Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by ClevelandsPrince23

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

quick question regardless of your views on lebron,

do you think he stays with miami for the rest of his career?

I can't see it... If it works, then yeah I can totally see them signing new deals.  
He will be 31 when his contract is up so....
All these dudes have escape clauses in their contracts so in 2014 they really could all change their minds about this whole situation, if(this is the biggest if ever) they don't have the success they think will come so naturally from them joining forces.
Well, I personally think that if it fails the first season, they might not last till 2014.  I've said self-destruction in this thread like 5 times, and I strongly feel that they might if things go bad in the playoffs.  I can see it now... Wade takes a GW shot and misses... Bron gets mad because he wanted it... All bad from there... I'm not saying one missed GW will break them up, but over time things like that can ruin teams and ultimately friendships.
Like DoubleJ's said they have put SO MUCH pressure on themselves to win, that it will be absolute failure if they don't win it all this upcoming season. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by tim teufel

So what happens if they don't win a ring this season? Because everyone is banking on them to win

That would be an absolute failure.  Standards are VERY high for the Heat, and Bron, Bosh, and Wade have put tons of pressure on themselves to deliver. 

What analyst has picked them to win it all next year? Where is this pressure coming from?
jbfsu9 wrote:
American airlines arena is not that close to south beach...but have fun bron...worst arena ive ever been to.

What are you talking about, you can see South Beach from AAA. It's like 10 minutes from the arena.

From what I heard this morning, the Heat have already hired some people from LeBron's crew into team official positions. My problem with this is that they are going to be looking out for LeBron, not the team.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by tim teufel

So what happens if they don't win a ring this season? Because everyone is banking on them to win

That would be an absolute failure.  Standards are VERY high for the Heat, and Bron, Bosh, and Wade have put tons of pressure on themselves to deliver. 

What analyst has picked them to win it all next year? Where is this pressure coming from?

Bro... They pretty much guaranteed winning the championship for the next 7 years.  They were so damn cocky when they got welcomed to Miami.  Did you watch it?
The pressure come from everywhere North don't think yall should win with that team? Vegas oddsmakers sure do...yall got one guy,Bron,that carried his team to the finals and then to 2 consecutive 60+ win seasons. you got Wade that came back from injuries to win a gold medal and drag yallto a 5th seed in the east playoffs. Bosh, well he just balled until april.

I think year one is over as lakers will win, unless yall take fisher from them. three years left and they gotta win at least two. That was Bron's whole point to going down there and I doubt he meant only 2 chips when he said multiple.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ He can score 100 points a game. 20 years from now It'll still be said that he went to Wade County to win.

NICE DUDE!! ur ignorance makes u look so COOL!!!YEEEAAA
Originally Posted by gottig10

Fisher is staying with LA Don't kid ur self with that.
U may think Lebron looks like a side kick now...but we all no once he hits that court, the team is his. Let's not play stupid here. I mean people in miami arnt just buying up all the Lebron number 6 jerseys for nothing. Dwade knows it, C. Bosh knows it....the team is Lebrons when it all goes down. So all that side kick crap can be hushed.
Wrong. Miami is in WADE COUNTY. There will be a reason why D. Wade will be announced last in the starting lineups. There is a reason why he's in the center of all the pictures and posters. Bron will be the most talented player on the Heat, but don't get it twisted, that's Dwyane's team. Like he said, it's his house, he just got some new roommates to help clean things up. Wade has done too much for that team and city to be supplanted by Prince James. 
- I just wanted to comment on how funny it is that people are killing Bron for the exact same thing people were saying AI should have done in his career. Bron has made the ultimate sacrifice in giving up his alpha-dog spot for the sake of WINNING A CHIP. All year long in the AI threads, people were saying how they don't feel bad for Iverson b/c he should have sacrificed his scoring and alpha-dog mentality to accommodate guys like Stackhouse, Larry Hughes, Derrick Coleman, etc... And here we have LBJ doing exactly that, yet somehow LeBron is getting killed for it.
Y'all are some double-standard +#% mofos.

AI and LBJ's careers parallel each other in a sense. Both made it to the Finals early in their career. Both were the undisputed first option on their squad. Both were NEVER truly given a bonafide 2nd option. Both were MVPs of the L. Etc... The difference is AI remained in Philly. And NEVER won. Bron chose a different path. If he had remained in Cle, he would have been getting the SAME criticism that you guys give AI.

why is it in any big NBA thread you and that other bum always try to throw AI or Tmac in it?

and ummmmmmmmm if lebron ever got players on his team that would help him win he would never run them off because it would take some shine away from him. AI DID THAT ALL THE %@!%#*% TIME

there careers dont even come close to the same early on
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

- I just wanted to comment on how funny it is that people are killing Bron for the exact same thing people were saying AI should have done in his career. Bron has made the ultimate sacrifice in giving up his alpha-dog spot for the sake of WINNING A CHIP. All year long in the AI threads, people were saying how they don't feel bad for Iverson b/c he should have sacrificed his scoring and alpha-dog mentality to accommodate guys like Stackhouse, Larry Hughes, Derrick Coleman, etc... And here we have LBJ doing exactly that, yet somehow LeBron is getting killed for it.
Y'all are some double-standard +#% mofos.

AI and LBJ's careers parallel each other in a sense. Both made it to the Finals early in their career. Both were the undisputed first option on their squad. Both were NEVER truly given a bonafide 2nd option. Both were MVPs of the L. Etc... The difference is AI remained in Philly. And NEVER won. Bron chose a different path. If he had remained in Cle, he would have been getting the SAME criticism that you guys give AI.
why is it in any big NBA thread you and that other bum always try to throw AI or Tmac in it?

and ummmmmmmmm if lebron ever got players on his team that would help him win he would never run them off because it would take some shine away from him. AI DID THAT ALL THE %@!%#*% TIME

there careers dont even come close to the same early on
 at you trying to hate and pretty much reiterating what SHUGES JUST said!!!! 

