Nail in the coffin tonight.

Was a good season, the team battled in spite of injuries, but at the end of the day the roster currently is just too injured to fight through the end of this schedule. This ending portion of the schedule was always why I felt we weren't making it, but whatever.

Lotto picks, Jerry west and a new FO, actual young talent worthy of potential development, cap space, I like the direction of this team moving forward.
^^^ Yeah, when you consider the face we’ve basically been down two (or more) starter-caliber players at all times this season, it’s pretty miraculous we stayed in it as long as we did. Team showed a lot heart, but I think they’re kind of running on fumes now, Lou Will in particular.

To be honest, I’m more excited for us having a meaningful draft for the first time in years than I would be about a match-up with Houston or GSW in the playoffs.
So Tobias has already played more games for yall than Danillo....that's crazy.

Your FO has killed it this yr but that was the only deal that never made sense to me.

Curious to see what you guys do with him going forward.
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Remember when I said Gallo would not play again this season? This ***** really gonna prove me right. We paid cuh like a million per game smfh
Remember when I said Gallo would not play again this season? This ***** really gonna prove me right. We paid cuh like a million per game smfh

I'm with you though. I don't trust Gallo on the floor until I see it lol
^^^ Well, damn. I said a while ago that us getting into the playoffs was going to come down to the last game and it looks like I might be right...
Oh, and great win yesterday. Did not have us winning that one and then we laid an egg to start the game. That kind of come back against a very good team in a tough arena to play in is damn impressive.
Oh, and great win yesterday. Did not have us winning that one and then we laid an egg to start the game. That kind of come back against a very good team in a tough arena to play in is damn impressive.

To piggyback on this,

The Clippers should have lost at least one of these games against Milwaukee, and for sure against Toronto. Them winning all of those games is HUGE. It changes everything.

They were literally dead in the water up until the Milwaukee game.

Clips handled their business, Got some help from NO, San Antonio, Minnesota with a terrible loss to Memphis, Denver dropping both back to backs last night and tonight, and all of a sudden the Clips really have a real chance to make the playoffs. Crazy how volatile the WC is. They literally went from dead in the water to now having a real shot.

(Still don't think we're getting in though)
It’s crazy how Doc keeps willing Austin to make big shots...

What's even crazier is that Doc the coach has this team with a top 6 offense (after tonight) without a single All Star.

With Austin Rivers (Who people genuinely believe shouldn't even be in the league) starting 51 games this year alongside the likes of Ty Wallace, Milos Teodosic, and others. To me, this is incredible. Imagine me telling you this time last year that the Clips would still have an elite offense w/o Blake, Chris Paul, JJ Reddick, and Luc and replacing them with Sin Thornwell from South Carolina, Austin Rivers, Milos from Europe, and Ty Wallace.

Think about that.

100% the reason why the Clips are still in the playoff hunt, and had they not dropped two games earlier this season to Memphis, they'd be in the playoffs right now. At the end of the day, the Clips are beating everyone they should beat. They're taking care of their business and as a result, they're benefitting from Utah's slip ups, NO's slip ups, and and Minnesota's slip ups.

Now they're going to have to steal a game or two from a good team to get in, but to this point they've done a fantastic job of beating who they have to beat.

Their last 5 losses have been to Indiana, Minnesota (this one kind of hurt -- especially w/o Jimmy), Portland, OKC, Houston.
Tough loss last night. I thought a couple calls didn’t go out way in the second quarter and the team let it take them out of the game. Gave up like 4 dunks in a 2 minute span. And with the way the Blazers have been playing, can’t spot them a 19 point lead in that building. Probably have to win out now to make the playoffs...
Caught some of the game, but this was always going to be a loss. It's not devastating, but it makes the Clips margin for error razor thin and essentially forces them to have to win against Utah next week (Which they won't.)

I said this a few weeks ago, that the Clippers weren't going to make the playoffs BUT, that if they did, the key would be their defense. They are so good on offense, that if they can just be average on D to end the season, they'll probably win one or two more games than they're supposed to but that hasn't happened. 20th best Defense over their last 15 games of the season. We're essentially trying to outscore teams which is fine, but when you're playing teams with all star level talent, and good defense every night the Clippers are to end the season, your offense will eventually fail you because your best offense is Lou Williams and Montrezl Harrell, like it did with LAC last night.

They've got to either go ballistic on offense to end the season on offense or find a way to string together 6, 7 games of good defense so that they don't put so much pressure on their offense to score 120.
^^^ Aside from Milos and Gallo - to a degree - we have decent defensive personnel on an individual level. Don’t know why we’re so trash collectively on D.
Move on from DJ this summer.

Agree. DJ is talented, but overall, in today’s NBA, I feel like the deficiencies in his game outweigh the benefits, particularly in late game situations against good teams.

We won’t replace him with anyone who can put up exactly the same numbers, but as long as we wind up with a capable defensive C, we’ll be ok.
Lou is just average right now. We don’t have enough to win with him not being exceptional.
Lou is just average right now. We don’t have enough to win with him not being exceptional.

Guess he was pacing himself until the 4th quarter. LOL. Still not quite sure how we pulled the game last night out, but we did. We just won’t die.
So, I think that loss last night really should do it in terms of our playoff chances. We’re not mathematically eliminated yet, but we’d need a ton of help from other teams to make it, which we haven’t really been getting all year. I’m cool with it though. Excited about the offseason.
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