Hov keep gettin' that dinero, got it
Even if a ***** gotta Robert, get it?

Joint gets better with every spin
suprised alot of people ain't feeling this album. i think it's the best piece of work we got from Jay in a long time. he's the King Of New York as of right now.

dudes cant let it go, i mean theres a dude mentioning lilb, cats hyping kanye troll rock album just a bunch of losers who aint really about the culture, point blank period this is a hip hop album at its purist

BEATS RHYMES AND HOOKS. you loser types can get your panties wet once drake drops.
Really? .so if we go by that metric j cole hotter then

Kanye west right now...and i know u ain't cosignin


At the moment, as blasphemous as it seems... maybe Cole is? We're not talking talent here, because I wouldn't even really call that a competition. But maybe the people have spoken, and Cole is... this hurts to repeat... "hotter" than Kanye right now.

At the end of the day though, if we're not using something as a foundation, like album sales, then "hotness" would just come down to personal opinion and location.

MCHG is the first album since the Black Album that really enjoyed

I feel the Samsung deal really allowed Jay to make the sort of album he wanted

No single, no radio, no bs.
I don't mean to sound like a jerk or attack you, but what do you mean Samsung allowed him to make this album his way?

at this point in jays career, hes got enough pull and $ to release an album any way he wants. its about making more $ for J of course.

its real shady this whole Samsung deal. access to my fb and/or twitter, make posts on my behalf and follow new people. wtf ?
I honestly dont feel this album like everyone else. Ive listened to it twice now. I want to like it so bad lol. Maybe i need to take it to my whip so the bass can flourish like people keep telling me, but at that rate...doesnt that just mean i like the beats? im just uninspired listening to it. it just doesnt grab my attention. imo the best tracks were tom ford and crown, and i typically dont like songs like that. i dunno, id give this album a weak 7/10. comparing it to yeezus is pointless.. yeezus is the worst body of work I've heard in years. But it seems in todays world, if your album has 3-4 good songs on it...its a good album. I dont believe that. I still think Kendrick has album of the year.
I listened to some of Hudson Mohawke's stuff.

It's really good, but >D

His comments made me expect something a lot more risky.

I still say he's just bitter.

I'm a big fan, but I don't see how he can say that album could have been made 10 years ago.
WTF is he talking about?
What did Kurt Cobain stand for?

Is this a serious question? Do you really know nothing about Nirvana and Cobain?
I dont, not a single thing. Please enlighten me, and I'm being serious.

:lol: At the A$AP French Montana thing again.

I'm getting up tomorrow and going to BB first thing to snag a copy and if it isnt there like Deuce King said earlier then I'm going to be mad 

Let me know what the outcome is at Best Buy champ.
Was expecting a Willow Smith feat. on La Familia 
Is this a serious question? Do you really know nothing about Nirvana and Cobain?

I know exactly who he is, but that's not answering my question.

I'm wondering how a dude who offed himself with a wife and young daughter could stand for something. Is he supposed to get respect from me?
I cant find a damn link -_- theyre all down. Can anybody PLEASE pm me with some info?
I went to a Wu-Tang concert last night (all members present) and as i listen to this MCHG again this morning, the FUTW beat stays giving me Wu-Tang flashbacks.... A total Wu-tang camp beat :nerd:
Ever since Kendrick dropped, I havent been able to listen to,music the same. This **** is soo boring compared to gkmc. Jay still got it without a doubt,but at this point im tired of hearing him.
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