Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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really jealous of these basketball players man 
With the way the game is officiated now I don't appreciated Lebron complaining about this. Go watch Jordan playing the Pistons and then come talk to me.

I'm not saying that type of thing should be encouraged, but defensive players are completely neutered in today's game. You pretty much either have to try and take a charge or completely get out of the way and escort them to the basket or else its a foul. Lebron just bulldozes his way to the basket; with defenders backing up AWAY from him, Bron initiates the contact and they call a blocking foul? How else are you supposed to defend? They don't even let defenders jump straight up anymore either. As a defender if you are likely to get called for a foul it only makes sense to get your moneys worth and make sure you don't end up on a poster or on the wrong end of an and1.
A flagrant 1 is unnecessary contact committed by a player against an opponent

why would hinrich give up 2 points when he can send a 75% ft shooter to the line? it was a foul nonetheless, but not flagrant worthy
Lebron definitely had me with a scrunched face with that comment.

Nothing wrong with what Hinrich did. LeBron was lucky he didn't get called for an offensive.

Being as big as he is he should not be complaining about contact at all.
If the Heat win last LeBron making these complaints?

Dudes acting like Kirk threw LeBron to the ground. Son wrapped him up. They wouldn't have went to the ground if LeBron didn't try to charge a player half his size.

I don't know why the Taj Gibson foul is even being discussed. It was a regular incidental foul.

Steve Javie the NBA ref was ******** on Mike Greenberg this morning :smokin
Havent read the past pages, but what was everyones take on the fragrant that Lebron did on Booz?

By definition, which another NTer posted on the top of the page, flagrant is a no play on the ball, hard foul. Bron sized up Booz, look at his eyes, he was looking right a Booz, then gave him a football hit and extended the elbow. 
 And people saying that isnt a flagrant?

This is coming from a big LBJ fan.
Lebron tries to truck defenders in the paint. I wonder if he feels like that's a basketball play?

Your royal highness lebron doesn't think rules apply to him

Wilbon was saying lebron shouldn't be complaining but the only reason he didn't let it slide was because it was about his precious Chicago team

This guy bulldozes in like a Mack truck and wants everything handed to him. No hard fouls. No competition
LeBron's shoulder drive into Boozer's chest was more 'flagrant' than either of the plays he's whining about.
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