**Official Medical Marijuana Thread**

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I remember trying to grow a plant and then it died......

Growing is tough but its really a rewarding experience. First 1-2 grows are tough but you learn alot. After you dial everything in and think about efficiency of your growing setup then your good to go, but even at this stage your spending atleast 5-10hrs a week tending to your plants if you wanna get some top shelf bud.
Hope this thread stay's open.

I'm def. jelly of states who recognize their people's rights to enjoy marijuana SAFELY for the purpose of medical healing.

I hope the brah's don't turn this thread into who got the best weed or crap like that.

For those who use marijuana medically has anyone messed with Subcool's gear? I heard TGA seeds is where it's at with some strains. I grew out "The Void" a couple years ago and that **** was a banger. I heard his Apollo 13 and Jack the Ripper strains are bomb for people who have cancer.

For those who need a upper high the haze's are good for that. I grew out a Red Dragon which is part Utopia Haze and that stuff makes you put in that work.

I've been wondering about his strains for years now. I've heard though that many people were getting hermies when they were trying to grow them out. That was a few years ago, don't know if this is still an issue. Or if it ever really was for that matter.
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Growing is tough but its really a rewarding experience. First 1-2 grows are tough but you learn alot. After you dial everything in and think about efficiency of your growing setup then your good to go, but even at this stage your spending atleast 5-10hrs a week tending to your plants if you wanna get some top shelf bud.
All I got was a 8 inch sprout not even a stalk
Lil girl went from 300 seizures a week to 1 a week

makes me look down on all the ignorant opposition of med mari
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I went through a long recovery from a bone fracture. I saw articles on it aiding the healing process in bone fractures. I feel it helped me a ton. Doctor said it healed correctly. I was able to pass on the painkillers (oxys) as well because of MJ. I strongly believe MJ can be used as a natural painkiller. Of course, it comes down to the strain and percentage of THC. I had some top shelf. I also use the "mighty vaporizer'. I strongly recommend vaporizing. It's a lot easier on the lungs. No carcinogens from papers, etc. You will also conserve a lot more MJ since the bud doesn't burn. A little will go a long way in a herb vaporizer chamber. I also recommend edibles. I would make brownies and put em in protein shakes for fast absorption. They would hit as quick as 20 min with this method of delivery. The pain numbing effects would last a lot longer this way. I'm all for the Medical MJ movement. Recreational, not as much since most people don't understand the meaning of moderation. While I don't believe you can become physically addicted to MJ unlike a lot of other drugs. You can become psychologically addicted. 
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