Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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I feel like I am one of the few people that genuinely likes the corks.... I mean of course everyone is titled to their own opinion and I respect and understand what people are saying, but the unique feel to the cork had me hooked to it from day 1.
Yes, if I get a pair, I don't care what the reseller prices may be. I am keeping this shoe!
Man I remember a few months back when pics of Lebron wearing the corks most of everyone on here hated the corks.. Crazy how hype and some resell value turns u cats into lil *******

Church!! I thought all those comments would make it a easier cop
I have a reallly good feeling that this cork material is gonna be impossible to maintain good condition. You're gonna have to take extreme care of these or theyre just gonna look like piss... That is.. for people that are actually going to wear them...
On page 186 you hated, along with half the dudes in this thread. Mad props for sticking to your guns haha. Wanted these so bad but not worth the pain they will be to acquire. I'll keep my crowns and EZ cop the volts amidst the hype-beast pandemonium.

Wish Nike would take heed of this and make more premium mat sport shoes in reasonable quantities. I'll gladly pay 300+ for a sport shoe that cheats office dress code policy. Obviously there is a market for a shoe like this (or I could be the only one who wants a shoe like this and its all hype) but either way make some more dang pairs! Rocked the ASG's to work and despite how much love they received, they did not fly under the radar haha. Give me leather and suede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sport shoes that cheats office dress code. 
these volts should be a cakewalk, but probably not for NDC after their servers blow up grabbing Volts or :rolleyes crimsons :smh: should probably be done on another site before ndc crashes. just my thoughts.
Has anyone else seem that video where it says they "Corks" are going to be extra exclusive live on 60 pairs in Miami split between 2 stores that's nuts
@youngone350... if i could rep you a million points or whatever it is i would. i would take those over two pairs of corks... LONG LIVE THE KING !!! those were the first pair of lbjs i handed down to my brother. if u dont mind me asking how much did you get them for.
Shout out to those that think this is genuine cork on the shoes. No way real cork is on 10,000+ pairs of these.

Have you ever had a nice bottle of wine or worked at a wine and dine restaurant? Cork is so brittle that it would be impossible to put it on there. Not saying they didn't come up with something crazy in the NSW Lab to replicate these. But put it this way, 3 years from now if this is real cork, your shoes are gonna crumble unless you store them like wine bottles.
Maaan these videos make em look great :smokin

Was planning to pick a pair up to trade for some southbeach 8s. Now im at a crossroad
You don't have to explain yourself to any one on this forum. SOme of us have to realize a few of these guys on here are 29-33 year old men still living with there parents, and find it hard to believe that people who post on a shoe forum have enough money to buy shoes like some of us do here.
Its your hard earned money and you deserve to do whatever you want with it, whether you wanna pay $305-$2k for them.

I understand that everyone is not able, but you guys need to stop tryna knock someone else for spending money on what they want.

In other news.
I am going to desperately try to get the Corks of NDC, if i can't, ill have to see what the market looks like for them, to see if its even worth my money and time to try and cop. I want the shoes as bad as everyone else, to actually WEAR, but geez its going to be hard....smh

That's the thing

Basically 90 pct of people in here probably can afford the shoes, most of us all buy 10-20 pairs of sneakers a year, So its not a money thing, its a principle thing to us.....$1000 dollars on shoe just to break necks? Wont do it!...... especially when you know eventually they're gonna come out with fakes to steal your "breaking necks" spotlight

Another reason I think its stupid to pay $1000 dollars for one single retail shoe is it drives up the price for all Nikes. Its amazing to see how prices have changed. And all these shoes value is day, the sneaker "stock market" is going to bust and people are gonna feel as stupid about spending big money on sneakers as people feel stupid now about buying Beanie Babies and Baseball cards back in the day

How can dudes who buy at least 20 gym shoes a year call another dude crazy because he dropped $800 on a extremely rare shoe?