He's saying y'all are hating on Bron for doing what y'all hate on AI for NOT doing.
  And i swear, for being the biggest TMac hater on here, you mention him more than ANY of us.

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by tim teufel

So what happens if they don't win a ring this season? Because everyone is banking on them to win

That would be an absolute failure.  Standards are VERY high for the Heat, and Bron, Bosh, and Wade have put tons of pressure on themselves to deliver. 

What analyst has picked them to win it all next year? Where is this pressure coming from?
How about Lebron, Wade, and Bosh talking about winning 5...6...7 CHAMPIONSHIPS at the rally.  This is a DREAM scenario where you would have 3 of the top-10 players (in their primes) on one roster.  Not just for a summer in an Olympic atmosphere...but at the least, 5 years.  This is unreal.  From 7/9/10 on, any year that the Heat don't win the NBA title will be looked at as a disappointment and complete failure.  As soon as the ink dried on the contracts they signed, there became pressure.  Like I was saying in another post.  Lebron could have re-signed w. Cleveland, picked Chicago, NY, or LA....but NOTHING (no matter how big of a market, or whose shoes he was expected to fill, etc) compares to what is now going on in Miami.  Time will only tell if they can accomplish all that they are setting out to do.  There are folks all around the world HOPING that this "Big-3" experiment falls flat.  Bridges were burned, conspiracy theories were formed, and jealousy seems to be running rampant.  I have never in all my years playing and watching sports seen anything that compares to what went down over the past 5 days or so.  This is some great stuff, and will help the NBA because all eyes will be on Miami for better/worse.  That my friend, is pressure. 
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by gottig10

Fisher is staying with LA Don't kid ur self with that.
U may think Lebron looks like a side kick now...but we all no once he hits that court, the team is his. Let's not play stupid here. I mean people in miami arnt just buying up all the Lebron number 6 jerseys for nothing. Dwade knows it, C. Bosh knows it....the team is Lebrons when it all goes down. So all that side kick crap can be hushed.
Wrong. Miami is in WADE COUNTY. There will be a reason why D. Wade will be announced last in the starting lineups. There is a reason why he's in the center of all the pictures and posters. Bron will be the most talented player on the Heat, but don't get it twisted, that's Dwyane's team. Like he said, it's his house, he just got some new roommates to help clean things up. Wade has done too much for that team and city to be supplanted by Prince James. 
went to sleep the next young Jordan, woke up Scottie Pippen.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ He can score 100 points a game. 20 years from now It'll still be said that he went to Wade County to win.

NICE DUDE!! ur ignorance makes u look so COOL!!!YEEEAAA
Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ He can score 100 points a game. 20 years from now It'll still be said that he went to Wade County to win.

NICE DUDE!! ur ignorance makes u look so COOL!!!YEEEAAA
Originally Posted by gottig10

Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ He can score 100 points a game. 20 years from now It'll still be said that he went to Wade County to win.

NICE DUDE!! ur ignorance makes u look so COOL!!! YEEEAAA

and your ignorance is even better. Your on lbj hard for what reason? the man obviously admitted failure and admitted he can't lead a team to the promised land. People say he did it himself is ok to say if they limped in everyyear they had one seeds 2 straight years. Obviously he was the reason but don't blame early playoff exits on not having help. It doesn't help to choke the last two years. I;ll admit he didn't have the greatest supporting cast, but him chokin in the playoffs this year has nothing to do with his cast  
Ok I'm telling u as things's going to change into lebrons team no matter who likes it or not. Miami is going to show lbj way more love than wade this season just because he came to the heat.
This gotigg10 character sounds like a ten year old lebron fan. He's not even worth quoting cause the dude is clueless
Originally Posted by gottig10

Ok I'm telling u as things's going to change into lebrons team no matter who likes it or not. Miami is going to show lbj way more love than wade this season just because he came to the heat.
Just ask Celtic fans..... Whose team is it??

It's Paul Pierce's team... Rondo is doing the most damage, but it's PP team....
It will always be Dwyane Wade's team...
Ok we will see.
U no what I see what u guys are saying...but what I'm really trying to imply on is that, lebron will get MVP nest season again, and if they do win the finales, I'm pretty sure he will get MVP then too. Too me the best player on the team is the leader, no if and or buts about it, but seeing as a franchise player to the heat I see what u guys mean then.
If LeBron was a real G.... In the game @ Cleveland....He should throw up salt instead of powder

Some Miami sea salt or some !+$!...
Originally Posted by rashi

jbfsu9 wrote:
American airlines arena is not that close to south beach...but have fun bron...worst arena ive ever been to.

What are you talking about, you can see South Beach from AAA. It's like 10 minutes from the arena.

From what I heard this morning, the Heat have already hired some people from LeBron's crew into team official positions. My problem with this is that they are going to be looking out for LeBron, not the team.

the Cavs were paying one of his boys high six-figures to sit behind the bench. The problems with this team will begin once the players that surround these three start getting upset that they are working hard and not getting even half the perks Bron, Wade and Bosh will be getting and they will only be getting paid league minimum($450k) due to almost no more cap room.

Remember that main problem that kept Bron from going to the Bulls was they wouldn't hook up all his entourage.
Like it or not Lebron just made history again with what went down last thurs. All they need to do now is pull it off, and win that ship!
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