Official HBO's The Newsroom Thread Vol: Season 3


Uh... no offense but have you watched the news in the last year? :rofl:

But yeah, Its all real

in all honesty... no i do not (if you count the daily show and the colbert report [and even then i rarely watch that]) :smh:
only the big things catch my ear.. the colorado shooting is the only thing i have paid attention too in probably a looooong time :\
Was this thread a joke before? :nerd:

I've been watching out of morbid curiosity since the beginning, but from Emily Mortimer ruining as many scenes as she can manage to Allison Pill's annoying character, the bad pacing, off-tone direction, unlikeable characters, stacking monologue after monologue, wacky over indulgence in the characters' personal lives above the news, actors getting buried by Sorkin dialogue, leaps of faith in news gathering that pulled you out of the narrative, Emily Mortimer being British, thus defeating the purpose of the ideal the show is setting regardless of that speech on why she's American, principles and themes executed so smarm-ily that the show was a parody of itself to moments of clarity and the show reaching its potential (almost always the actual news report) that'd only serve to let you down when it got back to what the show really was... :smh: All of that. It got to the point where frozen face Olivia Munn was the best realized female character/actress on the show. How is that possible?

I stayed away from the thread cuz none of that seemed to disappoint or annoy any of you.

Anyways, all that said...I just finished Sunday's episode and that was the best of the series, easily. That was good beginning to end. That was smart, driven, focused, cohesive...Emily Mortimer wasnt bad. Jim, Maggie, Don...their little adventures were good. None of those hammy, unfunny, plot killing, wastes of time. They flowed into the story, fit with the story's motifs and narrative. They were actually good. This felt like good West Wing. No one acting above their head or trying to make their personal problems more important than the big issues. And the news was so well handled...Glass-Steagall, the riots, unions in television, the Wisconsin teacher protests, supreme court bribery and the Koch bros, they handled so much well.

That last episode was what i hoped this show would be from the beginning, down to that ether on what a real journalist is. That was awesome, I hope they don't go back to what they were in the first 4 episodes. I'm just gonna consider this the new first episode. Just my opinion.
That last episode was what i hoped this show would be from the beginning, down to that ether on what a real journalist is. That was awesome, I hope they don't go back to what they were in the first 4 episodes. I'm just gonna consider this the new first episode. Just my opinion.
I think you're on an island with that opinion. This show has been great since the jump.
Didnt think I would be a fan of this show but still decided to give it try. Was intrigued after Will's rant at the college in the first episode and ended up watching all five in two days. Im hooked now lol, very good show.
That last episode was what i hoped this show would be from the beginning, down to that ether on what a real journalist is. That was awesome, I hope they don't go back to what they were in the first 4 episodes. I'm just gonna consider this the new first episode. Just my opinion.
I think you're on an island with that opinion. This show has been great since the jump.
I don't think so. It hasn't gotten that much praise from the critics and a lot of his points are common complaints and pretty fair.
The sheer amount of wit and "inside jokes" in the writing is incredible.

I really enjoy it. Sometimes the dialogue feels forced but for the most part its just natural and funny.

like when she tells Will "we're back in 30 try not to date anyone" and he comes right back at her and she goes

"he got the better of that exchange..." i busted out laughing. great show so far - can't wait to see the Osama episode....

Anyone here work in news/journalism and enjoy this show?
The sheer amount of wit and "inside jokes" in the writing is incredible.
I really enjoy it. Sometimes the dialogue feels forced but for the most part its just natural and funny.

like when she tells Will "we're back in 30 try not to date anyone" and he comes right back at her and she goes

"he got the better of that exchange..." i busted out laughing. great show so far - can't wait to see the Osama episode....

Anyone here work in news/journalism and enjoy this show?
Apparently the bad ratings were from people with that vested interest. They said it was too harsh or whatever. Dan Rather said he liked it because it was pretty accurate and speculated that others might not like having to "look in the mirror"

So I'm guessing it might be fairly accurate.

Plus, some of the stories i've heard from newsrooms kinda rival this stuff. 
Greeaaaatt sequence between Will and his guest. Very well done. Show's still getting better. lulz at Terry Crews.
Just gets better...and better...

Shout out to Terry Crews. That dude has come a long way.
When Will told McKenzie to, "dress up like a tailback then he won't lay a finger on you." :lol:

I've never heard of Olivia Munn until this show came on. Needless to say, I'm a fan.

The Osama episode looks amazing though. Can't wait for next week.
When Will told McKenzie to, "dress up like a tailback then he won't lay a finger on you." :lol:

I've never heard of Olivia Munn until this show came on. Needless to say, I'm a fan.

The Osama episode looks amazing though. Can't wait for next week.


Her speaking Japanese was so :pimp: she has come a long way to, shout out to Terry Crews too.
If you told me that Olivia Munn was going to be the best female actress on the show I would have never believed you, but the other two main females are cringeworthy at times. Still digging the show, last two episodes have been solid
A gay Black Republican from Philadelphia that supports Rick Santorum?

Other than that, I enjoyed this episode.

:wow: :evil:
shame shes a size queen

great ep once again :pimp:
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