OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Kookcle

[h3] Brown in the Dunk Contest? Only Nike seems to know[/h3] [h4]January 15th, 2010, 7:33 pm · Post a Comment · posted by JANIS CARR, OCREGISTER.COM[/h4]

Is he or isn't he? Lakers guard Shannon Brown said he doesn't know whether he has been selected for the NBA Dunk Contest, but apparently the folks at Nike do.

Earlier in the day, Nike released details of a contest that asks fans to design a shoe for him to wear - just in case he happens to be selected for the event because "if Shannon Brown is in the dunk contest, he will need a hot shoe."
Nike knows

I wonder what shoe Nike will give him ....ZKV? or something else

It'll be a ZKV, I read something similar to this on realGm yesterday
[h1]Lakers try to answer the 14-foot question[/h1]In the Lakers' Tale of Two Centers, it's not the best of times or the worst of times, simply the same old times.

In other words, Pau Gasol, who's not really a center, still plays there if Andrew Bynum has a problem -- fouls, injuries, non-discernible pulse, Phil Jackson -- as Bynum has for most of Gasol's two years here.

As usual, Bynum has been going wild with Gasol out, but Gasol just returned as all Lakerdom rejoiced, with the possible exception of Bynum's entourage.

Now everyone waits to see what happens next . . . again!

All that rides on it is their dynasty.

The Lakers can win titles without Bynum, as they effectively did last spring as he averaged six points and four rebounds, dropping in and falling out of the starting lineup.

Of course, the Lakers hardly looked unbeatable, if nobody quite managed it.

The year before when Bynum missed the postseason -- officially -- they weren't just beatable but wipeout-able, as the Boston Celtics showed in the Finals.

Despite everything you hear about their point guard, losing Trevor Ariza, getting Ron Artest, their bench, or Lamar Odom's wedding to Khloe Kardashian (Jeanie Buss said it was the first one she ever attended at which guests had to sign releases for a TV network), the Tandem That Looks Devastating on Paper is the whole Lakers ballgame.

When Gasol arrived two seasons ago, the Lakers seemed poised to go to a new level with one of the game's top two players and two 7-footers capable of averaging 20-10.

(The only other guy in the running for best player has Shaquille O'Neal and Zydrunas Ilgauskas, who average 20-10 if you add their totals.)

Gasol and Bynum are naturally complementary with Pau high and Andrew low. Gasol can play the low post, but it's not his strength . . . as the Lakers saw in the 2008 Finals when Kendrick Perkins held Gasol to 15 a game without help, as Kevin Garnett left Lamar Odom to help everyone else play Kobe Bryant.

With a vintage Bynum and KG obliged to cover Gasol, Ray Allen might have needed a rope to guard Kobe.

That thought consoled the Lakers that summer, if not last season, as it turned out.

Coming off knee surgery, Bynum averaged 11-8 through Jan. 1. Of course, even with the tandem functioning at that Cü level, the Lakers were 25-6.

Bynum then proceeded to put it together in January, again, and get hurt in January, again.

He made it back for last spring's playoffs, but he was slower, less explosive and more petulant as his touches, shots and minutes dropped.

Copping his first official NBA attitude, he went on a media boycott. The media, which wasn't coming around, didn't even realize it.

When Jackson benched him in the first round against Utah, David Lee, Bynum's agent, called everyone he knew, starting with General Manager Mitch Kupchak, noting, among other things, Bynum didn't know if he could play for Jackson.

Not that anyone had asked what Bynum thought, because he had just gotten his four-year, $57 million extension and Jackson wasn't going anywhere.

Coincidentally or not, Lee, who represented Ariza, subsequently told the Lakers they couldn't just match the best offer for Ariza, they had to beat it.

Ariza swallowed the notion that he was being disrespected and went to Houston for exactly what the Lakers offered.

Instead of staying home and playing for rings, with no heavy lifting of the kind the Rockets require, Ariza is now shooting 38% and may get into the playoffs.

For Bynum's part, even at 22, with the noise in his ears, he kept it together.

Of course, Gasol helped by missing this season's first 11 games, in which Bynum averaged 21-12.

