Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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What's happened to ESPN's commentary team? Why do I have to listen to Jon Barry? :x

He's so corny. He takes everything so seriously when he does games.

When Nate tried to dunk on Ibaka, he was clowning Nate and sucking Ibaka off. Like shut up, he drew the ******g foul idiot
His era and joining up with a Finals MVP and another franchise talent to stack the deck

all of this was supposed to happen
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2014 Dunk Conest. Do it LeBron
Oh yeah.. It was joining up with the stars. That absurd complaint... :lol:

And please, he's still plenty criticized and that won't change.
I know LeBron is great.

But it's crazy how so many people on this board or in life in general have changed their feelings towards him all in the span of one year.

I guess when they say winning cures all they ain't lying.

One year everyone's clowning on him, hating, joking, laughing, criticizing...hairline jokes, people feel sorry for him. Ego too big. Jerk for leaving Cleveland. Playing the Robin role to win rings.

The next, he's NT's favorite player, great man, great player, no flaws. Nothin to joke about or criticize, hairline ain't a problem anymore, ego isn't an issue anymore. Butt being kissed, everyone wants to be him. Not a problem anymore that he joined 2 stars to win a ring.

Why? Because he won a ring.

Again...I know he is the best player in the world, he deserves the recognition. It's amazing what he's doing. But it's just an interesting observation seeing how dramatically things have changed when it comes to LeBron.

Win and you instantly gain the worlds respect. Valuable lesson to us all. Serious. Be successful and you're no longer a joke to people.
durant and CP3 could join the heat and lebron would still get slurped off

winning is everything. good lesson for everyone. 

doesn't matter how
I know LeBron is great.

But it's crazy how so many people on this board or in life in general have changed their feelings towards him all in the span of one year.

I guess when they say winning cures all they ain't lying.

One year everyone's clowning on him, hating, joking, laughing, criticizing...hairline jokes, people feel sorry for him. Ego too big. Jerk for leaving Cleveland. Playing the Robin role to win rings.

The next, he's NT's favorite player, great man, great player, no flaws. Nothin to joke about or criticize, hairline ain't a problem anymore, ego isn't an issue anymore. Butt being kissed, everyone wants to be him. Not a problem anymore that he joined 2 stars to win a ring.

Why? Because he won a ring.

Again...I know he is the best player in the world, he deserves the recognition. It's amazing what he's doing. But it's just an interesting observation seeing how dramatically things have changed when it comes to LeBron. :lol:

Win and you instantly gain the worlds respect. Valuable lesson to us all. Serious. Be successful and you're no longer a joke to people.

Well put.

I do think he changed up his priorities, personality, or whatever you want to call it. He stopped caring about manufacturing this image or what people cared and just played ball... which led to him (a) being able to focus on his game better and (b) people liking him better cause he wasn't trying too hard to get people to like him.

This, and it's the angle ESPN and the papers choose to take. One year it's all these Lebron villian stories nonstop, the next it's the exact opposite.
I know LeBron is great.

But it's crazy how so many people on this board or in life in general have changed their feelings towards him all in the span of one year.

I guess when they say winning cures all they ain't lying.

One year everyone's clowning on him, hating, joking, laughing, criticizing...hairline jokes, people feel sorry for him. Ego too big. Jerk for leaving Cleveland. Playing the Robin role to win rings.

The next, he's NT's favorite player, great man, great player, no flaws. Nothin to joke about or criticize, hairline ain't a problem anymore, ego isn't an issue anymore. Butt being kissed, everyone wants to be him. Not a problem anymore that he joined 2 stars to win a ring.

Why? Because he won a ring.

Again...I know he is the best player in the world, he deserves the recognition. It's amazing what he's doing. But it's just an interesting observation seeing how dramatically things have changed when it comes to LeBron. :lol:

Win and you instantly gain the worlds respect. Valuable lesson to us all. Serious. Be successful and you're no longer a joke to people.

Lebron was a great player in the league for a long time. However, he's elevated his game to levels that people didn't think were fathomable. That comes with maturation. We've seen that maturation play out before our eyes. ****, even Lebron said that he wished he handled his free agent "decision" a little differently. The majority of the hate he got was due to how things went down before he left Cleveland. Some of the scrutiny was warranted but a lot of it was misguided as people chose to criticize how he carried him off the court instead of looking at how good he was on it.

Let's go back to his maturation as a player for a second. Dude embraced all of his flaws (raw defense, mid-range jumper, post game, etc) and worked on them to the point where they are now his strengths. This is not a man complacent with just being "great." This was a man determined to elevate his game to the point where he has NO league competition and he is without a doubt the best player on the planet. We've seen this happen within the past 2-3 years.

