Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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^ it ain't hate if it wasn't true... most of the arguments here make sense... i'm not going to make a paragraph post like others here... ill just be more upfront and simple... if lebron is supposed to be the king then why did he take the easy way out instead of lead a team of his own to a championship? i'm not saying that should be cleveland but just in general...that just shows that he can't lead a team of his own to a championship where he is "the guy" even though hes called the king
nobody won a ring by themselves at least he went to the finals in 07 against the spurs wit a trash team... and who cares about cleveland anyways they makin such a big deal because hes such a good player hes not obligated to stay his whole career... and the knicks and nets werent guaranteed a chip wit lebron not because of him but because the players around him never come thru in the playoffs and or finals smh... so its a rap for them n he wants a ring NOW!! no hes not prince james hes still king and better than wade sorry buddy
Originally Posted by you go boy

^ it ain't hate if it wasn't true... most of the arguments here make sense... i'm not going to make a paragraph post like others here... ill just be more upfront and simple... if lebron is supposed to be the king then why did he take the easy way out instead of lead a team of his own to a championship? i'm not saying that should be cleveland but just in general...that just shows that he can't lead a team of his own to a championship where he is "the guy" even though hes called the king

it's easy he couldn't handle that pressure over time, losing will do that to you, so he was uncomfortable where he was at. So the easy way is to go with something you trust, join your USA basketball teammates -- your buddies, ease the pressure off yourself, be comfortable, have fun again. Yet, Lebron doesn't realize because of his ego that you cant take everything with you, you no longer can be mentioned in the conversation as GOAT, because you can't handle the pressure, challenge of making adjustments to your elite EC team(not a scrub team) to win it all. He probably could care less if people, even the majority of ex-nba players, don't think he can considered him the greatest ever, bc he and his ego prob thinks he still is and his enablers, those around him, tell him he still is.
Originally Posted by savy007710

nobody won a ring by themselves at least he went to the finals in 07 against the spurs wit a trash team... and who cares about cleveland anyways they makin such a big deal because hes such a good player hes not obligated to stay his whole career... and the knicks and nets werent guaranteed a chip wit lebron not because of him but because the players around him never come thru in the playoffs and or finals smh... so its a rap for them n he wants a ring NOW!! no hes not prince james hes still king and better than wade sorry buddy

IMO, the only thing that bothered people is that he made a big spectacle about it.  He knew where he was going all along, he didn't have to have an ESPN special, he could have just donated that money himself along with Nike to the Boys and Girls club.

Nonetheless, his signing should not bother anyone other than the Knicks, Nets, Cavs and Bulls, cuz he had all you guys fooled. 
And we weree all witnesses to his foolery. 
Originally Posted by savy007710

and the knicks and nets werent guaranteed a chip wit lebron
Am I the only one who believes that Lebron would have been guaranteed a ring in Chicago though??

Rose, Lebron, Boozer, Noah, Taj, Deng, Korver (Idk, Korever might have not signed him if they had gotten Bron though).

Would he have gotten less rings in Chicago with that lineup than what he's going to get in Miami? Sure. But in Chicago he'd get the "ring(s), alpha dog/clear #1, ressurector" while in Miami all he gets his "rings" (no matter how many there are of them).

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by savy007710

and the knicks and nets werent guaranteed a chip wit lebron
Am I the only one who believes that Lebron would have been guaranteed a ring in Chicago though??

Rose, Lebron, Boozer, Noah, Taj, Deng, Korver (Idk, Korever might have not signed him if they had gotten Bron though).

Would he have gotten less rings in Chicago with that lineup than what he's going to get in Miami? Sure. But in Chicago he'd get the "ring(s), alpha dog/clear #1, ressurector" while in Miami all he gets his "rings" (no matter how many there are of them).
It would have taken longer than playing in Miami but ya I feel it was possible for him to win in Chicago
i kno the bulls wudda had a huge chance wit lebron but then hes gonna have to be compared to jordan throughout his whole career espns gonna have a ball with him bein in chicago...n if he doesnt win there then hes gonna b seen as trash...but yea the knicks now are getting better and the nets actually wuld have some what of a squad if u look at their lineup lopez terrence williams harris lebron but the bench wuld b weak...speaking of bench miamis bench is done idk how they gonna win beasley gone its a rap...this year gonna b interesting tho no doubt
/\ Without Korever...that's a SERIOUS lack of outside shooting for them to be considered guaranteed champions
When it's allways and done he will still be KING JAMES as always, and he will forever have his legacy no matter what u haterz think! THAT IS ALL
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Most people are stupid if they think a team with no chemistry will win it all. I just don't see it working out with wade and lebron on the court cause one would have to differ to the other. Both are at their best when they have the court to themselves 100%

