Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Jason Terry the dude that left the Mavericks?

And y'all gotta stop pretending you are part of the organization you are a fan of.

Y'all don't work for them, you didn't contribute to any championships, you just spectated. Stop referencing history you had no part in.

Jason Terry the dude that left the Mavericks?

And y'all gotta stop pretending you are part of the organization you are a fan of.

Y'all don't work for them, you didn't contribute to any championships, you just spectated. Stop referencing history you had no part in.

You mad Lin is a bust?

You mad he plays for the second worse basketball team in texas?

You mad I contribute to the SPURS by buying tickets to see them play live?



Love the AVY tho. :smokin
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Totally shameless plug, but I write recaps of the previous day's NBA action pretty much daily on my blog.  Don't forget to check that out.


I also accept good and bad feedback.
Shouldn't you be more concerned with our LA Clippers making that run?

I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure erupt's posts about the Grizz are not serious. I think he said before the season even started that they should win 75 games. Nobody could honestly think that. I think they're mostly for BHZ's benefit.
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And y'all gotta stop pretending you are part of the organization you are a fan of.
Y'all don't work for them, you didn't contribute to any championships, you just spectated. Stop referencing history you had no part in.


All sports fan in general need to read this, all this bias and emotional feelings towards sports franchises/players never made sense to me.
There's dudes that legitimately hate Lebron, Kobe like they actually know them personally. Dudes threatened Sanchez life after a bad game, like seriously?
It's cool to be a fan of certain teams/players but time and time again fans take it too far, your life/emotions should not be effected to the extent I've seen.
I'd understand if you were an owner, player, staff, gambler or what have you where your livelihood was at stake but come on, put that passion into your own life.
:lol: damn you Chester

I would feel a little more embarrassed if my franchise hasn't won a championship in over 30 years than a franchise that hasn't won anything in only 11 years.:tongue:

I was going to bring up TA being the highest ranked guard in defensive rating, but I knew someone was going to turn it all around. No one does anything well anymore :lol: . All formulas and stats are flawed.

BTW quik, you don't know what I have invested in the Grizz nor do you know who I know within that franchise. Take it for what its worth. Either way, the majority of time I'm just playing around. Chester and I talk **** all the time. Its just expected lol. I can't even imagine my day being ruined for talking about sports, though.
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I honestly don't find this **** amusing either. Back in the day on here the homers used to be funny.

Now these ****** on here are killing the forum honestly. These dudes DBD, mjshoefanatic, BHZ, etc are some straight up gump *** homers.

So, I ruin the boards because I come in here to talk about my team (even though I talk about the NBA in general) when people of large market teams talk about their team/players/fans for pages and pages? Hell yea, I'm going to bring something different up every once in a while because I'm tired of hearing about Kobe, Lebron, Dwight, the same old ****.

Whenever I do offer some sort of discussion, 80% of the people in here don't have **** to say but smart *** remarks like YOU. Bring something to the table and stop complaining.

Its a difference between coming in here and saying stuff that doesn't make any sense at all. If you so damn butt hurt about me saying something like "we the best defensive in the league" then tell me why we aren't you cry baby. It'll make you feel better to say something smart that has nothing to do with the discussion?
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I wouldn't put BHZ in the same place as DBD and MJshoefanatic. We've been ******g with him for years now, even when they were ****** :lol: and to his credit, he's around when they lose. Those two are on a whole other level.

:frown: kind words my brother, kind words. the struggles i went through 06-10 :x

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