The ring shut a lot of people up. Only fools thought that he was playing "robin" in Miami. Now, the chase is on for multiple championships. He's in the prime of his career and it's been really fun to watch. He's EARNED all the respect he's receiving.
Oh yeah.. It was joining up with the stars. That absurd complaint... :lol:

And please, he's still plenty criticized and that won't change.
"it's gonna be easy"

Big J you honestly saying nothing has changed with LeBrons public perception? Nothing at all?

There's a difference between a few people still hating LeBron and hundreds of people hating LeBron. I know there's still criticism, there always will be.

But I thought the difference between the volume of 2011's LeBron criticisms and 2013's was very visible.
The ****? Obviously he can do whatever the hell he wants, however the hell he wants. If he chooses to do it like he did last time, he's gonna experience another backlash. I'm not saying he cares...

Honestly, I think he's gonna re-up in Miami and other star players around the league will jump at the chance to play with him in South Beach. There isn't a chance in hell that he drags out his FA decision like he did 3 years ago. He learned his lesson. There are people in Cleveland grasping at straws that he'll go back, but that's an EXTREME reach, IMO.
In retrospect, I think the Dallas series is the best thong that ever happened to him. Remember what we were all left with. Those questions came last postseason, and he put them to bed. That's the turning point imo.
Lebron gonna win multiple championships and keep breaking records, everybody just gonna have to deal with it.

If your team doesn't have at least 2.5 all-stars, you ain't competing for anything.
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In retrospect, I think the Dallas series is the best thong that ever happened to him. Remember what we were all left with. Those questions came last postseason, and he put them to bed. That's the turning point imo.

Dallas series was #1

This was #2:
Honestly, I think he's gonna re-up in Miami and other star players around the league will jump at the chance to play with him in South Beach. There isn't a chance in hell that he drags out his FA decision like he did 3 years ago. He learned his lesson. There are people in Cleveland grasping at straws that he'll go back, but that's an EXTREME reach, IMO.

I think he learned his lesson with the process. His final decision doesn't matter as much as how he makes it. If he plays the attention whoring card again, people will revert back to hating on him... if he just makes a choice, keeps it moving and plays ball above all else, he'll be fine.

I disagree with your opinion though... I still think he likes the idea of returning to Cleveland cause he'll generate this huge story without forcing it... but that's just my opinion and I realize it's still extremely far-fetched with the Heat probably contending this year and likely the next.
In retrospect, I think the Dallas series is the best thong that ever happened to him. Remember what we were all left with. Those questions came last postseason, and he put them to bed. That's the turning point imo.

And the Boston series in '12. The Heat were on the verge of losing control again, KG and Pierce were in his ear, and rather than fold like he did in the Dallas series, he just said **** it and had an unreal Game 6. People could always argue about Lebron's great cause of this, he's the best player cause of that... but that Game 6 was the first real piece of evidence that could back up your claims, no argument.
LeBron is going back to Cleveland, how is it grasping at straws? The foundation will be in place with a young roster and it would ultimately fulfill his narrative in a more complete way as a player. Plus, he is already moving his family back there.

If he wins the next two in Miami which is very likely, what left can he gain from staying in that situation? If he ran off a couple in Cleveland on top of what he did in Miami, he places himself in Jordan hemisphere, which is ultimately what he is chasing.
He's the best player in the League... but it's just crazy to me that in one year the media went from is he clutch, can he win the big one....... Fast forward a year it's become Lebron is going to be better than Michael Jordan, Unstoppable in every essence of the word, He CARRIES this heat team (As if Wade & Bosh are role players)

the level of suckage he's getting from the media this season is unlike anything i've ever witnessed with any other star athlete other than mike/maybe Peyton Manning. Their are dominat guys in all sports and in the past 10 years we've been able to witness some of the greatest of all time in their respective sports (Brady, Manning, Kobe, Duncan, Shaq, AP).

however never have i saw such a push to ESTABLISH someone as this dominating of a presence. Lebrons game is already dominat but instead of letting it speak for itself, the media is taking every chance to announce it.
Ill be surprised if a return happens.. If he thought he had pressure to win.... Imagine going back to the city that has been dying for a title since 1964, and that you left because you couldn't win there? Don't think he wants that honestly. Think if he failed ...: again?
^ It's the media though. They have a template for how they report stuff. No effort at all. Take a generic narrative and hammer it over and over. I would say people are stupid for being swayed by it, but the way stuff is reported these days, it's tough not to be influenced.

Next year I guarantee ESPN will run with the "THE KING COULD RETURN TO CLEVELAND" narrative all season. They'll start it as "this is ridiculous - but it could be possible!' in November then amp it up to "this could very well happen" in March to "LEBRON WATCH" after the playoffs.
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