Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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You mean, like how old his face looks?

He's in the process of 3 straight finals seasons, an Olympic run sandwiched in between and still looks indestructible. For the past 8 years he's been playing into at least Mid-May and each year, no signs of any wear and tear. I get that you don't like him, but you can not seriously think that purely as an athlete he's running on the same clock as others, he's clearly not. He's in like the .0000001% of anyone who ever walked the earth. In 3 years, he'll still be one of the best athletes in the NBA.

just for fun:

An OG LeBron hater:

The great Knightgale speaks:
18 months left.

damn did not know the level of saltiness was serious enough to look up a sarcasm laden statement from 09
Am I the only one who in their mind reads ACBboyz's posts with the voice of Mr Chow from The Hangover?
The sad thing is that Lebron is about to win his 2nd title in a row and his fans sound angry :smh:

Reaaally hope the Grizzlies or Clippers don't hire Karl to be their coach. I like watching both those teams play but I do not enjoy seeing George Karl's face on anybody's sideline.

Hnnnnnnnnnng :rofl:

Saw somebody's block list on the last page. What's wrong with Mister Friendly's posts? Other than the gargoyle monstrosities he posts in the women appreciation threads, he doesn't really post anything to get a rise out of people in here. Seems fairly logical with points too.
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This comment on the Jordan vs LeBron stat breakdown video :smh: :stoneface: :rolleyes

"Barkley, Admiral, Shaq, Ewing, Mail Man or the Dream."
Notice how none of those guys play Jordan's position? The big difference is that LeBron actually faces Durant. Jordan was nowhere near Barkley, Admiral, Shaq, Ewing, Mail Man or the Dream. Rodman and the Bulls' 3-head monster at center faced those guys while Jordan went against the team's 2nd raters. LeBron's competition is much greater than Jordan's ever was.
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Not even on no type of lebron hate this time but am I the only one not impressed by his head being at the rim on that oop? Dudes like 6'9. Im 6'3 and myhead isnt at the rim but dunking if I was 6'9 im pretty sure it would be there. I kno a 6'3 dude who head is rim length when catching oops

Not really impressive in my opinion. He already got hop. But when you factor in that he's 6'9. It's actually not that impressive.

Some of the shorter dudes like Flight Brothers on Youtube actually could kiss the rim.
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