When I think about it, your comment makes sense,

But I actually wear my shoes. I much rather have the 4-6 shoes I can rotate than have one shoe that I wont and basically cant wear as much(due to rain/snow and generally not wanting to mess them up)

I love sneakers more for the atheistic of them.....the colors, the textures, the details etc etc not really the breaking necks part of them.

80 pct of people on the streets cant tell the difference between the Hypergamer PE and a Lebron PE anyways
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I always try avoiding arguing about money cause its such a touchy subject.... Everyone is entitled to spend it however they want because it is their money... Some are fortunate some aren't... Some can afford to drop a hefty amount and not skip a beat with their regular financial responsibilities, some people struggle getting one pair at retail because they have to balance out the rest of where their money needs to go... That's just how it works... It ain't tricking if you got it.. I applaud those that can drop that amount for something they truly want, because I hope to some day be in that position as well....

Mogs shouldn't clown the next man for how he spends his money on kicks, it should motivate you to work hard to be in a similar situation one day as buddy and have the luxury to spend a nice amount on a coveted piece if need be.
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That's the thing

Basically 90 pct of people in here probably can afford the shoes, most of us all buy 10-20 pairs of sneakers a year, So its not a money thing, its a principle thing to us.....$1000 dollars on shoe just to break necks? Wont do it!...... especially when you know eventually they're gonna come out with fakes to steal your "breaking necks" spotlight

Another reason I think its stupid to pay $1000 dollars for one single retail shoe is it drives up the price for all Nikes. Its amazing to see how prices have changed. And all these shoes value is day, the sneaker "stock market" is going to bust and people are gonna feel as stupid about spending big money on sneakers as people feel stupid now about buying Beanie Babies and Baseball cards back in the day
When I think about it, your comment makes sense,

But I actually wear my shoes. I much really have the 4-6 shoes I can rotate than have one shoe that I wont and basically cant wear as much(due to rain/snow and generally not wanting to mess them up)

I love sneakers more for the atheistic of them.....the colors, the textures, the details etc etc not really the breaking necks part of them.

80 pct of people on the streets cant tell the difference between the Hypergamer PE and a Lebron PE anyways
Why do you still feel the need to post **** about this. No1 really wants to hear you complain about how you don't want to spend your money. Thats straight you don't want these corks, go post about the next KD your trying to copp. $1,000 isn't that ridiculous when there's plenty of people blowing money on drugs and alcohol. A good bottle of champagne or wine cost over $1,000 and it's gone once the last drink is poured from the bottle. Personally I'd rather drop it on some shoes I can rock more than once. Supply and demand determines the price after retail. Like some1 said before it's econ 101

On another note, check out this guy from South Africa. Nike sent him an entire shipment of corks to throw up on ebay. **** that
Shout out to those that think this is genuine cork on the shoes. No way real cork is on 10,000+ pairs of these.

Have you ever had a nice bottle of wine or worked at a wine and dine restaurant? Cork is so brittle that it would be impossible to put it on there. Not saying they didn't come up with something crazy in the NSW Lab to replicate these. But put it this way, 3 years from now if this is real cork, your shoes are gonna crumble unless you store them like wine bottles.

You obviously don't have a gf homie... Google cork wedge and you'll find millions of women's shoes that use actual cork material. Don't walk in the mud and you'll be fine, but yeah I wouldn't ball in them considering how much my normal synthetic leather/fuse kicks get scratched and lose color.
Shout out to those that think this is genuine cork on the shoes. No way real cork is on 10,000+ pairs of these.

Have you ever had a nice bottle of wine or worked at a wine and dine restaurant? Cork is so brittle that it would be impossible to put it on there. Not saying they didn't come up with something crazy in the NSW Lab to replicate these. But put it this way, 3 years from now if this is real cork, your shoes are gonna crumble unless you store them like wine bottles.
Don't know if there's that many pairs floating around. But about the cork material; lots of women's shoes are made with cork material, so I don't see how putting cork on these shoes is that big of an issue...
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