Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Lakers fans talking up Pau so hard but they don't want to keep him
Can't blame Laker fans. The Lakers got 76ers to do a 3 team deal, giving them Bynum, who has yet to play a single game this season with them, and we got Dwight. You know which one has been more productive. 
I get that and agree, but I'm trying to look at it from Essential and Colangelo's perspectives, on some If I DId It...This Is How by OJ tip. :lol:

It's like fantasy football. You've got a no-name putting good solid numbers and a known flaky, wannabe scrub. Would you trade them for a player that used to be a stud a year or 2 ago if you were damn near out of the playoff picture? Even if you got fleeced, you could still feel like you took a shot at something and like leeme said, he's got a name and a soon to be expiring contract. That's worth something and there are narratives you can see the fans there. Filling seats =/= being able to say you did something to your fans and sell them on getting an NBA Champion and blah blah blah.

That is, if you were Bryan Colangelo, someone stupid enough to Landry Fields themselves.
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The funny thing is that Fields and Calderon actually fill a need for the Lakers. Fields can play backup SF, and can defend, and Calderon can play backup PG. and do yall really think Lowry would come to LA just to be a backup?
While Pau is on the decline, I still feel he can be an effective player in the right situation. If he gets to play his natural center position and gets his share of time in the post (he's been forced from the this area the last two seasons thanks to Bynum, Kobe and Dwight), he can be productive. I don't like putting hypothetical numbers, so I'm not even going to bother to do so. For the right team that is looking for a veteran, like say the Timberwolves (they don't have anything that really intrigues me as a Laker fan) he could fit. He would be rather expensive though.
I get that and agree, but I'm trying to look at it from Essential and Colangelo's perspectives, on some If I DId It...This Is How by OJ tip. :lol:
It's like fantasy football. You've got a no-name putting good solid numbers and a known flaky, wannabe scrub. Would you trade them for a player that used to be a stud a year or 2 ago if you were damn near out of the playoff picture? Even if you got fleeced, you could still feel like you took a shot at something and like leeme said, he's got a name and a soon to be expiring contract. That's worth something and there are narratives you can see the fans there. Filling seats =/= being able to say you did something to your fans and sell them on getting an NBA Champion and blah blah blah.
That is, if you were Bryan Colangelo, someone stupid enough to Landry Fields themselves.

if you were talking about dwyane wade, then yes.

but we're talking about pau gasol.
When the hell did Chris Kaman get 20 :lol: ?

Pau would be a solid player next to Bosh, Wade, and Lebron. Or CP3, Blake, Jordan, and Bledsoe. Or Melo, Amar'e and Chandler....

But Pau and Demor Derozan :lol:
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Do yall really think Lowry would come to LA just to be a backup?
If the Lakers somehow got Kyle Lowry, they'd got him for 2 years, at least, whether he likes it or not. I think he'd adjust, and besides it'd be old man Nash he'd be backing up.
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I get that and agree, but I'm trying to look at it from Essential and Colangelo's perspectives, on some If I DId It...This Is How by OJ tip. :lol:

It's like fantasy football. You've got a no-name putting good solid numbers and a known flaky, wannabe scrub. Would you trade them for a player that used to be a stud a year or 2 ago if you were damn near out of the playoff picture? Even if you got fleeced, you could still feel like you took a shot at something and like leeme said, he's got a name and a soon to be expiring contract. That's worth something and there are narratives you can see the fans there. Filling seats =/= being able to say you did something to your fans and sell them on getting an NBA Champion and blah blah blah.

That is, if you were Bryan Colangelo, someone stupid enough to Landry Fields themselves.

So basically you are saying you'd have to be an idiot to make that trade?

But I'm blind?


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So basically you are saying you'd have to be an idiot to make that trade?

But I'm blind?




Bryan Colangelo is a human being that exists and enough of an idiot at decisions like that.

Please respond.
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So basically you are saying you'd have to be an idiot to make that trade?

But I'm blind?




Bryan Colangelo is a human being that exists and enough of an idiot at decisions like that.

Please respond.

Except* my bad

So you have to be and idiot to make that trade if you're the Raptors

But the trade is still not good enough apparently for Lakers fans

Throw Nash into that Pau for Bargnani/Lowry deal so the Raptors can go from young and mediocre to old and mediocre and the Lakers can continue underachieving.
Kevin Love
Lamarcus Aldridge
Josh Smith
Z Bo
Ryan Anderson
David West
Larry Sanders
Tim Duncan
David Lee

are all PF's that I would take over Pau at this stage of his career, and thats not including Lebron and Melo who are playing PF right now....but yall want a top tier PG for him?

Larry Sanders!?!?!?

lmaoooo stop it bro
Wizards can't catch a break. |I Price fractures his hand. Wall is still out indefinitely. Livingston, Beal, Crawford have to share PG duty now :x
Deng is leading the NBA in min played. Dude is gonna burn out before Rose even comes back.
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