**Official Meek Mill Thread****Dreamchasers IV Out Now**

Why would I acknowledge that when Meek Mill nor his lawyer didn't mention such as a defense? You really think twitter fingers Meek wouldn't of let the world know that he submitted a travel permit already and they're lying on him? Just wondering

There's an article out right now that talks about how Meek missed an opportunity to be in a Will Smith produced film about some bike gang in Philly because he had a piss test scheduled that day

And in it his manager says that PO's were ignoring his calls for requesting travel vouchers

I'm too lazy to go get it but I'm sure it will make it's way here, or you can just google Will Smith Meek Mill

If this were true, then I'm gonna assume they didn't bring it up because that still puts ultimate fault on Meek Mill as hypothetically he could just sit at home and twiddle his thumbs all day, but c'mon, is dude supposed to sit around and not make money as his PO's ignore his calls?

At the very least, this situation at least exposes that the idea of probation is a trap...dude would have been serving at most an extra year or two if he just stood up and did his time, but they tricked him with the idea of probation and now he's getting sent back over semantics and dumb *** 'problems' that were created by probation, like his parole officer ignoring his calls and potentially messing with his money.

I saw the article where it says he already booked gigs well in advance especially New Year's Eve and he's going to lose money. The reason they say he violated parole is because he was on TV being Nicki's arm candy at a awards show, had nothing to do with a gig/losing money. He wasn't nominated or performing.

I'm sure Meek or his attorney would of mentioned they tried multiple times to get a travel permit and provided proof (call records/copy of travel request sent). Let's assume that Meek really did reach out to his P.O and got ignored, what does that mean? If you know probation is a trap, if you know the DA is out to get you, wouldn't that give you more incentive to make sure you **** is in check?

If my license is suspended and I try to reach out to the DMV to get it reinstated but I get the answering machine then what? Can I go drive my car? I sure can, and if I get pulled over can I say 'I tried to call' :lol: nah
It was more less a joke about them sissy *** punches he was throwing


caping w/o clicking the link [emoji]128580[/emoji]
I don't even understand how dudes like Meek, Thug, Gucci etc. allow themselves to be caught on camera during their beginner boxing lessons :lol:
Would love to see him and thugger box [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]. In their defense tho boxing and street fighting are 2 totally different things, no organization and one haymaker u can be may weather in ya hood.


Bag is barely moving. I used to have the chain buckling when I hit the heavy bag and this ***** look like a soft breeze just blew through the gym. That bag might as well be in a hammock with an iced tea, the way it's gently swaying.

Boy looking soft as baby feet right now.
I mean, if anyone has ever stepped in the gym for just 1 training session you'd know how uncomfortable it is to learn to throw from a completely unnatural stance

He's probable used to fighting right handed from a south paw stance.

I give him credit for correcting it.
Y'all just being too hard on Meek now :lol: Like the poster said above in an unnatural stance you can't generate any punching power in the ring. Now if he's been training for a minute them blows are baby lotion soft :lol:
Naw, he's not as bad as Young Thug. Meek is just using bad technique and playing pitty pat, looking frail.

Young Thug looks feminine as he seems to do in everything he does.
This is a sneaker board and you guys can't tell those are Legend Blue XI's?
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