They have 82 games to figure it out.  I'm sure chemistry won't be as much of a problem as you make it seem.  All 3 guys are as unselfish as they come while on the court, so I dunno if they are going to have as many trials/tribulations in becoming cohesive as you may think.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Yall acting like he committed to Miami for the rest of his career. Assuming he plays his entire contract out, it will only take him to 30. He could conceivably win 2 or 3 with Wade and Bosh in Miami, then defect in 2015 for "his own" team and alpha dog role somewhere else and win some more that way.
because he did it before as an alpha dog...doing it when he is past his athletic prime sounds very realistic
Why do people keep saying u can't win a ring alone over and over that's been established and we know this. The arguement comes down to the so called best player in the league leaving to team up with another super star a rival of his for the last 7 years in his backyard. How can this not be viewed as bit#@ move? There is. No defending that I don't care how much of a lebron homer u are. If it were wade and bosh coming to his kneck of the woods he would still be the king instead of being the kings servant going to Miami
Why do people keep saying u can't win a ring alone over and over that's been established and we know this. The arguement comes down to the so called best player in the league leaving to team up with another super star a rival of his for the last 7 years in his backyard. How can this not be viewed as bit#@ move? There is. No defending that I don't care how much of a lebron homer u are. If it were wade and bosh coming to his kneck of the woods he would still be the king instead of being the kings servant going to Miami
[h1]Ripken knows what LeBron went through[/h1]


Ripken played 21 seasons in Baltimore.
(Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)

His voice trailed off. Ripken was on the phone from California whereon Monday he will be the face of the State Farm Home Run Derby and itsGo To Bat program mainly because he is still the face of baseball; theone who forever did the right thing, who never took another team’smoney, who believed being a Baltimore hero on the Baltimore Orioles was a good and honorable thing no matter how awful those Baltimore Orioles teams became.

For this he is considered all that is pure in a sports world wherelocal bonds mean nothing, where the glow of being a legend in the placewhere you learned to walk lasts as long as the first glimpse of freedomand the chance to shine brighter somewhere else. And it is why wheneverbaseball has needed an icon these last 20 years, he is the one theycall. The game’s John Wayne. Humble. Unbreakable. Loyal.

So even as he let himself wonder what he could have been elsewhere, he quickly jolted himself from the thought.

“There are no guarantees (in going to another team),
Lame attempt to take a shot at the BOSS.

This loyalty angle is overrated. Hoisting up 3 world series trophies > wasting away in Maryland. Dudes is acting like he wouldn't have became an icon in NY if he had won multiple championships with the Yankees.
I'm not a Lebron hater I think he is a beast on the court I just thought he would stick it out a little bit longer and start winning ships in a couple of years but like all of us americans we want it
now now now. LOL I have respect for his game but lost alot of respect for him as a man Alot off people dont like Lebron anymore because of the way he left the Cavs. Those People worshiped

him like he was a GOD. I just think it was a low blow what he did to all his cleveland fans he didn't have to go on ESPN and make a special about it. If they win ships good for them but he will

never have the legacy that MJ had and Kobe is gonna have. It's just gonna be a great team that won ships like the Celtics and he will be considered a great just not MJ or Kobe great
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Lame attempt to take a shot at the BOSS.

This loyalty angle is overrated. Hoisting up 3 world series trophies > wasting away in Maryland. Dudes is acting like he wouldn't have became an icon in NY if he had won multiple championships with the Yankees.

Plus Cal won a WS his 2nd or 3rd year in the league....
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Lame attempt to take a shot at the BOSS.

This loyalty angle is overrated. Hoisting up 3 world series trophies > wasting away in Maryland. Dudes is acting like he wouldn't have became an icon in NY if he had won multiple championships with the Yankees.

ya'll really think david stern gonna sit there and do nothing about this whole hatred about lebron?

dudes been his step daddy for the longest time. hes gonna take care of his baby
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