Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Let's not act like Melo gets the same calls D-wade, Bron, Kobe, Durant get...... Not going to say the refs hate him but as a defender your allowed to do a lot more to him than you can to those guys

But.... Random numbers!

If you use your eyes it's clear. People have their minds made up either way. You can do whatever you want to front him from getting the ball. Push grab whatever.

Meanwhile melo is the one who's gonna get called at the end of of playoff game for a offensive foul. Not wade, Durant, or bron.

I think amare gets much more special treatment than melo. Gets mad bail out calls
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It had nothing to do with her. It was because Donnie Walsh showed up in a wheelchair.

Celtics jazz over lakers nuggets on NBA TV. Reeeeeally?
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I knew that clip would come. That was a hell freezing over moment

I can show clips of him plowing into people no problem. Traveling to beat the wizards. Wade slapping rondo in the face. Lebron fouling durant at the end of game 2 okc.

Melo doesn't get that treatment. He's a tier below.
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“It was one of those carpe diem moments,” forward Matt Bonner said. “You know you shouldn’t be eating a grease-laced double burger with fried onions, fries and a milk shake, but once in a while, you’ve got to go for it. It was one of those things where no one will claim responsibility, but everybody enjoyed it.”
Even [Tony] Parker, a native of Paris who considers himself a sophisticated diner, partook of the fast-food fare.
“That was awesome,” Parker said. “We did the same thing about three years ago, too, and that was awesome, too. Even though I’m a gourmet guy, it doesn’t hurt to eat a double-burger sometimes. I had two double-doubles and a milkshake. I was hungry.”
Not all the Spurs were thrilled about the experience. Guard Manu Ginobili was sated from lunch at one of his favorite Italian restaurants near San Francisco’s Union Square when the bus pulled into the In-N-Out parking lot.
“I was coming from lunch, so it was a bad idea,” he said. “Tiago (Splitter) and I ate lunch in San Francisco, but it was a team thing, so I ate a burger and had a shake.”
Stephen Jackson was ambivalent about the experience.
“It was good, but I don’t like In-N-Out like that,” he said. “Fatburger, Sonic, Five Guys, but not In-N-Out. But I ate one.”

C'mon Jack.
Joakim Noah or Marc Gasol.

I had Tim Duncan for the longest, but he's not even playing 30 minutes a game. That matters when the other candidates are playing 35+ minutes all while having a similar impact on defense. Duncan's missed a number of games too.

I was surprised when it was talked about in here over the weekend, it was all LeBron and not one mention of Noah. He's the favorite to me right now.
He said himself that up until the morning of The Decision he chose NY, until he made a phone call to his mom.
My first time hearing of that.

Yea that's new to me... the most I heard him say was that he didn't know where he was going. One minute he felt NY the next Mia, the next Chicago, the next it was staying put. He didn't decide until the day of.

I heard rumors of him calling someone with the NYK telling them what MIA planned on doing and to see if they could... but that was from NYK fans so... :lol:

Weren't there leaks of info stating that LeBron had booked parties and boats in Miami during the time of "The Decision"?

Julius F. Wrek
But the NBA has it out for Melo!

He has never committed a foul since he's been in NY.
Im curious to hear who you guys think will win the DPOY..
Joakim Noah or Marc Gasol.

I had Tim Duncan for the longest, but he's not even playing 30 minutes a game. That matters when the other candidates are playing 35+ minutes all while having a similar impact on defense. Duncan's missed a number of games too.
I still think Tim Duncan should get it. This isnt the MVP award, we can have a little bit of leeway when it comes to minutes or games played IMO.
Lebron...give the award back to a perimeter defender
No, give it to the best defender.
He said himself that up until the morning of The Decision he chose NY, until he made a phone call to his mom.

No to Serge Ibaka. He's still overrated as a defender.
He's overrated in general. Making him a priority over harden was a bad idea
I still think Tim Duncan should get it. This isnt the MVP award, we can have a little bit of leeway when it comes to minutes or games played IMO.

What a shock. :lol:

Certainly the player that plays the least minutes and the fewest games of any of the other players is the best defensive guy. The way he defends while on the bench, and how the team's defense keeps right on goin while he doesn't even dress clearly shows how great he's been. :lol:
how come Tony Allen or Iggy havent ever been mentioned?

Paul George either? You would think that one of the players from the #1 defensive team in the NBA would get a mention
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