Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

why do they always shut the west down... only 1 location on the whole west coast 
There is absolutely no point what so ever at all for any normal consumer to enter any HOH raffle thinking Lady Luck will spread them thighs and birth you a championship pack. Every single one of those will go to the highest backdoor bidder that lines the Store Manager's pockets. Then in turn you'll see alot of local Boutiques and ebay sellers with magic quantity. Please don't waste your gas, lol!
Either there's more of these hitting the street, or Nike's attempt to kill off the service providers... Make limited sneakers HoH exclusives, and have them conduct Raffles... I noticed PG's HoH not on the list.. They typically get every release.. But they are FCFS..
There is absolutely no point what so ever at all for any normal consumer to enter any HOH raffle thinking Lady Luck will spread them thighs and birth you a championship pack. Every single one of those will go to the highest backdoor bidder that lines the Store Manager's pockets. Then in turn you'll see alot of local Boutiques and ebay sellers with magic quantity. Please don't waste your gas, lol!
Though this may be true for many footlockers, it's not true for all. I'm sure some managers will do things by the rules and not be reckless toward their jobs for some extra money. 
Footlocker finally showing some love to us Ohio folks, one of the few really major releases we actually get, I can't wait!
when you say "line the manager's pockets," would 20-40 bucks be sufficient?

I don't even get why they would go through the illusion of a raffle when it's fairly obvious your chances are zilch. To me it's irresponsible to give folks the impression they have a chance when they don't. I'd be better with Nike doing their own raffle and picking 100 names randomly. Kinda like that Paranorman deal? I think that was legit, but again, maybe I am mistaken.

Whole thing has become a huge joke. As I stated previously, even if I had millions, I would have trouble fundamentally with paying thousands for any shoe unless it were signed or had serious special significance. double, triple retail, maybe if its just a ridiculous CW or something related to my favorite team or player, but 6, 7, 10 x retail. I would need to have an hour or two with Lebron himself to try and talk some sense into him as to why things have become this way. Pretty sad IMO. When MJ was at his prime, it was never such an issue to get a pair of his sneaks. Funny to me how even after his heyday, 16s, 17s, 18s, were hardly in this much demand, but now people want them re-retroed.

May grab some watermelon lows on the low and just call it a day with the X. Pretty ok with my peasant dunkmans, floridians, and Jades. Would love to rock some of the champ lows, but not keen on selling my car or missing a few house payments to make it happen :D
If there are only 108 pairs, how are they spread across to 11 HOH, various NTs, and online on NDC? Or does the 108 # just pertain to the online NDC pairs?? All of this is such a joke. As for HOHs, I would say every one of them is "hella crooked" to varying degrees. Some certainly moreso than others, but I would be shocked if any of them were 100 % on the up/up with regards to their raffles, policies, and employee handlings/F&F.
At least yours does a raffle, HoH in Houston does FCFS, even though the websit clearly says ticket procedure. :smh:
If there are only 108 pairs, how are they spread across to 11 HOH, various NTs, and online on NDC? Or does the 108 # just pertain to the online NDC pairs?? All of this is such a joke. As for HOHs, I would say every one of them is "hella crooked" to varying degrees. Some certainly moreso than others, but I would be shocked if any of them were 100 % on the up/up with regards to their raffles, policies, and employee handlings/F&F.

there isn't only 108 pairs.
U would have to give a manager at least 300

hopefully it was fairly understood my 20-40 range was in jest. I doubt if 300 bucks would make a damb bit of difference. Dudes who have "ins" are probably adding a zero over a period of time to that number, and have been doing so for months previous. I doubt anyone walking up to a manager offering a few hundred bucks would automatically vault to the "front of line". This hasn't been going on for months, but years, in some cases depending on how long places have been open. I have benefited in the past from such dealings 3rd party, but that's when it was manageable from a dollars and cents perspective. Now, sneaker inflation has made it rather silly and pretty laughable. All good, as I said, there are some decent lows and some other "second-tier" less hyped offerings such as KDs,Kobes, trainers, and nsw stuff that hasn't caught fire yet. Only a matter of time I am sure before most of that stuff is handled very similarly. Its already started, but obviously to a lesser degree.
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