*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

This episode was less interesting than the past couple of weeks. Though it did give a good background info as to how Michael got on that boat. I alwaysthought they just found him at sea when Ben allowed him and Walt to leave.

What I wanna know though.... how the hell is Tom alive? Sawyer straight up killed dude on the shore. I know we've seen "dead" people on theisland before (ie: Jack's Dad, Ecko's Brother) but this is in the mainland... I'm guessing his "reincarnation" explains Mihkails multiplelives. Does this mean that all the people, or some, that died on the island are now somewhere back in the "real" world? I don't know but forsome reason I think that more than just SIX people got off the island and are now living another life as completely different people.

Also, if the island is able to keep people alive... why is Ben so afraid about being captured and killed? The island won't keep him alive?? Or is thisjust Ben manipulating Locke and them to act/think how he wants them to for something in the future....
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

dammit man....as soon as i saw Naomi my heart stopped beating for a second......::sigh:: man i love this chick.
I love me some Naomi too.
Withher sexy accent.

Naomi FTW

SMH @ waiting a month for a new episode. And pushed an hour back.

Fall Season better be straight through, 24 episodes or whatever it's supposed to be.

Stupid writer's strike.
why does that one song always come up??? it came up on when michael got in the car? anyone know the name of that song
The episode was ok. I think though this is one of the few times they outright ask(Sayid) and answer(michael) a question.
I dont think Sayid has a plan at all. He just totally dislikes Michael for working with Ben the first time, getting off the island and home and
coming back again to work for Ben.
I think the captain knoes exactly who michael is. If ben can find info on anyone, why cant charles widmore.
I was hoping we got a glimpse of the temple...And looks like Ben set Karl and Roseau up for sure then Alex has
no one to rely on but him.

Did they teleport the polar bear?
I thought this episode was great. Sowed up a few holes I was wondering about. The only thing that threw me off was the helicopter pilot saying it wasn'tWidmore who planted the plane.
Originally Posted by SiccWittit33

why does that one song always come up??? it came up on when michael got in the car? anyone know the name of that song

It wasn't the same song. It was the same singer Mama Cass Elliot. But the song that Desmond listened to in the hatch was Make Your Own Kind ofMusic.
I think last night was the first time that Ben acknowledged Russeau as Alex's mother.... but it didn't matter because he had them murked.

Also I found it ironic that Sayid criticized Michael b/c he worked for Ben, when we know that Sayid will end up working for Ben too.

They are starting to present facts for both cases of who had the plane put in the ocean either Widmore or Ben.

And Ben had me crackin' up the whole episode... he's a G.
Libby was from the tail section of the plane. She was a clinical psychologist. Her and Hurley had a thing, and were about to go on a picnic when she went backto the hatch to get blankets. Once she was back at the hatch she walked in right after Michael killed Anna Lucia so he freaked out and killed Libby also. Libbyalso showed up in the Hurley flash-forward at the mental hospital earlier this year I think.

I am not too sure on who the man in the hospital bed was and I don't really think he was relevant...?
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

This episode was less interesting than the past couple of weeks. Though it did give a good background info as to how Michael got on that boat. I always thought they just found him at sea when Ben allowed him and Walt to leave.

What I wanna know though.... how the hell is Tom alive? Sawyer straight up killed dude on the shore. I know we've seen "dead" people on the island before (ie: Jack's Dad, Ecko's Brother) but this is in the mainland... I'm guessing his "reincarnation" explains Mihkails multiple lives. Does this mean that all the people, or some, that died on the island are now somewhere back in the "real" world? I don't know but for some reason I think that more than just SIX people got off the island and are now living another life as completely different people.

Also, if the island is able to keep people alive... why is Ben so afraid about being captured and killed? The island won't keep him alive?? Or is this just Ben manipulating Locke and them to act/think how he wants them to for something in the future....

the flashback occurs before tom is killed on the island.

if you couldnt figure that out for yourself, then you should just stop watching LOST because nothing is going to get any easier to explain from here untilthe finish of the series.
i think ben is setting everything up..hes obviously lying about a lot of things..i think hes the one who setup the fake plane crash. we know he has a lot ofmoney why else would the chinese dude ask him for 3 mil. widmore not payin him that kinda skrill..obviously hes trying to keep everyone on the island evensending michael back..in addition to that how does ben get all that surveillance about widmore digging up graves buying planes etc...remember when julietwished her ex husband would just get hit by a bus..who made that happen?? Bendaddy did
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I think last night was the first time that Ben acknowledged Russeau as Alex's mother.... but it didn't matter because he had them murked.

Also I found it ironic that Sayid criticized Michael b/c he worked for Ben, when we know that Sayid will end up working for Ben too.

They are starting to present facts for both cases of who had the plane put in the ocean either Widmore or Ben.

And Ben had me crackin' up the whole episode... he's a G.

Actually, he acknowledged her as Alex's mother in the last episode of season 3. It was right after Jack kicked the crap on him. He was basically onthe ground and says something like, "Alex, meet your mother." Then, Rousseau says to Alex, "Do you want to help me tie him up?" Idon't know if it was supposed to be funny, but I thought it was.
Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

This episode was less interesting than the past couple of weeks. Though it did give a good background info as to how Michael got on that boat. I always thought they just found him at sea when Ben allowed him and Walt to leave.

What I wanna know though.... how the hell is Tom alive? Sawyer straight up killed dude on the shore. I know we've seen "dead" people on the island before (ie: Jack's Dad, Ecko's Brother) but this is in the mainland... I'm guessing his "reincarnation" explains Mihkails multiple lives. Does this mean that all the people, or some, that died on the island are now somewhere back in the "real" world? I don't know but for some reason I think that more than just SIX people got off the island and are now living another life as completely different people.

Also, if the island is able to keep people alive... why is Ben so afraid about being captured and killed? The island won't keep him alive?? Or is this just Ben manipulating Locke and them to act/think how he wants them to for something in the future....

the flashback occurs before tom is killed on the island.

if you couldnt figure that out for yourself, then you should just stop watching LOST because nothing is going to get any easier to explain from here until the finish of the series.

.... So I should stop watching Lost because I messed up my timeline?? With all these flashback, flash forward and everything in between it just didn'toccur to me that the Michael / Tom scenes in NY might've been before the Season 3 finale.

I don't need explanations from you or anyone else about the simple things in Lost.. as far as names, how some characters are interrelated, etc. I'msure there are other viewers who asked that same question when Tom came up on the screen and with the constant sightings of "dead" people... it wasan automatic assumption of mine that Tom had somehow lived... as did Mikail after being pushed by Locke through that fence then basically the next day heencounters Des, Jin, Hurley, Charlie, and Naomi in the jungle.

But yeah, I should stop watching this show..
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