Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

I gotta give GSP his props. I don't think anyone can challenege his wrestling skills at 170. Sad to say, but that Serra fight chenged the way he fights, probably forvever. Don't even bother giving him Kos. Dana needs to make him move up and fight Silva.
GSP is
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

He needs to spend a little more time polishing his stand-up and less time on wrestling and submissions.
Dudes here trying to chime in by typing before thinking.

Since when the hell did you start watching MMA?
GSPs base is striking and was fighting mostly as a striker at the beginning of his career. His wrestling got better and better (imo) during his fights w/ Hughes. Hughes back then was destroying everyone through his wrestling + gnp/subs, and I bet GSP realized how important that is to neutralize that and finally beat him. When you have Sherk, Hughes, Koscheck and Fitch to face in the ocatagon, you better know how to wrestle, then execute a sub or gnp to win the match.

Now he's just a stud and realizes how it gives him a competitive advantage against people like:  Serra (pulls guard way too quickly), Alves and now Hardy hasn't really shown a lot of wrestling skill and GSPs able to take advantage of that. He successfully out wrestled BJ twice and gave him a combination of stand-up + gnp to win those matches.

Call me anything you want, but you're dead wrong about that "GSP has to polish his stand up" non-sense
. What he doesn't have is the KO power, and I'll take that one whole-heartedly.


I've been watching MMA since the early Pride days.  We all know wrestling gives GSP the competitive advantage.  Everybody knows this.  You're not saying anything new.  What he has problems with lately is stopping his opponents, and that's why people aren't as excited to see him fight.  Fedor, BJ, Anderson, $#$$ even Jose Aldo, they're all well rounded P4P champs, and they all finish fights. 

When you have Sherk, Hughes, Koscheck and Fitch to face in the ocatagon, you better know how to wrestle

He knows how to wrestle guy, he knows how to wrestle way better than they do.  GSP is damn near olympic level with his wrestling, he's far ahead of everybody in his weight class when it comes to wrestling.  He already easily outwrestled Fitch and Koscheck, who are basically the two best/most accredited wrestlers at 170, so how the hell can you argue that the main area he needs to improve is his wrestling?  And it doesn't matter what his base was in his early days, because ever since he got dropped by Serra he won't stand and trade for $#$$.  He's a wrestler now, period.

He's gone the distance his last 4 fights (or 1 round short of the distance with an undersized BJ), and it's getting tiring seeing him tackle dudes for 5 rounds.  He's in a comfort zone because he's a big welterweight and he knows he can take any guy in his division down at will and not have to trade at all.  It's a solid, smart gameplan, but it's boring.  That's why the fans were booing that last round, that's why he was apologizing after the fight, and he's probably gonna continue to apologize unless he decides to

"spend a little more time polishing his stand-up and less time on wrestling and submissions"
Has anyone else noticed that all of the Robert Drysdale/Mark Dellagrotte trained fighters are getting tooled lately?
My conclusion from tonight - Shinya Aoki's ruthlessness saved Dan Hardy's left arm

EDIT:  I'm hearing that GSP said he was "going for the break."  I'm not sure I completely believe that though, just judging by how he looked at the ref during that kimura...either way, great heart shown by Hardy.
Originally Posted by Burn916

Has anyone else noticed that all of the Robert Drysdale/Mark Dellagrotte trained fighters are getting tooled lately?
My conclusion from tonight - Shinya Aoki's ruthlessness saved Dan Hardy's left arm.

Yup, GSP is not gutter like Shinya Aoki. You could see in his face that he was reluctant to crank it all the way. That being said, GSP should've went for the choke.
GSP don't want Spider and he knows it that's why Dana won't make the fight. It will ruin his legacy. He can wrestle around with Spider all he wants because he will get caught even in top position.

Spider has power like Bruces 1 inch punch. If GSP doesn't immediately go for a submission in Spiders guards he could get knicked by a bow like Jon Jones did to Vera.

Don't underestimate Spiders all around game.
You could see in his face that he was reluctant to crank it all the way

seriously, if that was Mir, we would've seen a Sylvia that night
I was waiting for a bone to pop out on that arm bar.


don't post again. you repeated what I had just said + bunch of BS

What he has problems with lately is stopping his opponents, and that's why people aren't as excited to see him fight.  Fedor, BJ, Anderson, $#$$ even Jose Aldo, they're all well rounded P4P champs, and they all finish fights.

- so GSP's not well-rounded enough for you eh
because he "doesn't" finish fights. I don't know about this dude.

That's why the fans were booing that last round, that's why he was apologizing after the fight

- fans who were booing = casual MMA fans
- the apology unnecessary. He's very Canadian for that one.

