Official N.Y. Yankees 2009 SEASON THREAD (103-59) WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!

knew that bloody pic was coming
^ we already established that pic as a onewearz photoshop job...nothing to see there

p.s. that's gonna be YOUR closer in a year or two
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

^ we already established that pic as a onewearz photoshop job...nothing to see there

p.s. that's gonna be YOUR closer in a year or two

Forreal? It's really a PS?

, tell me about it. Mo put him in his sot already though.
I see we won, gotta get back into this.... since this tournament started I've missed too many weekday games.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

^ we already established that pic as a onewearz photoshop job...nothing to see there

p.s. that's gonna be YOUR closer in a year or two

Forreal? It's really a PS?

, tell me about it. Mo put him in his sot already though.

100 % authentic

no touch up at all
OMG WHERE DO I START? I got this season package, not the full but 20 game and honestly this was the best game of the year probably, after playing 9 in the NL,to finally be home....gotta love it. By no means am I saying that we played well or looked sharp in the field, cause for a few innings I thought I was at CitiField watching my team's defense implode, then I came back to my senses.
Let me start with this:

1. Phil Yoooouuuuuuuussssss needs to get his IP up. If it doesn't hit like 150-170 he is taking a step back in his progression towards becoming a startereventually. I understand this whole pitch count thing very very well and to be honest, as long as he gets those innings, even if they are out the 'penI'm cool with that. But taking the man out after 9 pitches tonight was ridiculous, kid was DEALING.

1b. Kid has been lights OUT, since the move to the pen - 13 IP, 16 K's. Enough is enough, get Bruney his work in earlier in the game I don't care, wheni see this man coming out of the pen throwing 96 with that HAMMER curve, he does not belong in the role of a "matchup" reliever which he's beenworking as the last few games. But just to get back to Yoooouuuusssy, kid's been lights out, period.

2. As much as you may hate him (Let me say I can get highly critical) he played a great game tonight. Not only was the homer just an absolute BOMB but he madesome great plays in the field.

3. The Melkman: I don't know what's gotten into this man but the Melkman has won me back. I know that in actuality he really is a 4th outfielder butthese clutch after clutch after clutch hits...c'mon Melk stop killin' em past the 8th.

4. MO - I love him, for whoever was at the game, how great was that when Jorgey stepped up from the plate and made Mo come off the mound for the 1stpitch...haha like his #+# is 75 years old, gotta love the chemistry we're seeing so far out of the fellas.

5. The outfield needs to be shored up I am just not sure how yet, Damon and Swish are such liabilities in the field sometimes. We just need to find that rightcombo which will include Gardner somewhere because everyone is just playing so well right now and his speed dimension along with being able to jump out incenter so we can move Melkman over to right or left later in games will help us because if you've watched the majority of games like I have, you know thatevery game just somehow the ball finds Damon or Swish and it's an adventure.

6. We find ways to win. Up until the Arod blast, which was a BOMB let's be honest, out runs were the cheapest ever. We had Damon's broken bat double,Robbie broke both his bats on his hits in the first 6 innings, and we SUCKED for about 3 innings in the field, I thought I was watchin muthaeffin' DannyMurphy patrolling center in Pinstripes.

I wanna hear what you guys think. I'm gonna come by later and drop some thoughts on Joba that I've really been thinking about the last 3/4 starts, andthis start proved it.

But to all my Yanks brothas, just GOTTA love tonight, minus the Joba outing, though the numbers didn't show it, it really wasn't a fine performance.I'll be back with my final thoughts on where we stand and what I think Joba should be doing (no not go to the bullpen right
All I gotta say is :

- Hughes should be the 8th inning guy (but then that takes away his innings)

- A-Rod has been playing some PHENOMENAL 3B lately

- Matsui should be traded for some new warning track dirt.

- We suck at times, but the thing I love about this team is, they find any little way to win.
I still got love for Matsui....I'll probably take 1-2 other guys on the team to bat in a clutch situation before him
Frankly, Joba has become boring. The Yankees are 10-5 in the games he starts but he has only six decisions. His ERA is 3.89, which is just OK. He has allowed 79 hits in 81 innings, pretty good. He has 73 strikeouts, not bad. The 40 walks are too much.

He's just sort of there. Joba is averaging roughly 5.1 innings per start, far too little. He pitches with no rhythm, he seems disinterested in challenging hitters until he has to and then afterward says the same things, about how he's learning and how good he feels.

Tonight was his 27th start, just about a full season. We should be close to seeing some sort of consistency, maybe a stretch of three or four good starts in a row. Instead we get a flash here or there then three more 5.1 inning specials.

I still think he's a starter and deserves every chance to prove that. But somebody needs to sit Joba down and tell him. "Look, this is what you want. Start showing us that."

