[::OFFICIAL LAKERS 2010-11' SEASON THREAD Vol. It Was Fun While It Lasted::]

- our biggest problem now is the same reason we've won the last 2 chips: Pau. At this point, I want to trade HIM for Dwight, not Bynum for Dwight... and you guys know how much I'm one of Bynum's biggest critics. This dude Pau is too soft. I heard Kerr talking last night about "Oh, it's crazy how Laker fans are so critical of Pau, when he's one of the main reasons they're 2-time reigning champs." Eff that; I cannot STAND someone who decides when they're gonna get big and when they're gonna just go throuh the motions. Like CP and others have said, at least when Bynum is on the floor, he BRINGS IT. Hell, start Joe Smith & Bynum next game, just because.

- Our second biggest problem is our bench. Other teams have incredible depth; all we've got is Odom, then we have a sketchy Blake, an inconsistent Barnes, an erratic Brown, an overpaid Walton.

- What, like 1-16 from 3-land? *facepalm* Against one of the best shooting teams in the league? Uuuugh. That means that if we're going to win, it's going to be by pounding it inside... which goes back to Pau Gasoft. Crap.

- If the Mavs win the series, I'm pulling for them to win it all (remember, I'm a Kidd fan), even thought I think the Thunder will pull it off. I'd like to see Mavs/Heat again, though, this time w/ the NBA rigging things in the Mavs favor, to right the wrong from 2006.
LeBron still goes ringless as 2006 is made up for.

- But this season isn't over yet for my squad, so enough of that talk. I'm not all that confident we can win both of these next 2 in Dallas, but I hope they're not focused on winning both of them. Just win Friday night. Period.

- Ok, one last thought about the future: it WILL include...
... 2 of these 3: Kobe, Pau, Bynum
... 1 of these 2: Deron, Chris
... and Dwight.
Too much negativity, let's look at the big picture and appreciate what we've had.

If this is the "end", then I hope they don't go down without a fight.

Oh, and for the fans that booed last night, how disgusting, this team has given us so much, and they resort to boos?

F that, too much good memories to reflect on and cherish forever, than negatives.
Originally Posted by CJ616

Originally Posted by knightngale

The lakers are not dominating because their competition IMPROVED.  

Basically.  This isn't the same Mavs team from the past.  They're extremely deep, and every player is capable of being effective on the court in some way.  Their guards are play makers, and great shooters, and their big men are legit.  As grim as things are looking, there's no way that I could say that this series is over yet, though.  You guys definitely have a chance.  Friday is a must win (obviously).
Not only are improved. Teams are looking forward to beat the Lakers. It's like whenever the Lakers are in town they play their A games. You got bums on the bench who all of a sudden look like they're playing for a contract
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Too much negativity, let's look at the big picture and appreciate what we've had.

If this is the "end", then I hope they don't go down without a fight.

Oh, and for the fans that booed last night, how disgusting, this team has given us so much, and they resort to boos?

F that, too much good memories to reflect on and cherish forever, than negatives.
This man speaks the truth.  I have no respect for fans who boo their own team. 
I've been dead serious when I've said I'd like to see Phil to put in Joe Smith & Trey Johnson.

When Fisher and Blake aren't doing anything at all, it's time for a different look. Blake was just attrocious last night.

Shannon Brown should just sucks. Dude is damn awful for months now. He cannot defend, can't dribble, can't do anything else but dunk. You'd think him being young and athletic would benefit him some how, but no. Dude let JJ just murder his %$*.

Pau Gasol...What else can we say? Dude has been playing some of the worst basketball of his life and it doesn't seem like he cares. Everytime he just blames it on touches. Oh I needed more touches blah blah blah.

Hey Pau how about trying to post up for once and not jab stepping and pump faking for 15 seconds then giving the ball back to Kobe.

Yea Pau helped us win 2 titles, and for that we all celebrated, but when you play without effort and are just w.e about everything, you deserve to get booed.

Dirk has a weakness and that's his defense. Yet Gasol lets him off the hook and Dirk murders him on the other end.

Kobe has played well this series though. He's looking good as far as the fatigue factor. He knows you cannot beat a team like Dallas by himself without any team defense.

Ohhh yea, the real Lamar Odom showed up twice these playoffs already. The one who takes mid-series vacations when we need him.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

- our biggest problem now is the same reason we've won the last 2 chips: Pau. At this point, I want to trade HIM for Dwight, not Bynum for Dwight... and you guys know how much I'm one of Bynum's biggest critics. Like CP and others have said, at least when Bynum is on the floor, he BRINGS IT. Hell, start Joe Smith & Bynum next game, just because.
Thank you!! Finally, someone who agrees with me word for word. I love Bynum's game. I don't wanna lose the kid, not for anyone. His length, post-game, rebounding, footwork, effort is all amazing to me. If...and i know its a big IF...he stays healthy, I honestly would not trade him for Dwight straight up. People will flame but i dont care, theres nothing wrong with Bynum as our starting center. 
Pau on the other hand...