Gasol then missed six more this month -- in the nick of time for Bynum, who had nodded off, averaging 13-6 in the interim, but now went back up to 19-12.

Even with Gasol back, the Lakers kept socking the ball in to Bynum in Friday's 126-86 rout of the Clippers. Both scored 20, the high for the tandem this season.

Gasol said he told Bynum, "Just go to the post, demand the ball, do your move and play the way you've been playing when I'm not out there."

"We have great chemistry," Gasol said. "I want him to be as aggressive as he has been the last couple games when I've been out and as aggressive as he was tonight."

Of course, Bryant, who determines the Lakers' dynamic, or is the Lakers' dynamic, is playing hurt and was content to take only 20 shots to get his 30 points.

You'd like their chances from here, but they're the Lakers, and haven't ever run out of surprises yet.

We'll just have to see where it goes, into a cloudless blue sky, or around and around in the usual circles.

[h1]Dwight Howard, Lakers' Andrew Bynum 'just different,' Phil Jackson says[/h1]Lakers center Andrew Bynum has a nice repertoire of offensive moves.

He has a smooth, still developing offensive game.

Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard is a more physical, low-post offensive player.

His game is about dunking.

On the surface, it appears as if Bynum has a more advanced offensive game than Howard, who is generally considered the best center in the NBA.

Lakers Coach Phil Jackson, however, doesn't put much stock in that theory.

"It's a difference in just their physical makeup," said Jackson, who gave his team Saturday off. "I think 'Drew has great hands, great shooting touch, [but] doesn't have that strength and quickness that Howard has, that physical makeup."

Bynum and Howard test their skills against each other when the Lakers host the Magic at Staples Center on Monday.

It'll be the first time the two teams will have played against each other since the Lakers defeated the Magic in the NBA Finals in five games.

Bynum is 7 feet, 285 pounds and has started to develop his body.

Howard is a muscled 6-11, 265-pound physical wonder who is very athletic.

Bynum has a nice jump shot up to 15 feet, and he has learned to use both of his hands. He runs the court, has gotten better in the low post and has become adept at spinning off his defender to catch lob passes for dunks.

Howard has a nice little running hook from the left and right sides and dunks with power. He also runs the court.

Still, Howard averages 16.8 points per game, the sixth-best scorer among centers. Bynum averages 15.8 points, seventh-best among centers.

Howard leads all centers and the NBA in rebounds at 13.1 a game; Bynum is 13th at 8.4. Howard leads all centers and the NBA in blocked shots at 2.48; Bynum is 11th at 1.63 per game.

Howard has 28 double-doubles to lead all centers and is tied for the league lead. Bynum has 12 for 11th-best.

"They use their particular characteristics to their advantage to play basketball right now," Jackson said. "They are just different.

"I think that Andrew felt he didn't get a good shake in the playoffs last year," Jackson said. "He was in foul trouble a lot in the early parts of the game.

"Reacting to that speed and quickness and strength that Howard has, I thought he was a little bit late and it put him in jeopardy as the course of the game went on. I think he'll look forward to that [game Monday]."

Fisher stands tall

In the eyes of Jackson, Derek Fisher had the biggest impact during Friday night's game against the Clippers.

And it was not just Fisher's statistics, which were modest, yet important.

Fisher had just four points and played just 19 minutes. But Fisher collected a career-high eight rebounds, which also led the team, and he had a team-high six assists.

What impressed Jackson the most about Fisher was the way he stood up for his teammates against Clippers guard Baron Davis.

Davis was trapped by Fisher and Pau Gasol in front of the Lakers' bench when he began throwing elbows.

Davis connected with an elbow to Gasol's shoulder.

Fisher quickly got into the face of Davis, both of them barking, both getting a technical foul.

"The game ball went to Fish, actually, to be honest with you," Jackson said. "He had eight rebounds and led us in rebounding and a career high . . .

"The little brouhaha he had with Davis, I thought that was what we had to have. Rather than let Davis muscle our guards around, I thought we needed someone to stand up to him."

Three-point skills?

The three-pointer Josh Powell made at the end of the first half against the Clippers shouldn't come as a surprise.

