Tired of this slow burn to Brody. The lack of his introduction is actually pissing me off. I get the set up but c'mon we've all seen Carrie suffer with her disease enough already.

I really don't give any dambs about the daughter. It just gets amplified now :smh:
Wow, Saul really dressed down the new analyst down. All kind of HR issues with what he said. :x :smh: :lol: Got the ball rolling though.

I liked the episode season 3 so far. I wasn't sure how he was going to evolve but I like Quinn.
Is that sex scene with the daughter really necessary. Couldn't they just imply it.

Just because how young she looks. Is it even legal
Actually, I didn't like sex scene either. I watched the episode 30 mins late (was DVRing the show). I ended up fast forwarded through that part. They really should have implied it.

I'm a little tired of seeing Carrie going manic but Claire is displaying some great acting skills playing her. That last scene where Saul comes to visit her & she's medically subdued but the manicness in her eyes is still there. That's tough to do.
Wow, Saul really dressed down the new analyst down. All kind of HR issues with what he said. :x :smh: :lol: Got the ball rolling though.

I liked the episode season 3 so far. I wasn't sure how he was going to evolve but I like Quinn.

Saul brought that motivational ether
I hope Quinn does go ham for the betterment of good this season.

Yeah Saul did bring that ether with that "You wearing that thing on your head is one big ****- to the people that would have been your coworkers if they hadn't perished in that blast right out there."

That poor girl was left to tears & to cry by herself... Looking on IMDB, she's signed on for 5 episodes this season as the CIA caseworker. She found everything too.

Looks like preview showed Brody. Not sure how much we'll see him this season.
Brodie's wife is so damn fine. 

Saul did Carrie so dirty. That ***** is level 12 bat **** crazy tho. 
This season is horrific so far.  I could have sworn, but didn't we already have a season where Carrie was thought to be crazy and she proved everyone wrong?  C'mon.

Happy to see Quinn taking a major role, the intimidation scene was the best this season by far.  I'm hoping Saul is onto something huge and this season picks up quickly, but as of now it's ho hum.  Eastbound and Down is filling the void though 
If you read between the lines of what Saul and Quinn said to Carrie.. I think its obvious, someone is going to try to off her. I think Saul did what he did, to keep her in a place that has eyes on her.
Carrie's got too much family around to just be offed by the CIA... That'd be a terrible plan with how much her sister and dad know.
This season is horrific so far.  I could have sworn, but didn't we already have a season where Carrie was thought to be crazy and she proved everyone wrong?  C'mon.

Happy to see Quinn taking a major role, the intimidation scene was the best this season by far.  I'm hoping Saul is onto something huge and this season picks up quickly, but as of now it's ho hum.  Eastbound and Down is filling the void though :lol:
Well this is completely different, since they threw her in there just to keep her away from the outside world, last time it was actually for her health.
But I agree, so far this season is very slow and underwhelming. 2 episodes in and we haven't seen what Brody is doing yet, outside of previews. I understand his family can't just disappear but do we really need to see so much of them now that he is completely MIA. But I guess without Brody they need somewhere to focus, I just wish it wasn't there.
Bro I had a hard time of thinking of Chris' name for a minute...

Dudes such a background character compared to Dana.

Also I'm pretty sure hes supposed to be gay.  Dude's attached to his mother at the hip.
haha yea i thought it was chris but wasnt sure cuz he never has more than like two lines....such a waste, he doesnt need to be in the show at all
all Chris says is "she's OK" or "leave her alone" wonder how much he gets paid per episode 
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