Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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My dude you are trying tooooo hard. 

Yes the NBA promotes and markets individual players.  We all know this.  This is fact. Pop has been allowed to do his job.  He actually did a great job tonight.  His job is substitutions, play calls, and gamesmanship.  Thats why he's there.  If a coach has GM responsibilities then that's his job too.  Stern hasn't limited any of those "rights"

If you are healthy you play.  The league has been ok with teams doing this before playoffs or at the end of the season.  But in Dec where every team is still technically in the race for the playoffs you dont do that.

Playing and coaching in the NBA is a privilege.  Don't mess with the intergrity or quality of the product.  Don't send 5 healthy players home and cause them to miss a game on National TV.  Theres a respect thing. 

Lets say your boss lets anybody who wants to leave work 45 mins early on Fridays.  Some people do it.  Some people don't.  Its not a big issue because its just some Fridays.  Then this one Friday your boss's boss is there to look over the place.  It would be in poor taste for 3 of you guys to walkout and leave early in front of the big boss.  It makes your boss look bad and it makes you guys look bad.  Why not just suck it up this one Friday and stay until the real time to show your boss respect.  I mean he has been letting you guys leave early on other Fridays right?  But NOOO you had to make him look bad and now he has to put in writing some rule about leaving early because of people took advantage of the favor.
No one is 'trying hard', I'm simply pointing out the inherent flaws in that perspective. If playing/coaching in the NBA is a privilege, then so is being the commissioner of the NBA. It's not like Stern created the NBA and hired all the players and coaches to work for him. The NBA would be nowhere without its great organizations and coaches - coaches, like Popovich, who have earned their name by making decisions about what's best for their team basketball-wise. The integrity of the game comes from guys like Pop.

Your work analogy doesn't apply here because leaving work early isn't part of your job. It's part of an NBA coach's job to strategically manage players minutes throughout the season, which is what Pop was doing. Of course respect comes into play in any workplace. But your primary responsibility is always to do the job you were contracted to do, to the best of your ability; if Pop made decisions based on how respectful they were he wouldn't be where he is today. Stern could have contacted the Spurs privately and let them know that he was unhappy, or sent out a memo in the offseason discouraging teams from doing this. But issuing a fine (if that is indeed what happens) is an overextension of power.

The Spurs starters were sore and he wanted them to be 100% for an important conference matchup, so he rested them for a game. Why should he risk one of them straining a muscle due to cramps or fatigue? That's his call and he should be allowed to do that. It would be different if they were a bad team, because then it could possibly look like they were conspiring to tank the season. But this is clearly a strategic move and he's doing what he is paid to do.

I'm not even as mad about this as I was last night. As long as this doesnt set the precedent for something worse then I'm fine. Let Stern have his power trip this one time and leave it at that.
What precedent would possibly be set? You do realize Popovich has been doing this for a while now, right?


It's not like this will become a widespread trend throughout the league, your team would have to be very good to earn the luxury of doing this. The only potential problem I could see is if a top team were to do this for the Christmas Day game.. but as far as I know the NBA doesn't generally give teams long roadtrips or 4 games in 5 days around the holidays, so I doubt it'd ever be an issue.
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I would hate to be in attendance if i found out i'm only gonna see Heat vs Spurs (bench) ... f that.

This is not early april where you rest your players for the playoffs .. hell, resting their (spurs) players aint helping them in the playoffs for years anyway..

Do what you gotta do STERN..
I would hate to be in attendance if i found out i'm only gonna see Heat vs Spurs (bench) ... f that.

This is not early april where you rest your players for the playoffs .. hell, resting their (spurs) players aint helping them in the playoffs for years anyway..

Do what you gotta do STERN..
D'Antoni has been benching Gasol, should Lakers fans who came to watch Pau get their money back?
Yes I do know that Pop has been doing this for a while, I have been following this team for more than a decade after all. What I'm referring too is the league over stepping their boundaries in terms of letting the organizations manage their teams in the way they see fit. If this is allowed to stand what else is next?

-Fines for benching in blowouts?

-Fines for making terrible trades?

-Fines for tanking your season?

It opens up Pandoras box and now people will be calling for things to happen all over the place and use this situation as their jumping point.

Yes I do know that Pop has been doing this for a while, I have been following this team for more than a decade after all. What I'm referring too is the league over stepping their boundaries in terms of letting the organizations manage their teams in the way they see fit. If this is allowed to stand what else is next?

-Fines for benching in blowouts?
-Fines for making terrible trades?
-Fines for tanking your season?

It opens up Pandoras box and now people will be calling for things to happen all over the place and use this situation as their jumping point.
Didn't even see your Spurs sig. I thought you were saying the sitting of players would become a precedent. I def agree that the arbitrary use of fines needs to be reigned in before it gets out of control.
I figured. I've agreed with everything you've posted over the last couple of pages, this isnt a good look for the league IMO, but we just have to wait and see what actually happens I suppose.
Wasn't in here all day so I don't know if the news about Bynum's dispute with his neighbors in LA has been posted.

