OFFICIAL: Lebron XI NikeID Thread [Going away soon... get your orders in!]

Some iDs via NikeiD Tumblr page

these right here! 
 is that the anodized yellow?
All these underwhelming GR's, might be time for me to make the Kentucky pair along with a svsm and dare I say sb.
Those cousins iDs are nice... if I made a chroma pair I would go a similar route.

My mag inspired pair was delivered this AM 
  At work for another 5 hours or so though
The pair on the left is fire. Would cop and rock them as Knicks sneakers since I don't give a damn about the Gators :lol:
Gators on the left definitely look like some HWC/Knicks pairs that've been ID'd, but with that little bit extra around the posite. :smokin

TBH, the shoe looks very uncomfortable cus of the plastic on the outer shoe.

"Plastic" :lol: And who cares if they look uncomfortable or not, last time I checked looks had nothing to do with comfort
TBH, the shoe looks very uncomfortable cus of the plastic on the outer shoe.
Uhhh... what are you talking about, the posite material?

Both are pretty dope, I like the left better too. That white posite is too sexy, almost a pearl foam pros feel (one of my goats).

I feel like Billy Donovan knows how popular kicks are with HS kids and that tweet is a downlow recruiting tool. Check out our LeBron exclusives...
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