole court its almost impossible to cross court pass since people don't like to guard any one
I hate Carmelo Anthony, there has to be a way to slow him down. I even had to put Blake Griffin on him and that does nothing.
i havent used MIAMI since LeBron been there...

Im copping this next week, already smash my people earlier this week, im 6-0 so far...

NYK all day

psn = premium718

i might be on BF3 at the time but shoot me a invite and we could boogie
I hate Carmelo Anthony, there has to be a way to slow him down. I even had to put Blake Griffin on him and that does nothing.

Carmelo, is very great at mid range, i'd put my fastest SF/SG on him, and apply a casual double to force the pass, just hope J.R Smith aint waiting for a 3, they made dude a god on this game
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