Powell worked all summer on his three-point shooting, encouraged to do so by Kobe Bryant.

For the season, Powell, a 6-9 power forward, has made six of 14 (42.9%) of his three-pointers.

"I was particularly pleased that Josh Powell at the end of the first half had made a three," Jackson said. "People kind of wonder why he's out there. He is a legitimate three-point shooter and we know that. He can end quarters or halves in a way that he is an advantage."

KB8, LTB, and all the other charger fans,
, we all in the same boat again......suck to go out like both of our teams went out today

It'll be greater later, now let's go get this repeat

Ohh and LTB its more than likey that the person clownin you in the game thread is lilstar, dude prolly has a plethora of S/N's
I've become desensitized to the choking. It's become normal to me now.

I'm just getting ready for when this dude Dean Spanos pulls a Brooklyn Dodgers on San Diego.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

I've become desensitized to the choking. It's become normal to me now.

I'm just getting ready for when this dude Dean Spanos pulls a Brooklyn Dodgers on San Diego.

--I feel the same Den.
--Lets hope our Lakers stay healthy. Cuz if they do, they will not let us down like the Chargers do.
I know i'm probably gonna get flamed but...... ... .... I always thought we should trade for someone like Raja Bell.

*exits thread*

You come back here right now and explain yourself!

Raja Bell, the nerve of this guy.

Sasha for Raja Bell. Do it Mitch.
Wellllllll.... I normally wouldn't have came back... .... .. but your last statement changed my mind.

That's what I actually wanted. Sasha for Raja.
Man, I forgot how much I hated Raja. He really, really got on my nerves.

But if he's even halfway productive, I'm completely for it. I'm sure he and Kobe would end up being good buds after a week.
Nah i'm pretty sure those 2 have mad respect for eachother... we all know Kobe loves challenges. Can you imagine how practice would be?

But other than that. Raja can create his own shot, knock down the open 3 and play good defense... annddd he's dirty? Bruce Bowen type of player.
well the bucks are gonna sign stackhouse so...................hmm raja bell? how far off is he from coming back?
This thread is
right now with the last comments.

Maybe we can also lure and bring Bruce Bowen & Bobby Jackson out of retirement to help the bench

(Insert sarcasm) Heck Mark "Mad Dog" Madsen is still in the league lets trade Andrew Bynum for him since Drew shows no heart & plays with nofire. Mad dog is known for hustling, playing with heart, and fire not like Bynum. Besides we need him for his dancing skills at Laker victory parades &rally's .
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

I've become desensitized to the choking. It's become normal to me now.

I'm just getting ready for when this dude Dean Spanos pulls a Brooklyn Dodgers on San Diego.
Wouldn't the better comparison here be with Art Modell & the OG Cleveland Browns aka now Baltimore Ravens.

The situation of these 2 franchises are so similar. Art Modell for years wanted a new stadium for the Browns and had no luck and that's the main reason whythey left and ended up winning a Championship in Baltimore a few years later. Chargers right now are in the same situation where for years they tried basicallyeverywhere in SD county from Chula Vista, Oceanside, downtown SD, mission valley. The Spanos family for years has stuck to the same story telling everyone inSD they want to remain in SD but if the struggle continues on finding a site for a new stadium in SD continues and that stadium gets built in the city ofindustry I wouldn't be shocked if the Spanos family pulls a Art Modell and moves the team to LA, and to make matters worse only to see the Chargersfinally win a championship while in LA.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

But other than that. Raja can create his own shot,
By create his own shot do you mean stand in the corner and wait for the other 9 guys to forget he's out there?

Raja couldn't create a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.
@ the damn Chargers.

You my dude KB8 but ever since Bum Keading did that !%@$ to ya'll a couple years ago vs the same damn team .... you knew this had to happen

No Laker game on a Sunday = WHACK.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

But other than that. Raja can create his own shot,
By create his own shot do you mean stand in the corner and wait for the other 9 guys to forget he's out there?

Raja couldn't create a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.

I meant as in... I just want Sasha out
... dude hasbeen ghost ever since contract year. It's like he lost all his confidence again.

Just read Shannon Brown IS in the dunk contest

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