Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Let me be clear this is still my favorite show ever and I still put it up there against any other show.

And I'm not even mad with the Dany heel turn or anything bigger picture wise as far as the major characters

But dawg they literally got lazy with what made this show great and figured if they threw enough dragons and battles at us no one will care.

Alot folks saying this show has auxked after they ran out of book material and that's ********.

Everything they did off book was legit until they decided to wrap this **** up to go make Star Wars and a show about the South winning the Civil War.

Arya and Tywin was dope, the Night King was dope and numerous other things off books were executed flawlessly so I you can't blame the lack of book material.

These dudes got rich and lazy and should have quit the show after season 5.
How would she know that? She ain’t ever been inside KL?

That’s the whole point of “mad queen”.. destroying the city and all of the innocent with it. She doesn’t care. Even if she knew exactly where Cersei was, she still would have burned that whole city down.
The mad queen Varys and Tyrion feared was her killing people just to get to Cersie, but instead she wasn't trying to get to Cersie at all. As far as how does she know? She looked right at the castle before she got all emotional.
That one scene of the shadow of the dragon over Kings landing was straight from the House of Undying scene

Nah that was a Bran vision. House of the Undying had the throne room ceiling destroyed most likely by dragonfire with snow covering the ground. Most people thought it would be dragons fighting the White Walkers in King's Landing. But then Bran's vision showed the dragon shadow over KL withouy any snow. That's prolly when they figured that Arya would kill the Night King at Winterfell.
Let me be clear this is still my favorite show ever and I still put it up there against any other show.

And I'm not even mad with the Dany heel turn or anything bigger picture wise as far as the major characters

But dawg they literally got lazy with what made this show great and figured if they threw enough dragons and battles at us no one will care.

Alot folks saying this show has auxked after they ran out of book material and that's bull****.

Everything they did off book was legit until they decided to wrap this **** up to go make Star Wars and a show about the South winning the Civil War.

Arya and Tywin was dope, the Night King was dope and numerous other things off books were executed flawlessly so I you can't blame the lack of book material.

These dudes got rich and lazy and should have quit the show after season 5.
I think this is it.

They got bigger bags waiting for them so they just wanted to wrap this **** up and get to them.
Nowww you finally seeing whats up. After all that defending :lol:

Oh I’ll still defend it against anyone saying DEXTER was better than this. Y’all just don’t talk about the other parts of the show besides your theories being wrong or leaks. Visuals have been on point, the acting has been on point and the scores have been on point. But folks would rather complain about the writers over and over and over like something is gonna change in 1 episode. Like I said initially, they weren’t going the prophecy route and it’s fine. We’ll get that side whenever the books drop which might be a decade from now if GRRM keeps it up
Nah that was a Bran vision. House of the Undying had the throne room ceiling destroyed most likely by dragonfire with snow covering the ground. Most people thought it would be dragons fighting the White Walkers in King's Landing. But then Bran's vision showed the dragon shadow over KL withouy any snow. That's prolly when they figured that Arya would kill the Night King at Winterfell.
Damn I’m hella gettin my visions mixed up :lol:

Props for that.
I don't think most people have an issue with what is happening, but how it is being presented.

Everything is rushed, so there is no building up to things. When it happened it is just, so yeah remember they hinted at it one time back in the day.

Then other **** is just thrown out the window, then you get stupid **** like "oh look, a white horse", and people teleporting everywhere.

Like the Star Wars Prequels was a great story, but they way it was presented was trash.

I am still enjoying the show but as is devolves deeper into more spectacle rather than story, I can help but be like "meh"

Nailed it, they’ve ditched the storytelling for visual was legit overkill to see a dragon destroy a city full of innocent women and children
I honestly feel bad for the actors who’ve put over a decade into their characters and to read the scripts for this season and having to roll with it.
Showing the dragons burning the city and innocent people every 30 seconds didn’t do it for you?
Guess I have to repeat myself

Yes. Cuz I didn't see Dany. I saw the dragon spamming fire.

If you want to commit to Dany going mad you have to commit to the heel turn. You have to have her display that madness.

They completely ****ed up turning Dany in this fashion.

****ing Zack Snyder did a better job of this in Man of Steel.

This is a character driven show. You want me to buy Dany snapped and decided to kill the citizens of KL you have to show that process.

They showed her face when she started and we aint see it again. Same Dany was freeing slaves and helping children is now burning women and children alive cuz? They killed Missandei? She only has fear? Nobody likes her?

What happened to the writing.
I just hope to see a convo next week with Dany explaining herself, that’s all. We still know how it’s gonna end for her but she still needs to explain her reasoning. I don’t want to rely on a post episode behind the scenes to fill that in
Nailed it, they’ve ditched the storytelling for visual was legit overkill to see a dragon destroy a city full of innocent women and children


People say this show lost its balls. It got soft. It’s weak now.

I think they hinted at and built (whether well or poorly, either way) Dany to be the mad queen. She finally did, and y’all saying it was too much.

The show was known for being relentless. That’s what lead me to it and kept me here. The unknowing “for sure” what would happen or how.
While I’m in the moment and agree with that, there’s probably already hour+ long videos uploading on YouTube about all the scenes throughout the seasons that foreshadowed this.

People just repeating what they think the consensus is. Nothing new.
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