*ignore button on this tool*

Just stop it now
GSP is a beats but his fights really do not entertain me. Maybe it is because guys really cannot deal with his power. I love ground fights and my favorite fight is Diaz vs Karo because that fight was a war on the ground. GSP's ability to take down guys at will is scary. Some shots were pretty weak and he only got a single but when he sucked that in, it was over. Very impressive. His gnp is good but he just doesn't do a ton of damage. Diego does more from a guard and Tito did a hell of a lot. I think he is pound for pound just behind Silva but does not touch him in ways to stop a fight. Would love to Nick Diaz come to the UFC and get a shot at GSP. Or Jake Shields at 185 because I think those Cesar Gracie cats are on a mission.
So I'm watching the replay of UFC 111 and GSP made *%%% look too easy. And that's why GSP has been my favorite MMA fighter for awhile.
BTW, for anyone who said why couldn't GSP finish Hardy off? Are you crazy? GSP had Hardy locked in a armbar and a kimura and Hardy still wouldnt tap. Any other fighter, they would have tapped. That's a testament to Dan Hardy, if nothing else.

I would LOVE to see a dream match of GSP vs. Anderson Silva at 175-180.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

"Thats not a real belt he's wearing"

-Brock Lesnar
funny how he says that, but when he won the interim belt, he really thought he was the champ

venom lyrix[/td][td]
Carwin is a beast...but did you see Lesnar standing next to him...hetowers over him...idk if Lesnar is beatable but Carwin certainly hasthe hands to do it
he is wearing shoes

I thought it was great card, the main even was a good one. Although I did want to see more of them standing up. Can't wait for UFC 112, should be a good one again.

venom lyrix[/td][td]
Carwin is a beast...but did you see Lesnar standing next to him...hetowers over him...idk if Lesnar is beatable but Carwin certainly hasthe hands to do it
he is wearing shoes


Yeah but it's not like he was wearing high heels 
.  Carwin is still a giant, though.  After the fight, I was thinking about the section from the UFC111 Countdown when Carwin said something to the effect of "yeah Frank got bigger and stronger, but does he know how to use it?  I've been like this since I was 16."  I guess we now know the answer to that question 
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

"Thats not a real belt he's wearing"

-Brock Lesnar
funny how he says that, but when he won the interim belt, he really thought he was the champ 

Brock beat Randy for the actual title.  The Mir/Nog fight was for the Interim.

Brock/Mir II was the unification.

It's weird that a lot of people are saying how boring GSP's fights have become, and how somehow he didn't do everything he could to win.  Almost as if it were a "lay n' pray" type of victory. GSP continually stayed active on top, continued to advance his position, and went to finish the fight at every opportunity he had.  I was entertained as hell from that fight.  I don't know if maybe I just look for different things and get a different level of entertainment from watching MMA fights, but I can't believe some of the stuff I've been reading on the Internet.  If you watched this match and the Shields/Mayhem fight and compared the two, you'd probably be able to see how I saw it the way I did.

That was a Greg Jackson special, strategic to the smallest detail.  And GSP executed it perfectly.   Not every fight can be what Jim Ross would refer to as a "slobber-knocker". You can't be the champ AND be reckless at the same time.  There's too much to lose.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

 His gnp is good but he just doesn't do a ton of damage.

See, these are the kind of comments that just baffle me. I really don't expect other people to watch as much MMA as I have, but ask Thiago Alves and Jon Fitch what GSP's ground and pound is like.

He had them looking like Jesus in "Passion of The Christ".

GSP is an amazing grappler but people miss seeing him kick the crap out of people and use his versatile striking.  The Serra fight messed him up mentally and he's scared of getting his chin touched.  People like to compare the UFC champs.  BJ's opponents know he has the ability to hurt them with his heavy hands or get it to the ground and make them tap.  It's even worse with Anderson because he'll stand there with his hands down and chin up and beg people to hit him.  Watching him knock down Forrest with a jab was just crazy.  It's all about the takedown now with GSP and him wearing you out.  He had Hardy in those 2 deep subs and it seemed like he let them go.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

"Thats not a real belt he's wearing"

-Brock Lesnar
funny how he says that, but when he won the interim belt, he really thought he was the champ 

Brock beat Randy for the actual title.  The Mir/Nog fight was for the Interim.

Brock/Mir II was the unification.

It's weird that a lot of people are saying how boring GSP's fights have become, and how somehow he didn't do everything he could to win.  Almost as if it were a "lay n' pray" type of victory. GSP continually stayed active on top, continued to advance his position, and went to finish the fight at every opportunity he had.  I was entertained as hell from that fight.  I don't know if maybe I just look for different things and get a different level of entertainment from watching MMA fights, but I can't believe some of the stuff I've been reading on the Internet.  If you watched this match and the Shields/Mayhem fight and compared the two, you'd probably be able to see how I saw it the way I did.

