*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Much Respected

On a final note, I'll predict that when Frank Lapidus is looking at the decaying body of the ring-less pilot on the news, he's really looking at a universally-course corrected version of himself in the cockpit of that plane. Because according to fate, he was supposed to be piloting flight 815. According to fate, he's already dead. Ohhhh……
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

^ He didn't say Ben staged the crash. He said Widmore staged it but Ben provided the 300+ dead bodies.

So you are saying that he was insinuating the Ben is working with Charles Widmore?!
Intersting post Barack...good stuff. I also do not believe the Captain one bit...I think he wants Sayid and Desmond to believe Ben is the "bad guy."
I've been watching season one again, and found some interesting things.
adam and eve had backgammon rocks on them
the psychic told claire that only claire must raise the baby (but now we see that she isnt...) (he also knew the plane was gonna crash)
thats all i can think of so far
From the first commercial we saw in the weeks before the first episode of the season, these were some shots in thee commercial:







So #1 is when the pilot saw the bull when these new people arrived via helicopter.

And #3 is the one chick when she was in the desert looking at the polar bear remains, and she saw that symbol and smiled.

#4 is that one chick stabbed in the back.

#5 and #6 is when Hurley was on his high-speed chase and crashed through a stand of... I don't know what those are.

But what's #2? That hasn't happened yet, an inverted image of Charlie. Is that just the episode where Charlie talked to Hurley, but for dramaticeffect, they inverted the shot for the commercial?
I'm pretty sure he's this guy:

Time to ruin tomorrow's episode for some people....

On death:

Spoiler [+]
One of these 3 will die: Claire, Karl, or Miles.

Also, looks like there will be 5 weeks off before episode 9.
Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

psychic told claire that only claire must raise the baby (but now we see that she isnt...)
Solid pick-up. What mess will this cause for Kate & Aaron down the line?
I see a lotta' dudes from the Wire thread in here. No surprise. Both shows require more attention than the average viewer is capable of giving. :tongue:ats selfon back:
Weekly spoilers coming up...you guys already know the deal.

Spoiler [+]
as whywesteppin said....one out of those three will die..
2. our freaky friend Libby will show up tonight, and involves here within the cliffhanger.
3. We see Michael back in NYC...and we then see our goof friend Tom.
4. Michael, Desmond and the polar bear all have something in common.
5. Walt also makes an appearance.
6. Locke brings up everyone together in one house, and tells them everything he knows. About Ben, and once they have Ben they will kill everyone else. And that makes him part of the losties now.
7. its funny because, when we see Michael in the real world, we see 4 dead characters.
8. We will now know why Jack didn't jump off tha bridge, and where the others are.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

I see a lotta' dudes from the Wire thread in here. No surprise. Both shows require more attention than the average viewer is capable of giving. :tongue:ats self on back:


nycknicks, You mind posting some non-spoiler observations/things to look out for?

i havent seen this episode in about a week...but...
Look out for and when we see Micheal in NYC.
hmmm....this sounds like a spoiler..idk how to post this without giving away spoilers.
at micheal living near Chambers street....thats so not a poor area, or the ghetto. They're making it seem like one too
while we kno this was be for the others came for the females.......or is it?
lol thats lost for you
at sometimes i would just like to know how the show ends.... two more seasons of this storyline might be a little much.
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