Heading into this season, I think its been made-public that this season was gonna slow-down a bit... so no surprise.  

With that in mind, I'm still intrigued... good story-telling doesn't need a lot of action... hopefully, these are good story-tellers.

I don't like Dana's storyline, but I get it... she was close to her dad, who turned out to be a traitor... that's gotta do a crazy number on you.  Chris is taking it... well... but then again I guess he never really knew his dad. 

A big 180 for Quinn... the moral conscience of the show so far?
just to get it correct, Carrie still doesn't know what Brody had to do to let her free from Abu right? The whole pacemaker thing. :nerd:
just to get it correct, Carrie still doesn't know what Brody had to do to let her free from Abu right? The whole pacemaker thing.
I thought she did? I could be wrong though. 
Cosign everything about Dana.

She's a teenager. She knows nothing. Can we just move onto where the real **** is, like the damn CIA? :smh:
just to get it correct, Carrie still doesn't know what Brody had to do to let her free from Abu right? The whole pacemaker thing. :nerd:
She knows, she was right next to Nazir when he told Brody to get the code, and I think she even told him not to do it when she talked to him on the phone. Maybe she didn't get the phone and she was just yelling trying to get Nazir to hear her. Either way she knows, but never told anyone because she doesn't want Brody going to jail.
That chick taking care of Brody :pimp:

Found her pretty cute

edit: Just finished the episode.. Brody in some hell, same with Carrie.
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This was an excellent ep.

Great comparison and parallel with Brody and Carrie. Pretty clear what they were doing there. I think Carrie got it worse since it'll always be her problem even if she gets out. Her obsession with Saul is becoming a problem though, although I can't even tell if she's right about the doctors reporting back to the CIA.

I can understand where Brody is now but I have it in my mind he'll finally put his training under use and be a one man seal team 6 and start killing the ppl that set him up to be a fugitive. I can be patient though cuz I know his current situation can't last a whole season unless some real compelling **** starts happening.

Hope for more eps like this.
Season has been horrible so far.  First, way too much Dana.  And now all this psycho Carrie crap.  And now their trying to make Brodie a junkie.  This season needs to pick up quick or its gonna down fast.  I thought they rushed alot of stuff in two seasons and now their trying to make a totally new story. 
My son Brody on that H though :smh:

Also how creepy is that guy that keeps showing up with the little boy dropping mad philosophical **** on Brody? I'm not even sure if he's real
What did yall expect coming in to this season? Not attacking yall complaints, just wondering.

In many ways the end of S2 was the end of Act 1. I kind of saw some sort of restart in story to begin with simply cuz it wasn't like Saul was just gonna bring Carrie back in after the attack and Brody would just have a fairly exciting time evading capture even with help.

I do agree too much Dana crap to start the season (especially since I thought they'd be a bit well off cuz I was thinking Brody's former friend was gonna scoop the moms up and move the family somewhere else) and that they weren't a great way to start but crazy Carrie is par for the course and a Senate committee investigation is only common sense.
The third episode had some drama. The new girl working with Saul is nice looking Farrah as is the Esme the guys daughter. At least Carrie is being released in the next episode. Damn both of them are torn to pieces.

Brody looking like Bruce Willis. I like that he's being held captive/protected because what else could he be doing he cant be wandering about he's already wanted dead or alive with that huge reward.

Also did Mike die? They havent shown him at all did he die in the explosion?
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Damn Brody, you could've been chillin and smashing Esme all day, and you had to go and do too much
Brody thought Muslims still had love for him :lol:

:wow: at how scorpion neck and his people washed everybody on sight, with shotguns no less. Where the **** did Carrie find these guys? :lol:
Finally caught up.

But the thread title was on some a-hole ****.

Ruined it for me. Totally expected something big at the end of s2. Why would you write that ****? Id understand if it was in here. But it scrolls freely out there in general.
Producers have said that this season's gonna be slower than previous ones, so you better get used to it. 

Sure, the pacing's been slower, but I've enjoyed it so far.  Episode 3 was great... like the parallels between Carrie and Brodie... lol @ the creepy doc  with the kid... 

And this mysterious lawyer??? 

Oh and Martina Garcia
Brody looking like Bruce Willis. I like that he's being held captive/protected because what else could he be doing he cant be wandering about he's already wanted dead or alive with that huge reward.
I said it before, I want dude to hunt down that terrorist cell that screwed him over. I think it'd be really cool.

I know this aint no action show but I need to see dude show off his training. He been getting by like a ghost in his kills. Even his partner that also got turned put his skills to work.
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