Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Honestly, are you 12?
why so serious son? 
Damn dwight gitting down low, I aint eem mad I kno a few players who get away wit walking all the time
why are they doing this stupid hack a howard crap man? it's not going to work n yall down by too much! :smh:

Just play!
This is so stupid! he is bound to make at least one yall giving free points n down by too much man! idiots
Dirk has been awful tonight. If he was his normal self, pretty sure the score would be at least tied right now. Oh well.
Looking at Howard's feet when he shoots his ft, it reminds me of old Tmac back in Orlando days where he would shoot it and his feet were like a foot behind the ft line, god I miss tmac 
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