He's too good to be boring.
Originally Posted by Dunkaroos


Slops lost??????



good one really. yah.....we lost......
so whats our 2009 season record again vs. these trillion dollar Skanks?
we're talkin about sum high class hose over here man lemme tell u

ps- i missed it what did Mo say about pappy? do i even wanna know....
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

so whats our 2009 season record again vs. these trillion dollar Skanks?
And still only 2 games up in the loss column on the Yanks... that's not cutting it
The red sox should be at least 6 games ahead of us in the division... can u imagine the if the yanks lead or are tied for the division at the all star break?The second half of the season is gonna be real intresting.
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

The red sox should be at least 6 games ahead of us in the division... can u imagine the if the yanks lead or are tied for the division at the all star break? The second half of the season is gonna be real intresting.
Some of ya $$!%!* is hilarious. Just last week ya wasgivin us the division sayin you guys were horrible and would never win with this team. Now all of a sudden the season is a success and everything is workingperfectly.

I dont mean to get on just you my dude you were just the last one to quote.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

The red sox should be at least 6 games ahead of us in the division... can u imagine the if the yanks lead or are tied for the division at the all star break? The second half of the season is gonna be real intresting.
Some of ya $$!%!* is hilarious. Just last week ya was givin us the division sayin you guys were horrible and would never win with this team. Now all of a sudden the season is a success and everything is working perfectly.

I dont mean to get on just you my dude you were just the last one to quote.

6 games ahead of you? you think OUR winning percentage should be over .650??? some of y'all are ridiculous. this isn't some video game baseball's MLB. wake up.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

The red sox should be at least 6 games ahead of us in the division... can u imagine the if the yanks lead or are tied for the division at the all star break? The second half of the season is gonna be real intresting.
Some of ya $$!%!* is hilarious. Just last week ya was givin us the division sayin you guys were horrible and would never win with this team. Now all of a sudden the season is a success and everything is working perfectly.

I dont mean to get on just you my dude you were just the last one to quote.

6 games ahead of you? you think OUR winning percentage should be over .650??? some of y'all are ridiculous. this isn't some video game baseball season. it's MLB. wake up.

i mean if we have the record u guys have against us i think we would be at least 5 games ahead of yall at this point
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

The red sox should be at least 6 games ahead of us in the division... can u imagine the if the yanks lead or are tied for the division at the all star break? The second half of the season is gonna be real intresting.
Some of ya $$!%!* is hilarious. Just last week ya was givin us the division sayin you guys were horrible and would never win with this team. Now all of a sudden the season is a success and everything is working perfectly.

I dont mean to get on just you my dude you were just the last one to quote.

6 games ahead of you? you think OUR winning percentage should be over .650??? some of y'all are ridiculous. this isn't some video game baseball season. it's MLB. wake up.

i mean if we have the record u guys have against us i think we would be at least 5 games ahead of yall at this point
i mean the whole 8-0 against the yanks is not as big of a deal as people make it sound in the grand scheme of things. within a rivalry, sure. butin a 162 game season, or even in the first half, it's not that big a deal. theres plenty of other games played. and remember, you guys have been actinglike you've been abysmal all season long. realistically you've been right behind us for the last month or so, i think like 5 games has been the biggestlead we've had? not so big at all...i see what you mean tho.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

The red sox should be at least 6 games ahead of us in the division... can u imagine the if the yanks lead or are tied for the division at the all star break? The second half of the season is gonna be real intresting.
Some of ya $$!%!* is hilarious. Just last week ya was givin us the division sayin you guys were horrible and would never win with this team. Now all of a sudden the season is a success and everything is working perfectly.

I dont mean to get on just you my dude you were just the last one to quote.

6 games ahead of you? you think OUR winning percentage should be over .650??? some of y'all are ridiculous. this isn't some video game baseball season. it's MLB. wake up.

i mean if we have the record u guys have against us i think we would be at least 5 games ahead of yall at this point
i mean the whole 8-0 against the yanks is not as big of a deal as people make it sound in the grand scheme of things. within a rivalry, sure. but in a 162 game season, or even in the first half, it's not that big a deal. theres plenty of other games played. and remember, you guys have been acting like you've been abysmal all season long. realistically you've been right behind us for the last month or so, i think like 5 games has been the biggest lead we've had? not so big at all...i see what you mean tho.
i guess your right
Well, the whole "the Sox should be up 6" thing isn't true.

There was a time when we actually had the lead in our division. But we're in second cause we cooled off and Boston continued to be the best team inbaseball.

I really do think that if we could stay at 2, 1, or 0 GB before AS Break, we're in good hands. It's proven that we're a better second half team.Only thing that worries me (and it should worry the Sox too) is that the Rays are now catching on WITHOUT much production from Longoria. If any of us slip up,they'll be right there to take the division....again.

As for what Mo said about Pap, he was asked what does he feel about Pap coming to the Yankees. He replied something to the extent of "I wouldn't mindhim, but if he thinks he's gonna close while I'm here, he's wrong." He then said that Pap would have to wait til he retires for him toactually get a chance to close in NY. Rightfully so.
yeah those damn rays have gotten it together lately...although coming off of interleague play, im not too too worried. but we'll see...
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