**Official Kendrick Lamar Thread 4th Studio Album ''DAMN.''Out Now**

Y'all really don't understand that line? He speaking on gang members being upset when a white person kills a black man, but then they turn around and kill a black man because of a flag. That's legit criticism.
Feel like k dot gonna rustle lot of jimmies with this record. I know its deep and ain't nothing new being said, but it's definitely gonna hit some industry people.
Y'all really don't understand that line? He speaking on gang members being upset when a white person kills a black man, but then they turn around and kill a black man because of a flag. That's legit criticism.

I'm not going to get too deep into it but what he did is the equivalent of people bringing up black on black crime statistics when defending Zimmerman and/or Darren Wilson.
Y'all really don't understand that line? He speaking on gang members being upset when a white person kills a black man, but then they turn around and kill a black man because of a flag. That's legit criticism.
no it's not 
Y'all really don't understand that line? He speaking on gang members being upset when a white person kills a black man, but then they turn around and kill a black man because of a flag. That's legit criticism.
Eh, if that's the case, it sounds like him reiterating his Ferguson comments.
police brutality and black on black crime are not mutually exclusive this is why people have a problem when he says things like that
Y'all really don't understand that line? He speaking on gang members being upset when a white person kills a black man, but then they turn around and kill a black man because of a flag. That's legit criticism.

no it's not.

When gang members kill people they go to jail.
I feel what y'all are saying. Imo what he is saying is not comparable to basically "white people" bringing up black on black crime. Those people used black on black crime as an excuse as to why Zimmerman/Wilson shouldn't be prosecuted. While Kendrick is speaking to gang members saying you can't pretend to be outraged while you out here killing black people for stupid reasons. (Basically trying to convince them to stop) which is why he called them hypocrites. But how we comparing Kendrick's comments (a dude who grew up in that environment) to dudes on cnn/fox who know nothing about that environment. As a black dude from LA, I agree with him regarding gang members. Anyway, this is not the thread for that.
People are outraged because Zimmerman/Wilson/Garner killer GOT OFF

gang member kill somebody they're going straight to jail and not skating any charges ....if Wilson was indicted there never would've been a riot in Ferguson. Violence always happen in lower socioeconomic areas also regardless of race 
My dude...He's not talking about me and you and every other person that's rightfully outraged. We not out here in the streets killing dudes. He talking to the dudes who in the daytime say they are outraged because a white guy got away with killing a black man. But then at night, they might be that black man who kills another black man. And for what? Cause he lived on the wrong block? You thought he was from the hood because he was visiting his grandma who still lives in "your" neighborhood? Regardless if he gets caught and go to jail. Fyi... we all know that they don't always get caught.
I'm not black but he should hit home with this one. Especially that Trayvon line, it can be used universally, weeping when another race killed yours but when your own race killed yours, it get no time of the day. Ouch
Look at the conversation this song sparked...

...mission accomplished.

He on his "Strictly 4 My N ****z"...

...I was actually listening to Migos before I peeped this **** came out and turned it on...

...**** make me wanna delete them Ns.
My dude...He's not talking about me and you and every other person that's rightfully outraged. We not out here in the streets killing dudes. He talking to the dudes who in the daytime say they are outraged because a white guy got away with killing a black man. But then at night, they might be that black man who kills another black man. And for what? Cause he lived on the wrong block? You thought he was from the hood because he was visiting his grandma who still lives in "your" neighborhood? Regardless if he gets caught and go to jail. Fyi... we all know that they don't always get caught.
I can understand his point when he's talking directly to those type of dudes and he's speaking on a personal level... That makes sense

It just came off odd because 98% of people asking for justice in Trayvon's situation weren't gang members and murderers.

but if that's the demographic he choose to call out I won't knock him for it
This is what I've wanted to hear from this guy. He straight killed it on this track. Now don't wait too long to drop the album or at least give us a firm date. This is what we've needed in the rap game to shake things up again.
I feel what y'all are saying. Imo what he is saying is not comparable to basically "white people" bringing up black on black crime. Those people used black on black crime as an excuse as to why Zimmerman/Wilson shouldn't be prosecuted. While Kendrick is speaking to gang members saying you can't pretend to be outraged while you out here killing black people for stupid reasons. (Basically trying to convince them to stop) which is why he called them hypocrites. But how we comparing Kendrick's comments (a dude who grew up in that environment) to dudes on cnn/fox who know nothing about that environment. As a black dude from LA, I agree with him regarding gang members. Anyway, this is not the thread for that.
Gang violence is a function of poverty.
Police brutality and mass incarceration exist as apart of a massive system of injustice.

I see nothing hypocritical about gang member lamenting the death of Trayvon Martin.
Kendrick comin through with a plethora of thought provoking lyrics :x :pimp:
This discussions a perfect example of that :pimp:
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All Hail. 
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