That was a Greg Jackson special, strategic to the smallest detail.  And GSP executed it perfectly.   Not every fight can be what Jim Ross would refer to as a "slobber-knocker". You can't be the champ AND be reckless at the same time.  There's too much to lose.
It was a valid win and all but everyone, even St. Pierre wanted that fight finished.
It wasn't a LNP like every Jon Fitch snorefest, you saw GSP continually passing guard, and looking for openings its just that people want to see fights finished is all. 

It was domination, and everything I expected it to be, but "I was not impress."
carwin got that sweet KO. maybe mir should have focused more on this fight than obsessing over lesnar. july 3rd is going to be exciting!! hopefully lesnar doesnt back out again.

gsp's wrestling and gnp is just too dominating. we all know he doesnt stand and strike as much as he used to after the whole serra lose. theres really no one left for him in 170. paul daly got good striking and has that ko power, but its obvious wat would happened if he faced gsp... more wreslting and gnp.

on to the next one... ufc 112
UFC Fight Night around the corner. Excited to see if we get to see old school Gomi vs. KenFlo.


•Kenny Florian vs. Takanori Gomi
•Roy Nelson vs. Stefan Struve
•Nate Quarry vs. Jorge Rivera
•Ross Pearson vs. Dennis Siver


•Rafaello Oliveira vs. Andre Winner
•Ronys Torres vs. Jacob Volkmann
•Rob Emerson vs. Nik Lentz
•Gleison Tibau vs. Caol Uno
•Lucio Linhares vs. Yushin Okami
•Gerald Harris vs. Mario Miranda
•Charlie Brenneman vs. Jason High
So as I stated earlier in the thread, I got tickets from Dana through twitter for the show and I must say I came out of the arena speechless. First of all Dana hooked it up with seats that run for 500$ retail. I honestly expected to get upper deck tier seats but when I got there I was astonished as to how close to the ring I was even though I was not on the floor. 
Now onto my review of the show and complete experience. Prior to the show I had no idea what to expect and I'm sure most people who have never gone to a UFC show have to have felt the same way, because honestly there is no comparison between watching it on TV and being there live. The moment I got a view of the octagon I knew I was in store for a show, and I must say the UFC definitely puts on a SHOW! That is nowhere near an understatement, every fighter goes out there to fight and thats what you want when you come to these events. Ive been to wrestling events (wrestlemania, royal rumble, summerslam) as well to some boxing matches (Cotto at the garden before the PR parade) and where each event lacked (wrestling not being real, boxing not having anything worth watching prior to the main event) the UFC covered. The promos before each fight allows anyone whose not even a fan pick their favorite prior to the fight happening. Not only that but fighters go from getting boo's to being praised win or lose( Mir came out with the third loudest ovation of the night behind GSP and Brocks walk to his seat but by the end of his fight everyone in the arena was roaring for carwin. The same happened with Hardy, he took the second most heat of the night behind Brock but even after being outclassed and embarrassed the crowd respected his resiliency.)  I couldnt have asked for more, besides the fact that there was no one hit knockout that happened or that I did not get to meet GSP, but I was even able to meet a couple fighters all of which were real humble and didnt mind chatting ( Chuck, Anthony Johnson, Frankie Edgar, Brandon Schuabb) even got to talk with Wilmer Valderamma for a few about the fights
. but all in all, worth the price of admission even though I didnt spend a dime on the tickets.

In regards to the whole GSP not finishing thing, GSP let Hardy live, he controlled the entire fight and could have finished it whenever he wanted to, he was getting take downs and transitions at will, even broke Hardy's standup moral (the one thing he said he would put GSP to shame in) he did all this while going a full 5 rounds like it was nothing, proving why he is the best at what he all I need is a GSP/Silva fight and I will be fully content.
 glad to hear you had a good time.
Cosign on what Bastich had to say...I can see real casual fans not being impress with GSP's performenz, but not the whole freakin internet.  He almost, literally, shut out Hardy in every single point scoring aspect of the game over five complete rounds.  Who does that?!  

It's not like it was some cheesy win...Hardy is a muay thai pro, and would probably blow up a lesser wrestler with a knee or two on those TD attempts (see: Davis, Marcus).  GSP was way too quick and efficient.  A GSP feint, Hardy swings at air, GSP plants him on his back, proceed with active top control...what's wrong with that?  "Hey football team, the defense can't stop the should pass the ball more."

It's not like Hardy wasn't allowed to let his hands go...he was just totally outclassed.  
•Roy Nelson vs. Stefan Struve

We finally get to see UFCs infamous gut (since Chuck's) on the Octagon
Crazy on how Roy used to be somewhat "lean" but who cares now, he gets the job done. The power is in the gut
I like how people are throwing out hyperbole, "Olympic level wrestling," get out of here. MMA and amateur wrestling are totally different.


And kingofny04 sounds like a real cool experience, good read. Maybe I'll hit up one of the events in Vegas sometime.
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