Official Lakers @ Sonics 02-24-08 6:00pm PST

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

I'm sorry...people pay too much damn money for NBA tickets for an officially to arbitrarily toss out a superstar because he can't stand to get an earful.

Suck it up. Its your job.
Your not supposed to show up the offcial. As soon as he swung his arms he should have got a t. Kobe was acting like a big baby out there and for what? Yeah you were fouled but that doesn't give you the right to act like that. I see where sasha gets it.

We don't need him acting like this in the playoffs and getting thrown out in a game 7 or something.

dude you actually think he would have acted that way if the game was a close one? he only acted that way because he dint care if he got thrown out we werealready up by 30 ....
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

David Stern , get that Championship trophy ready because we're going to get in June.

You know you are gonna catch heat for that..
but seriously eventhough this was the Sonics what team really matches up with us? Seriously...outside of maybe SA and PHX (because of the rivalry) who would you take in a 7 gameover the Lakers? I'm drawing blanks....this team is dang near flawless without Bynum and Ariza....what happens when they come back?
Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

I'm sorry...people pay too much damn money for NBA tickets for an officially to arbitrarily toss out a superstar because he can't stand to get an earful.

Suck it up. Its your job.
Your not supposed to show up the offcial. As soon as he swung his arms he should have got a t. Kobe was acting like a big baby out there and for what? Yeah you were fouled but that doesn't give you the right to act like that. I see where sasha gets it.

We don't need him acting like this in the playoffs and getting thrown out in a game 7 or something.

not supposed to show up an official?

officials arent supposed to call bad calls, but guess what, they do. someones gotta tell em.

A rule is a rule. The rule is you don't show up the offical bad call or not. I play a lot of basketball and I know better then to do what kobe did. The manis a superstar and he might as well have been on the floor kicking and screaming.

Trust me it was a horrible non call and he had every right to be upset but you have to know when to let it go. Come on WE ARE UP 30!

come on now, any ref that would even think of doin that during a game 7 or even in the playoffs to someone like kobe (bias yeah i know) is straight Tim Donaghy status

If he is acting like that during a game 7 then he should be thrown out. I am not going to give him a pass because he is a laker. Rules are rules and peoplehave to follow them, ask diaw and stat.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

nahh kobe only went crazy because he knew we already won this game or felt that way..if it was a 10 point game.. he wouldnt have attacked the ref like that and get ejected...

People questioning his leadership =
I love that Shaq video...

"la la la la"

"Vlade.....are you stupid, I'll tell you time and time again"

"You said that we wouldn't win in your place....guess what, Kobe dunked it in your face"

at shaq

at lamar playing so freakin well over the past month or so

Im really impressed with sasha. hes shooting with so much confidence

at kobe goin off on the ref
Originally Posted by rocboys

not to be a troll, but, JsindaA, your team is not the hottest team right now.

You're right, that would be the Houston Rockets. But we're playing damn well ourselves...

Just got home from the game... The loudest cheer was when Kobe got thrown out, otherwise pretty boring. Lakers were playing pretty damn efficient todaythough, pretty fun to watch. Kind of sucks that he was thrown out though, would have been tad more entertaining...
Originally Posted by rocboys

not to be a troll, but, JsindaA, your team is not the hottest team right now.

Funny, I don't remember saying that....because I didn't.
We gotta stay humble, although the Lakers are playing great ball, NONE of them are saying straight out they are going to win a championship.

Take each game day by day, stay humble. (Includes all the Laker fans).
That was a horrible non call in the 3rd quarter when Kobe got ejected but at the same time rules are rules and like tupac said you cant show up a ref twice andnot expect to get 2 technicals and get ejected.The only player in the league who I can think of that got away with this was Michael Jordan when he would givethe refs the devil stare down and wouldnt get tossed or t'ed up.

As for people worrying about what if he does this in the playoffs like during a game 7. Please stop. Kobe has enough self control and knows better.He isnt uncontrolable like Rasheed Wallace or Ron Artest.
I swear if you listen closely to all his arguing he told the ref "dammit, I'm missing the oscars, toss me" Official, "sorry, I blew thecall" Kobe, "shut up and listen, I wanna hit the showers stupid, this game sucks." "you're outta here".

Kobe need to chill, but oh well, a W is a W. LO doin it again. Pau is Pau.

I think the couple games Walton gets with the starters will be good for him to get some rust off.
1st Place!!

And Luke Walton, I'm waiting for you to finally come around, because you've been playing like crap.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

all i ask of luke walton is not to shoot the ball. thats it.

...and Just use his great B-Ball IQ

How long is Vlad out with his injury? If so maybe Ariza can get back before him and start rather than Walton
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

It was the Sonics. Don't get all excited.

True as that may be, but when Bynum comes back (yes it's beaten like a dead horse). I fear Detroit, and Detroit only.


At the end of the day, a Bynum, Gasol, and Odom front court is gonna be viscous against a team without a true center. Detroit has a nice bench but I couldlive with our bench locked on Wallace and McDyess while the aforementioned are on the bench . Kobe is gonna play spy just wreaking havoc on the rest of theteam with the starters on the floor. Kobe will reposition himself like as of late, to guarding whoever is on a hot streak.

Yeah I'm gassed, buy my claims are not without merit. My assertions will come to fruition sooner than later.
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