I don't want to beat a dead horse, but yeah...he'd be gone with the quickness if the Magic would take him. I hope he makes up for what hes put us through in these playoffs...and I hope he does soon. He has absolutely not shown up in any single game these playoffs the way he should of been. 
^ Regardless. We all know he's having a hard time with Dirk. I don't understand the logic behind booing a player who has helped lead your team to back to back titles...and who is supposedly Kobe's "right hand man." If you're gonna boo anybody, it should be Ron Artest.
All I'll say is, I should not be more confident in Bynum's ability contribute offensively, than Pau's. Particularly given the matchups. And that is in no way a knock on Bynum.  
Pau has deserved the booing in these playoffs. Plain and simple.
--NOW its sounding like an off season thread.
--I was wondering when CP and Ska would chime in with their positive wisdom. I'm not buying it this time. WIth all due respect.

--Cedric, you say it'll be 2-2 on Sunday afternoon? I say 4-0. Momentum, confidence, homecourt, energy..EVERYTHING favors the Mavericks.
^ Regardless. We all know he's having a hard time with Dirk. I don't understand the logic behind booing a player who has helped lead your team to back to back titles
Sports... hell, LIFE... is all about 'What have you done for me lately?'

You give me a hundred bucks yesterday then punch me square in my damn nose today, we've got a huge problem. I'm supposed to just think "Well, he did give me a c-note yesterday, sooooo..."?
ESPN just showed a stat that we are shooting 25% on spot up shots this series

EDIT:  I would like to see Barnes and Bynum try to guard Dirk; can't be worse than Pau and LO.

--Pau acting like a female. If I was there last night I would've been booing him off the court too.
--I'm glad I didnt spend any of my hard earned money to go to Staples to see this GARBAGE team play this season.

--They should just rollover and join TD and the Spurs and their fishing trip.

--Barkley giggling like a schoolgirl as we speak.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Regardless. We all know he's having a hard time with Dirk. I don't understand the logic behind booing a player who has helped lead your team to back to back titles
Sports... hell, LIFE... is all about 'What have you done for me lately?'

You give me a hundred bucks yesterday then punch me square in my damn nose today, we've got a huge problem. I'm supposed to just think "Well, he did give me a c-note yesterday, sooooo..."?


What Pau did in 08-09-10 is done and gone.  I thank him for it, but today is 2011.  I need right now. 

If he fails, hey, you pat him on the back and say get em next year, but right now, I don't have time for hand holding.  You @#$% up, you get booed.  He does great, he gets cheered.  Way of the world right there.  

Gotta get thicker skin, and damn sure need to play better. 

That goes for all 12 of these fools.  Make the adjustments, do your job, and make the plays.  If you still lose, shrug and go work in the offseason, but don't let this be about effort and "trust" as Mr Bynum likes to say, or anything else.  And for the love of God, make a shot.  Make a free throw, make your layups, come the hell on. 

And make the proper pass.  That dump off by Blake to Fisher that Terry was damn near waiting for pissed me off somethin fierce.  Make the proper plays, not the lazy ones. 
I definitely agree this is a "what have you done for me lately," league.

I've said it numerous times myself.

If one of my dudes helped me win two titles, I'd let him slide for being a dummy later.

But, I have zero titles and yall got like 30.
Originally Posted by thachosen123

If only we knew how to play with a 16pt lead, everything would be fine right now
--This. Phil Jackson FAIL keeping starters on the bench. I dont care about his 11 rings at that juncture.
--Mavs >>>>> Lakers.

That's what im saying.

I don't care that Phil has 11 rings. Thats over with done.

but as of now he needs to do a better job of coordinating all their minutes.

Kobe should play at LEAST 40 next game
I would rather this team summon all their energy and take down the Mavs and get eliminated next round then to see them go out like !@@$@@+ to Cuban and those dudes.

Do what it takes to get it done. I know it's pretty much over but we can lose to OKC or Memphis and I will be 100% fine with that. I just can't stomach losing a series to the Mavs.
kvsm23vs24 wrote:
Kobe should play at LEAST 40 44 mins next game

Fixed. Theres no reason why he needs more than 2 minutes per half at this point. Desperate times call for desperate measures. If Phil stubbornly sticks Kobe on the bench till the 6 or 7 minute mark of the 2nd quarter next game...I will honestly feel like turning off the tv. I cannot stress how frustrating it will be if he gives Kobe anything less than 44 minutes.
We need him on the court, even if not for scoring...just the attention he receives alone on the court opens EVERYTHING up. We cannot win without him on the court.
I have never saw any other fans besides Lakers fans who wanna sit back and dismantle every aspect of a team that just had 3 finals appearances back to back and treat them like they are the cavs.

I still believe they are going to win this series for three reasons

1) Its the dallas Mavericks who for the past 5 years have always found a way to mess things up in da playoffs. LA wins game 3 a little bubble of doubt is gonna pop in their head, win game 4 and go back to LA tied this series is over in 6, based off their track record

2) LA has a coach who has been in damn near every playoff situation imaginable to man and a top 10 player all time whos will to win is second to none.

3) I simply dont think L.A even has to play GREAT to win as showcased by game 1 & 2.... the majority of us would say L.A played HORRIBLE and were close in both games until the middle of the 4th.

I believe that they are still gonna win this series but if we have to see OKC next round then i see a exit in 6 because Westbrook is gonna DESTROY this squad
If the average age of the team was like 27 then fine, but this team is old(not spurs old,but old) if nothing is done whose to say we won't be in this same situation next year

And another thing, please don't compare this franchise with the likes of the Cleveland cavaliers
I agree with a lot of what you posted tyisny. We were in everyone of those games and we were playing horrible. Had we made at least a couple of those 3's we could of easily won...

they arent BETTER than us...they are just playing better. Theres a difference. We can do this.
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