This dude is a mess man. The Sixers have waited for YEARS to get another franchise player, and this is what they end up with. That's not fair for such a passionate fanbase and city. I don't think anybody is going to know what the hell to offer this guy in the summer if he doesn't even play this season. So dissapointing that this happened with Bynum though. Him playing on the Sixers could have made things a lot more interesting in the East.
Honestly, as well as they played yesterday, Pop should start doing it more often. That was the best game I've watched in awhile and it was compelling down to the very end. Pop isn't in the business of public relations, he is a coach (and a pretty damn good one) whos job is to win rings. If they could almost beat the Heat, imagine what the Spurs bench would have done to a team like the Magic or Wiz
Stern should stop pretending it's about integrity or fans

Id have much more respect if he just admitted that it's about advertisers being pissed off. Because hey, his job is the make the owners money. There isn't anything wrong with that. But pretending he gives to **** about the fans or integrity? Don't treat us like we are stupid.

It isn't the Miami lebron vs. the San Antonio Duncan. As much as he he tries to make it be.
Lost in all of this is the fact that Pop said he was doing this in the best interest of HIS team. Which he has EVERY right to do. I loved Pop's explanation for his rationale. Pop even said he understood why people would be upset if they paid for tickets to see stars, however people need to understand his POV. The decision was made in July to rest his guys regardless of the Spurs record.

Stern needs to let this one go. If this was not on TNT we wouldn't hear **** about potential sanctions.
the NBA is officially more entertainment than sport. That is what I get out of this whole situation
Honestly, as well as they played yesterday, Pop should start doing it more often. That was the best game I've watched in awhile and it was compelling down to the very end. Pop isn't in the business of public relations, he is a coach (and a pretty damn good one) whos job is to win rings. If they could almost beat the Heat, imagine what the Spurs bench would have done to a team like the Magic or Wiz
I honestly doubt the Heat took the game seriously whatsoever until the fourth.
Honestly, as well as they played yesterday, Pop should start doing it more often. That was the best game I've watched in awhile and it was compelling down to the very end. Pop isn't in the business of public relations, he is a coach (and a pretty damn good one) whos job is to win rings. If they could almost beat the Heat, imagine what the Spurs bench would have done to a team like the Magic or Wiz
I honestly doubt the Heat took the game seriously whatsoever until the fourth.

And I'm sure alot of other apologists feel the same way, but I watched the game, and it looked like they were taking it pretty serious to me
As much as I can't stand David Stern on his decisions, I REALLY like how he came out last night. Because the NBA is in business for entertainment and the people who pay your salaries are the fans. I know that are not many people who think the Spurs are entertaining, but there could have been someone in Miami, who really wanted to see the Spurs best players last nite. People say it was a good game, but when the Heat heard those guys were not playing, don't you think the intensity level went down by more than half? Don't give me that you are a professional you should play hard all the time line. I compare that to any of us going to the gym to play pickup ball and getting there and the best competition is not there. At that point do you really want to play with the scrubs. Imean you may play but will you really get the best game you were expecting going in. Yeah I know all players in the NBA can play but playing against certain people makes the game more competitive. I don't think people are looking at how far this reaches who are saying that they agree with Pop, you may have had people who made plans to be in Miami and wanted to see a great game and had they known the Spurs big three was not playing all of a sudden hotels, restaraunts, clubs, bars, etc. lose money. TNT loses viewers to the NFL last nite. People may have made plans to take the night off to watch the game at home, and they were disappointed. Basically what I am saying is that stretches much more further that Pop resting his guys for Saturday when you look at it from Sterns angle and people personal finances angle....
Be real the heat haven't lost a game yet. They gave new York the win because of sandy, partied to much in Memphis, and weren't trying in the other losses. :smokin

They don't lose they let the other team win :smokin
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As much as I can't stand David Stern on his decisions, I REALLY like how he came out last night. Because the NBA is in business for entertainment and the people who pay your salaries are the fans. I know that are not many people who think the Spurs are entertaining, but there could have been someone in Miami, who really wanted to see the Spurs best players last nite. People say it was a good game, but when the Heat heard those guys were not playing, don't you think the intensity level went down by more than half? Don't give me that you are a professional you should play hard all the time line. I compare that to any of us going to the gym to play pickup ball and getting there and the best competition is not there. At that point do you really want to play with the scrubs. Imean you may play but will you really get the best game you were expecting going in. Yeah I know all players in the NBA can play but playing against certain people makes the game more competitive. I don't think people are looking at how far this reaches who are saying that they agree with Pop, you may have had people who made plans to be in Miami and wanted to see a great game and had they known the Spurs big three was not playing all of a sudden hotels, restaraunts, clubs, bars, etc. lose money. TNT loses viewers to the NFL last nite. People may have made plans to take the night off to watch the game at home, and they were disappointed. Basically what I am saying is that stretches much more further that Pop resting his guys for Saturday when you look at it from Sterns angle and people personal finances angle....

