Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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BTW i also think Deron needs to get rid of his, never liked it when he wore it. looks weird :lol:

Wears it to hide the dye when it comes out of his hair.

Stackhouse has been great for the nets this year. Far more effective than I thought he would be. Assumed he was just there to be a locker room guy and he has consistently been an intricate part to what the Nets have been able to accomplish so far this season.
Okay, someone has to tell me how Stack and Blatche are playing so well (and not just tonight either).
word, don't think magic got a policy on headbands. The only one I can think of was the Bulls (06 when they got wallace), they didn't allow him to wear it.

:rofl: @ Dwight's face as he got the pass. He was HYPE!

Still so funny to me that he took it and that form :lol:
Okay, someone has to tell me how Stack and Blatche are playing so well (and not just tonight either).
Seems like we're about to figure out it's DC not the players and for Stack, he drinking the water here in NYC, extra bite to it since Sandy.
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They did. Stan Van Gundy didn't allow them.

But back to the story. I asked Otis why he implemented the ban, and asked if it had anything to do with DeShawn Stevenson, who is (to the best of my knowledge) the last Magic player to wear a headband while with the team. Smith chuckled, and said it did. His problem isn't with headbands in general--he recognizes that they have a utilitarian purpose--but rather with the manner in which some players wear them. He said Stevenson tended to wear his high on his head in such a manner that was not conducive to keeping sweat out of his face. According to Smith, Stevenson wore his headband as a fashion accessory, which was unacceptable.

(Aside: Stevenson's newest accessories are three new face tattoos (a backwards "P" for the Pittsburgh Pirates, his son's name, and a crack) and a neck tattoo (Abraham Lincoln's face). These additions make Stevenson's headband seem tame, no?)

After a bit more thought, Smith told me he'd probably let Carter wear his headband, provided that he does so in the traditional manner, and not as an accessory. In addition, for Vince to receive permission to wear a headband in games, he must also wear it during practices. After all, Smith said, if sweat gets in your face while practicing, it gets in your face during game. And if it bothers you enough to wear it in a game, then it should bother you enough to want to wear it in practices as well.

so it was Otis policy not SVG.
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anyone have an idea how they did the Christmas jersey commercial? were they all in the same room or doing their part by themselves?
Scott Skiles had banned headbands in Chicago and Milwaukee, but he let the Bucks start wearing them this season.

Jerry Sloan also banned headbands in Utah because he wanted the players to be uniform. Either everyone had to wear them or no one would.
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