but why would personal finances be any of Coach Pop's concern? Sure David Stern has to worry about all those things, but all that is far outside the scope of Pop's job
the NBA is officially more entertainment than sport. That is what I get out of this whole situation
and it's sad. I hope Adam silver comes in and puts an end to all of this. It is not pops job to worry about the sponsors, or the viewer count, it is his job to worry about the San Antonio Spurs and the San Antonio Spurs alone and to punish him for doing his job, and trying to hide behind the veil of the fans is despicable.
As much as I can't stand David Stern on his decisions, I REALLY like how he came out last night. Because the NBA is in business for entertainment and the people who pay your salaries are the fans. I know that are not many people who think the Spurs are entertaining, but there could have been someone in Miami, who really wanted to see the Spurs best players last nite. People say it was a good game, but when the Heat heard those guys were not playing, don't you think the intensity level went down by more than half? Don't give me that you are a professional you should play hard all the time line. I compare that to any of us going to the gym to play pickup ball and getting there and the best competition is not there. At that point do you really want to play with the scrubs. Imean you may play but will you really get the best game you were expecting going in. Yeah I know all players in the NBA can play but playing against certain people makes the game more competitive. I don't think people are looking at how far this reaches who are saying that they agree with Pop, you may have had people who made plans to be in Miami and wanted to see a great game and had they known the Spurs big three was not playing all of a sudden hotels, restaraunts, clubs, bars, etc. lose money. TNT loses viewers to the NFL last nite. People may have made plans to take the night off to watch the game at home, and they were disappointed. Basically what I am saying is that stretches much more further that Pop resting his guys for Saturday when you look at it from Sterns angle and people personal finances angle....

but why would personal finances be any of Coach Pop's concern? Sure David Stern has to worry about all those things, but all that is far outside the scope of Pop's job

It's not any of his concern, but from what I have read this "sitdown" for his stars had been decided for a while now. I have no problem with sitting down his stars but let it be known. Not to the public but at least to the league so TNT won't put the game on primetime. (And I say that because when they played last year WITH all the players present it was not on primetime) But to protect his best interest Stern has to worry about people personal finances which pays all the crazy salaries, but that is for another thread.
As much as I can't stand David Stern on his decisions, I REALLY like how he came out last night. Because the NBA is in business for entertainment and the people who pay your salaries are the fans. I know that are not many people who think the Spurs are entertaining, but there could have been someone in Miami, who really wanted to see the Spurs best players last nite. People say it was a good game, but when the Heat heard those guys were not playing, don't you think the intensity level went down by more than half? Don't give me that you are a professional you should play hard all the time line. I compare that to any of us going to the gym to play pickup ball and getting there and the best competition is not there. At that point do you really want to play with the scrubs. Imean you may play but will you really get the best game you were expecting going in. Yeah I know all players in the NBA can play but playing against certain people makes the game more competitive. I don't think people are looking at how far this reaches who are saying that they agree with Pop, you may have had people who made plans to be in Miami and wanted to see a great game and had they known the Spurs big three was not playing all of a sudden hotels, restaraunts, clubs, bars, etc. lose money. TNT loses viewers to the NFL last nite. People may have made plans to take the night off to watch the game at home, and they were disappointed. Basically what I am saying is that stretches much more further that Pop resting his guys for Saturday when you look at it from Sterns angle and people personal finances angle....

Pop has an obligation to his team...NOT the fans. You think the Big 3 not playing in Miami had an effect on the nightlife? :lol: C'Mon man. This is only an issue b/c the game was on TNT and it was an egg on the face of Stern. Let's not get it twisted.

*FWIW, I do like Stern, but he's walking a VERY slippery slope if he does hand out sanctions to the Spurs for resting players.
People saying that Stern did the right thing, I have a question for you:

Let's use an NFL example. Would you be okay with Roger Goodell fining the 49ers for Jim Harbaugh deciding to play Kaepernick instead of Alex Smith? After all, Smith has been the QB of the team for a while now. Not playing him could potentially hurt ratings among Niners fans... right?
Where do we draw the line? At what point does it become okay/not okay for the commissioner to tell coaches how to run their teams?
Heck, why even have coaches in the first place, if you're not going to allow them to do their jobs?

I could understand if he wants to rest his players, play them 20 minutes wtc but you cannot tell your entire starting lineup to chill. If i'm a fan and i paid these ridiculously high prices to watch a game (Especially against a premier team) I want to atleast get a glimpse of the players. I fault stern for a lot but you can't have people buying 200+ dollar tickets to guess whether they are going to see their favorite player play. Especially when the season is only a month old :smh:

That was a real ***** move on pops part. Period
No I don't think it had an effect on the nitelife nor do I care about that, I don't think you read what you quoted. But, if people knew beforehand that the BIg 3 of the Spurs are not playing when the schedule was released, then people who may have had plans to come to Miami for the game may not come to the area if they are not getting the best game that they can possible get. I mean some people can't wait until NFl, NBA, MLB , schedules are released to make plans for things. No one is coming to see Gary Neal and see Tiago Splitter set picks. Just playing the role from the other side here.

I think Stern is way out of line here but I've just come to accept that's how he is.
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